The Visitor

The Visitor

Her brother escorted her to see me. He felt something was off but couldn’t place his hands on it. All he knew was that if she met me, there will be a solution.

She was a bit wary when we met, possibly because I knew her aunt; I wasn’t surprised because of her guardedness.

When growing up, she was full of hope and looked forward to life.

She had ambitions and wanted to make a mark in life but somehow, this was not to be.

Her parents were snatched from her at an early age and the aunt, whom they now know as mum had tried her best to raise her and her brother.

She was bright, yet she didn’t go beyond high school and gradually, she lost the zeal she once had for life.

She had given her life to Christ at a young age and was filled with the Holy Spirit but now at age 25, she had become a shadow of herself.

Let’s just say that life happened to her. She had a boyfriend that she regularly opened ‘heaven’s’ gate to and things went well until they fell out.

About three months before seeing me, they danced tango as usual, unbeknownst to her ‘mummy’ as she is dutifully called.

Mummy was a no-nonsense Christian whom such talks about boyfriend appeared sacrilegious to, so, the topic never came up.

A week before our meeting, mummy took her to a ‘prophet’ who insinuated that should she be pregnant and abort, she was going to die.

She was in a dilemma; she was three months late, had fallen out with her boyfriend and there was no keeping this pregnancy.

To cap it all up, mummy must not know. She was introduced to a man who specializes in abortion, he carried out his deed and made his money but she left with a load of guilt and a tummy of pain.

She saw me two days later and came to tell me she had an issue. She had mixed feelings about opening up to me. I assured her that my office was a sanctuary before she loosened up.

I don’t know how she got to know that I was a Minister of the gospel but she told me her story, letting me know how scared she was of dying and how much of a sinner she had been.

I’m not called to be a judge but Jaziel, God’s portion, to bear the burdens laid at my feet.

I promptly taught her the gospel, told her that even though she made some poor choices in life, like the prodigal son, she was still a child of God and deeply loved by God.

The burden of guilt she had was as a result of her programming and that she felt far away from God because she disconnected in the place of fellowship.

God never left, she did, and as the prodigal son found his father waiting for him, God was also waiting to have sweet fellowship with her again.

I told her that I’d like to show her something, if she was open to it.

She agreed and so, I held her hand and asked the Holy Spirit to overwhelm her with His love.

The power of God touched her, she broke down and started weeping, asking God for mercy. I told her she’d been forgiven and I asked her to pray in the Spirit.

She was lost in the moment as she soared in the Spirit. I prayed for her and said, “I take away the pain you feel in your body and heal you right now by the power of the Holy Spirit”

The power of God touched her and she was immediately healed.

I told her how to fellowship with the Holy Spirit in the reading of the Word and prayer and she got up from her seat feeling free and grateful to God for that meeting.

I don’t know what burden of guilt you carry – you don’t have to suffer anymore. Jesus is willing to help you.

If you don’t know Him, all I’ll say is that you’re missing out on a great deal.

Life cannot be simpler and sweeter than we have in Christ. He’ll carry your burden and give you rest – a soft life. I can testify to that. So, what are you waiting for?

If you want to have Jesus in your life as your Lord and Saviour and you don’t know how, it’s so simple. Just send me a DM, you’d be amazed at how simple it is to be free from the burden of sin and have eternal life. If you think you’ve gone too far, it’s you who moved, not God.

I’d help you restore your fellowship with him. He loves you in spite of your poor choices and really wants to dance with you. Let Him carry you again. 

I can tell you categorically that I love you but I’m more than definite that Abba loves you more.

I’m waiting to hear from you and He’s waiting to make your story beautiful.

Live loved,


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