Children of the Night

Children of the Night

The children of the night are having a field day, 
promoting what they inherited from their father, 
living the life of darkness in this world
Their ideas, ideologies, mindsets and belief 
systems are not challenged, in fact they are 
given free course to express themselves 
and speak
Was it not on Twitter that they started a 
silhouette challenge?
Was it not on Twitter they did a mammary gland 
display challenge?
Was it not on Twitter they did a moaning 
Was it not here that they displayed and 
celebrated a mother carrying her son’s baby 
with joy?
Jesus said it is the hour of darkness!
The children of the night are thriving in 
their hour
One came out to make a case for pedophiles, 
another has boldly made a case for incest
All sorts of taboos are being touted as right 
in the name of modernism and openeyeism
What can darkness do but be dark?
What can the night produce except mayhem?
The children of the night do not know day, 
they have no understanding of the light for 
it is not in their nature
Some of them even go to church but they 
have not encountered the church
One of the reasons they are inventing new ways
of pleasing their father is because their father 
gets bored easily and he is a hard task master
He hates all men with a venom and has elevated 
things above the human life in every way
In his kingdom, men serve money and men can 
do anything to have money as long as it denigrates
man and debases those around him
In his kingdom gold sits on the throne and man 
is forever on his knees calling it King!
The children of the night are suffering but they 
keep a straight face and drown their misery in 
more acts of the night
Drinking, debauchery, drugs, porn and
Other pleasures of darkness
They speak like they own the world and act 
like they know tomorrow
They even prophesy and they have their 
cult leaders in institutions of learning where 
they formulate ideas that fit with the 
directives of the prince of this world!
Some believers are
easily carried away by the antics of these 
children of darkness
Some even dim their lights so that they can 
belong or act in concert with the children 
of darkness
They don’t want to be a misfit, they don’t 
want to be the odd one out, so they grit 
their teeth and swallow their
Opinions so that the children of darkness 
will not drag them on Twitter.
Jesus knew this, he said the elect might 
be deceived by the drama of the children 
of the night!
We do not know each other by our “humanity” 
or “reasonableness”
The fruit of our lips, (our words in speech
and in writing), the fruit of our deeds 
(what is the testimony of men about us), 
the fruit of our salvation 
(Are we more Christlike everyday), 
the fruit of our faith 
(Is my faith producing the right result), 
the fruit of our love (Is my love nature 
evident to all)
This is how we know the difference between 
the children of the day and the children 
of the night
Someone said “They gave that one a car, 
they gave that one a house, they gave that 
one an award, they give food to the hungry, 
so they must be from God!”
Those are the fruits of self-righteousness!
Bad people do good things all the time 
especially to their own praise in the eye 
of the public
A good image can easily be built in today’s 
“giveaway” culture
If you’re following people promoting taboos 
and debasing humanity and decency in the 
name of ideology and liberality
know that you belong to the camp of the Night
No matter how nicely darkness is packaged 
and presented, it is still darkness
If the Kingdom of God is righteousness, 
peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, it is natural 
to note that depression, debauchery, and 
chaos is the order of the
reality in the kingdom of the damned one
Don’t be carried away by the outward 
appearance, the issues of life flows out 
of the heart
Pay attention to the words and deeds of 
those around you
Sort out light from the darkness
If you be of the light, walk therefore in it!