Dethroning Logic

Dethroning Logic

He remembered the week after his
wife agreed to be his fiance
He told his mother he had found
the person he would spend the
rest of his life with
His mother said "Thank you Jesus!
When can I meet her"
Her mother's response was strange
to his older sisters
It was too easy in their
When they brought home their
spouses, their mother went into a
season of fasting and prayer to be
sure they were not "missing it"
But for him, there was nothing
like that
His three older sisters held several
meetings between them
They felt my mother ought to do due
diligence on his choice of a wife
because one can never be too
They went to their mummy to express
their concern
Their mother listened to them
patiently and said "When did you ever
call me to tell me the Holy Spirit said
This or That?"
The three of you have only a surface
relationship with God
Before you brought home a man, you
had gone to pray in several places in
a bid not to make a mistake
Your sources were external
Prophets, pastors, and seers
Spiritual contractors
You go to church when it is
convenient for you and live as led
by your senses
Your brother was never like that
The day one of you was going to be
involved in an accident, he called
me at 5AM in the morning and told
me to inform that person not to go
anywhere that day
The person defied me and within an
hour I was at the hospital after
receiving an emergency
phone call
The accident happened but glory
be to God, it was minimal
None of you can doubt that God is
with him, so I cannot treat him the
same way I treated you when you
were going to get married"
They heard their mother but they
still had their reservations about
the marriage
The lady he brought home was
way too different from them
She was from another tribe and the
Christian denomination she came
from was extremely orthodox
They felt the two of them were not
How could a tongue talking young
graduate get married to a lady from
an orthodox background?
The doctrine of their church says
they shouldn't marry outside the
Their mother was strict when it was
their turn to comply but she was
suddenly lax when it was his turn
The three of them knew how much
their marriage shook them despite
all the checks they did
before saying "I do"
They decided they had to have a
talk with him as his siblings
They wanted to be sure he knew
what he was doing before he would
cross the Rubicon
They chose a Saturday to address
the issue
Each of her sister and their spouses
were present at the meeting
It was obvious they were determined
to dissuade him from making a
foolish decision
He got to the meeting venue by 10am
His sisters and their husbands began
to talk
They highlighted all the faults of the
lady he was planning to get married to
"Ladies from that tribe are this and that
Members of that denomination are this
and that
They spoke from 10 AM till 1PM
They had moved from diplomacy to
bluntness by that time
They believed he was making a mistake
and would most probably regret
marrying the lady
He listened patiently
When they had exhausted all their
arguments, they waited for his
He said "The Holy Spirit opened my
eyes one day to see my future with
this lady. You can write down the
following to prove it.
-I will marry her on the 2nd of
November this year
We will have two children in Nigeria
and one other child later
life when we are stationed at Wales
Our coming together will be the
beginning of a great turn around in
the fortune of both our families
What the Holy Spirit told me was
as clear as day
I am not marrying for feelings, I am
marrying the person I have been
instructed would fulfill
destiny with me"
By the time he was done the
atmosphere in the room had changed
A strange feeling of remorse and
repentance had engulfed the room
His sisters were in tears, one of them
was on her knees bawling as if she
was being whipped by the Holy Ghost
Her sister's husbands
too were not spared
One of them fell on his knees
whispering "Holy Spirit, I am sorry"
He rose up and blessed them
He told them he understood that they
cared for him, but they grieved him
when they started projecting all
forms of negativity and fear
in order to dissuade him from
doing the will of God
He prayed for them and left.
They supported the marriage with
everything that they had within
their power to give
He got married on the exact date
he told them the marriage will hold
and the marriage was a glorious one
The marriage ushered the family into
a place of enlargement

PS: Their marriage is eleven years
and three months old
They testify that every word God
gave them had come to pass in
their lives and families.
It is best to be moved by the
Holy Spirit as we make our life
decisions rather than common
sense or logic