Adonai, The Spirit
A wind whose direction cannot be
gauged with a wind vane
Unpredictable in its patterns and
Infused with unquantifiable energy
resulting in a gust so terrifying
Trees with roots so strong and deep
are uprooted
Treasures so buried within the crust
are unearthed
The wind is the king on the sea --
better pray to have it on your side
while sailing
The wind cleanses, heralds, dictates,
and corrects situations
He is the wind
He is Holy Spirit.
Fire burns in varying degrees of intensity
The men of valor couldn't withstand its
heat when its captured essence was
stirred up seven times in the furnace
Fire dances along its paths exuding
heat and light, bringing chaos and
shattering the human order
Its shape flickers on a candle inviting to
a child to touch
It licks and cleanses all things in a
refined manner pleasant to its will as
Elijah would testify
Like the earth core with immense heat
that keeps the workings of the tectonic
plates in check, it broods and maintains
It melds solid items with far extreme
divergent properties
Yet, it easily pierces and splits seemingly
indivisible items
He is fire
He is the Holy Spirit.
In Him is no shadow of turning
In Him are all the spectrums of light
dwelling -- from the strongest gamma
rays to the least radio waves
While physics shows that the frequency
and wavelength of the spectrum light
are indirectly proportional, but for him
both are in consonance in the same
direction --his frequncy is high, and
so are his wavelength and propagating
When light comes on, darkness naturally
logs off
He brooded over the earth during
recreation and the reign of darkness halted
Let there be light, and there was light!
He is light
He is the Holy Spirit.
To those redeemed by the lamb he
dwells within
Guiding them in the directions of life
if yielded to
Calming their nerves in their troubled
Leading them from the bank to the
middle of the river of life
By his presence, eternal life has been
imparted to their spirits
He is love
He is a person
He is the Spirit of God.
John 14:26 NIV
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom
the Father will send in my name, will
teach you all things and will remind you
of everything I have said to you.
Do you want to know the Advocate?
Simply invite Jesus today. Come as you are!
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