First of His Kind
I wrote about the Firstborn services being held in churches and how irrelevant they are to the believer who has given his life to Jesus Christ and is full of the Holy Spirit
A pastor responded by quoting the Old Testament passages that talked about children who open the womb and their uniqueness to God in the days of Moses
Well, we are no longer in the days of Moses
We are now in the days of the Holy Spirit
It is like insisting you want to live in 1624 instead of 2024
May we not find ourselves living in the past while in the present
It is a mental condition that you will never wish on your enemy
The Jews held on to the traditions and customs of Moses, they defied Jesus and killed him based on these traditions which they held on to and which did not give them access to eternal life or God
It is ridiculous that someone will claim to be a follower of Jesus who is full of the Holy Spirit and yet base the core of his faith and belief system upon the teachings of Moses
Many believers simply lack the ability to think
We must once again learn the art and science of critical thinking
That a General Overseer or Bishop is doing something does not mean you have to follow such a line of action without considering if it is in line with the gospel
Apostle Paul commended the Berean Christian for not swallowing instructions without examining such through the lens of the gospel
In Christ, there are no firstborns
Jesus is the original firstborn of all the saints
This is why we are not called Children of Jesus
The Bible said he is not ashamed to call us his brethren
Hebrews 2:11 “For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren"
Brethren - a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents.
Jesus was the Son of Man, the first begotten from the dead and therefore the first to resurrect and become the Son of God
Notice the transition
From Son of Man to death to resurrection to Son of God
This is the process by which we all became born-again Christians
We believed in His finished work on the cross, accepted him as our Lord Not God) and saviour and gave our lives to Him
He then presented us to God as his brethren
He didn't even as for the right of the firstborn which the Old Testament gives to the firstborn son, rather he named us joint heirs!
Being Joint heirs means we share with him every inheritance we have received in God through him equally.
This is the gospel
Where then did this nonsense of Special prayer for first born children and Service of Firstborn children and Deliverance of Firstborn children and Special anointing for Firstborn children come from?
Ignorance is a disease.
Once you believe you are a firstborn, you are referring to your earthly and biological birth and not to your placement in the lineage of Jesus Christ
Jesus was the First of His Kind and we are His brethren
The Bible says this is not the way of the believer in the book of John chapter 1
11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
Can you see this?
How then can you be a firstborn when God said the circumstance of your biological birth is of no relevance in the kingdom of God or in the faith?
You cannot be a born-again Christian and live in this truth by the Spirit and claim you are a firstborn
Your number is more likely to be 2,000,000,001 or around that figure if we are counting by the number of saints who have come into Christ since the day of Pentecost
The worst damage such an erroneous mindset, doctrine, custom, practice, or belief system foists on the church is this mindset that firstborn children then have that they must be better than their siblings especially financially
When you pray for them and you say they will not serve their siblings, they are head and they will not be tail, they are the first and they will not be last
Are you saying their younger ones in ch]lass must serve them or they must not be heads or they must not aspire to be the best they should be in life because they were not born first?
We must learn how to think, please...
It is frustrating that I am explaining this to the church and Christians who are learned and seasoned preachers of the gospel
All your children are heads, none of them is tail
All your children have glorious destinies and none of them is lower in destiny than another because he was born last or second to the last
Judah was a fourth son and the sceptre was given to him
David was the last son and the crown was given to him
Samuel was a third son to his father and he became the prophet and kingmaker of Israel
Joseph was the 11th son and he was the one who got the right of the firstborn son from Jacob
Amon was a firstborn, he raped his sister and was killed by his stepbrother
Reuben was the first son and defiled his father's bed
God never treated anyone special because of their biological position in the family
Such a belief system can only work in the context of certain African cultures, which then means they do not adequately represent the position of the gospel
Anything you are doing as a form of Christian doctrine or service, that you cannot replicate in China, Japan or Europe is not the gospel
The true gospel is the same message with the same impact on all nations, languages, and races all over the world.
In African churches, it is often portrayed as if firstborn children are an endangered species that the enemy or demons especially attack because of their position in the family
This is not true!
Some pastors, one of whom I have met even insist firstborn children either male or female must pay a ransom according to the instruction in Numbers 3:40-51 and people actually pay the stipulated amount to such pastors to prosper in life
Oh my God!
Please read your Bibles and study the Word, when you fall for such teachings and part with your money because a pastor read and explained this sort of teaching to you in a corny and sentimental way, you have proven yourself to be foolish and unskilled in the knowledge of the gospel of your salvation.
It is great to have successful children, but it is not great to have successful children who are full of envy in their hearts against one another because of a sermon or church service you are endorsing or conducting which is not a true representative of the gospel.
Have you ever considered how second children, third children etc feel when you announce you are conducting a special deliverance for firstborn or a special prayer for firstborn children to "breakthrough in life" and become greater than the other children?
Do you consider how the firstborn children feel when they then see the younger ones outshining them in life?
If your gospel is causing division and sibling rivalry, you are not preaching the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
Kindly stop these uninformed practices and build His church
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