A Special Invitation
Sometimes the Lord establishes a pattern for you as a minister when it comes to taking territories and establishing His will
You must be sensitive to this pattern
It is not always that we are led by a voice or vision, sometimes being moved by the Spirit we can be led to replicate a pattern over and over again
My first invitation to minister at a church outside of the one where I used to fellowship was in 2014
At that time, I had little or no experience as to how God leads a minister to establish His will and purpose
I just went to the church and preached!
It was a good sermon but it had little or no measurable impact
I still remember the church as I type this
It is located in Mowe, Ogun State.
Weeks after that ministration, I felt something was missing
I went to the Lord in prayer and asked for another chance to do better
The Lord asked me to study and take to heart the things that I must learn in order to grow
I did
In 2019, five years later, I got another invitation to minister at a youth convention in another state
This time, I went prepared
The glory of Zion showed forth in that ministration.
The demonstration of the power of God was so real that all the pastors and deacons of the church who were not filled with the Holy Spirit began to pray in tongues
I immediately instructed them on how to heal the sick and walk in the supernatural
They practiced and saw the result
The General Overseer of the church took me as a son from that moment
A lot of lives were transformed
My result in my walk with Christ became very evident
I noted the change in approach as it became a pattern
I had swapped “Preaching” for “Teaching”
And turned Nepios to Teknons
It was very satisfying
This became a pattern I replicated in my ministrations as led by the Holy Spirit
The churches I went to for ministrations were not only blessed by my walk, they also became equipped to do greater works
I ask ministers to please note this
Equip the saints!
The news of the acts of His power spread rapidly
Other invitations followed
I stuck with the same pattern, even when the minister that invited me felt the approach would make people stop coming to them for prayers
I “set aside” their concerns by reminding them that healing the sick and demonstrating the power of God through miracles, signs, and wonders is for all believers and not only the ministers
The second pattern is in taking territories
People ask me how GSWMI grew to become a global ministry in four years
Yes, it is by the power of the Holy Spirit
It is also by paying attention to the little details
One day, the Lord said to me
Go to Abuja and start a fellowship
I had been to Abuja at the invitation of individuals before then and I would usually use the opportunity to have a “Hang Out” at my hotel reception
This hang out would usually be announced on Social media, some followers would come around and I would pray with them one by one
It was unstructured and it was not a service.
I had no idea how to start a fellowship in Abuja
I had never been invited to minister at a church service in Abuja
And I didn’t have any affiliations with any ministry there
A day after this instruction, I saw on Facebook, a Christian brother who announced that he had been invited to minister in Abuja at the program of one of his friends
I reached out to this brother
I said, “Can I tag along?
The brother said, “I can’t ask this person to pay for your accommodation, feeding, transportation, welfare and honorarium”
I said, “I don’t do honorariums and I prefer to take care of my own welfare and transportation for ministrations”
He said he would talk to his friend and he did
I was granted permission to tag along
We got to Abuja, and my friend asked me what I would be speaking on (I was given 15 minutes to minister)
I smiled and said, “Don’t worry sir, I came to dispense the power of the Holy Spirit” and that was all I did
I sang in the spirit throughout
That fifteen minutes “GSW in Abuja” is still blessing people on YouTube till tomorrow
The demonstration of the power of God in that meeting was amazing and I didn’t preach at all or even minister through the laying on of hands
The fifteen minutes changed a lot of things
Within a week, the Abuja fellowship took off
Then I was invited to Ughelli, in Delta state
Again, I paid my way
It was a students fellowship
This time I preached and ministered
The ministration birthed a ministry that is still thriving in the Lord (Flaming Network International)
It was effortless
I was invited to Ghana to minister at an event organized by the Hospital Ministry
Again I paid my way and the ministration at various hospitals was powerful
GSWMI Ghana took off
Can you see the pattern now?
This same pattern was replicated in Port Harcourt, Benin, Enugu, Ibadan, Kajede, Sokoto, and now it has gone international to the United Kingdom, The United States, Australia, South Africa, etcetera
Instead of waiting for a special invitation to minister or recognition to minister
I simply go where the Lord says to go
I invite myself if need be and I pay my way
The territories automatically become subdued
The third pattern I noticed started as a result of the testimonies from the first two patterns
We get invited to minister in rural communities
“It IS Urgent Reconciliation Ministry”, invited us for their first outing at Alata Village, Ibadan in October 2020
We went and the Glory of God blew the village away
Since then we have been invited to minister in rural communities consistently
Places like Iba, Ishara, Itaogbolu, Lekki, etcetera
The ministry suddenly had missionary outposts all over as a result of this
Again, note the pattern
Obedience bears the fruit of increase
Didn’t Jesus say if we abide in Him he will cause us to bear fruit?
Abiding in Him means staying and doing as He says
Pay attention to how He leads you and be wise to establish that order by His Spirit.
This weekend we will be ministering in Jos for the first time
I am so looking forward to it
If you are in Jos make room to worship with us on Saturday
Our worship experience is unique and the fruits are ever increasing
God bless you
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