Parable of the Drum and the Drum Stick

Parable of the Drum and the Drum Stick

Mother Drum says:

Has your drum ever been beaten?

If not, there is plenty of time for you to get the right drumstick

Pray you get the right one.

Some drumsticks lack experience, some lack finesse. If you meet a drumstick with both, who is also respectful, don't let go

The drumsticks naturally flock around the drums

'I am skillful', says one

'I am caring', says another

Most drumsticks won't say 'All I want to do is drum and leave'

They will say nice things, buy gifts, pay attention, woo and lure just to get to the drum

The drums know this

The drums and the drumsticks have a delicate balance, sometimes a drum will like a drumstick but the drumstick wouldn't like the drum.

Sometimes the drumstick would like a drum, beat it and dislike it. Some drumsticks choose to beat as many drums as possible like little children

Some drums are torn and can be mended, some are torn beyond repair, some were beaten too early and some beaten by wicked drum sticks. Some drum are available for all to beat, while some old drums earnestly wait and pray for a drumstick, any drumstick to pick and beat them

The magic between a drum and a drumstick is supernatural. They make the best of music. Music births new drums and new drumsticks, preserving the cycle of life

This magic is the ultimate goal of every drum and drum stick, get it right and keep the magic forever

If you have a tone deaf drumstick that makes lousy music with you. Don't be quick to walk away.

Don't be quick to sneak into the clutches of another drumstick

Don't be quick to beat another's drum.

Instead of magic, you will make dark spells and bring evil on yourself

Don't listen to hollow, torn and broken drums saying "You don't need a drumstick", misery always seeks company!

Be deaf to those who say two drumsticks can make music and two drums can make a sound! As a lock is to a key, so is the magic of the drum and the drumstick

To get a good drum, be a good drumstick; to get a good drumstick, be a good drum

Hone in your skills, be ready!

Choose with your spirit

Magic comes only through the spirit

Improve on yourself continuously

Remember the Craftsman who made the drum and the drumstick, stick to Him