Infallible Proofs

Infallible Proofs

Mrs. Oyedepo shared a testimony.

I have seen that same testimony replicated over and over again in the body of Christ: the evidence of miscarriages that by the power of the Holy Spirit got turned into living babies abound all around me.

My younger brother, David was such a baby. My mother was five months pregnant when a relative came visiting with a charm he had collected from an herbalist so that he could prosper in life.

The relative didn't know my mother was pregnant, he was taking the charm home and ran out of transport fare, so he came to visit my parents;

Upon sighting him, my mother started bleeding. The relative knew what had happened, he told my parents where he was coming from and how he ran out of cash and needed some money which prompted him to pay them a visit. He said he had been warned that he must avoid pregnant women until he got to his room, shut himself in and invoke the incantation he had been given on the charm.

My mother refused to accept that one demon will take her second son, she ran to church and prayed. As a result, my brother was born 4 months later on April 18 Just six days shy of my second birthday.

I have also shared here the story of Adriel and Zuriel, they were conceived in 2015. I was working as a PA at the time with a parish of the RCCG and I was hard at work at my desk when I got a call from Brother Gbolabo.

He was someone I knew, since we both served as ministers a few years before then.

This brother was in tears, he said the doctor said one sack was empty and the other sac was not looking good.

The doctor recommended an evacuation.

Brother Gbolabo wouldn't have it but his wife was in pain and she insisted the evacuation be done. After some back and forth, the evacuation was done.

As they were driving home that day, both husband and wife looking dejected; the Holy Spirit asked the brother to call me and he did.

He didn't tell me the details, he just said "Can you come to my house immediately, it is an emergency" I hopped into my car and drove to his house in Shangisha in Lagos.

When I got there, this brother got on his knees (He is older than me by many years and he is anointed) and said, "The Lord said you should serve us communion." He had the communion emblem on his table I blessed the communion and served he and his wife.

I gave his wife three pieces of bread and three cups of wine. I said, "The children are hereby part of this communion." (I had assumed that they just got the news they were pregnant and he called me for that purpose).

After they took communion and we gave God thanks, the brother told me what had happened and why he called me. My legs began to shake. It was the kind of setup that I would rather do without. I left their house with a heavy heart.

I remember telling myself not to pray for people without knowing what the issue was ahead of time.

A month later, I got a call from Brother Gbolabo, his wife had done a scan done and the twins were sitting pretty in the womb. They were four months old.

The doctor in charge of the case was so shocked that he gave his life to Christ that day.

Brother Gbolabo was overjoyed. The babies are still alive and well today.

The realm of the Spirit cannot be understood by those who are operating only in the three dimensions of the Bios life. The Zoe life starts with the realm of Faith which is the fourth dimension. This realm is where the unseen or the things that be not upstages the things that are.

When people who don't belong to our realm hear us speak, their minds go numb as they cannot comprehend the wonderful testimonies being shared. This should not offend us at all, our language and reality are not the same as that of mere men