The Wolf

The Wolf

By nature, she was an introvert
She didn't talk much
It didn't mean she didn't have things to say
Yapping and Yollering were just not her "thing"
She loves silence
She would rather read a novel, sleep or sit silently
Than go out seeking for fun things to do to occupy her time
Her parents never had a reason to worry about her
She was often indoors
Apart from her house chores and unavoidable family time
She keeps her nose strictly in her business
She didn't have many friends because of this
Friends mean going out, visiting, talking, gossip
She didn't have the patience for stuff like that
She loved keeping her own company
Enjoying her own thoughts, in her own head
She became a little more social after she gave
her life to Christ, this was because of church
services and fellowships
She got baptised in the Holy Spirit and made a few
friends in church but her nature was her nature!
When she gained admission into the University
Most of her classmates didn't know who she was
until the results were posted after the first
Her result announced her boldly to the school
She was a brain!
After the first semester break
Her father announced to the family that
 one of the sons of his best friend who was a 
medical doctor and a pastor was coming to 
Kaduna for a conference!
The best friend and his family were well known
to the family! 
The relationship between both families had become
so close that they could as well be relatives but
they had become what many call "family friends!"
The visitor they were expecting was about eleven years
older than she was!
He was the first born of his Father while she was
the last child of hers!
Her Father's first child and the medical doctors
were the ones in the same age bracket! 
She understood what the excitement was all about
but the two of them could as well be living in
different worlds!
He had invited the "Man of God" stay with them
for the duration of the one-week-long conference,
it was the right thing to do!
The Man arrived on a Sunday evening, he had
travelled all day to get to Kaduna from Kogi due
to some religious tensions in the city!
He told the family how he had to drive through
several military and police checkpoints and
even had to park for some time at a point in
his journey because of a clash between the 
factions making trouble in the city!
He was treated like royalty!
A medical doctor is an "Idol" in his Father's
A Pastor is an "Idol" in her mother's book!
He was both!
His parents wouldn't have done any better if
Jesus himself had come to visit!
Her Father slaughtered one of his goats, while
her mother prepared a local delicacy fit for
a king!
Her father also invited his friends and
neighbours to welcome the "Two in one" idol
and make him comfortable!
The next morning, their visitor went off to his conference,
and her parents went off to work!
Her Father was a principal while her mother was
an administrative officer with the local government
She was watching one of her favourite movies
when she heard the knock on the door!
The doctor was back!
The time was around 1 PM
She opened the door for him!
He told her the conference was restricted to
morning sessions alone because of the curfew and 
the morning session lasted for two hours only!
It took him an hour to drive home from the 
conference centre due to the lingering crisis!
She served him his food and respectfully went off
to her room
Just as she was about to close the door, he kicked
it in!
She was totally caught off guard as the door slammed
against her face and knocked her unconscious
He carried her to the bed and removed her 
She was aware of what he was doing but she was too
stunned to do anything
Her head was still spinning when he mounted her
She saw him spit into his hand to lubricate her and
then he was in!
She laid there...
It felt as if the scene was happening to someone
in a movie, she was watching!
When he was done, he kissed her on the forehead
and said "Sleep baby, sleep now"
She slept off!
When she woke up, her mother was back from the
office and so were some of her siblings
Everything was normal to everybody!
When she emerged from her room, her mother
saw the bump on her head and was alarmed
Her mother called the "Doctor" to please take a
look at his "younger sister"
The doctor took off to a pharmacy nearby and
returned with some medicine!
Her mother watched her take the medicine
after she ate and told her to return to her bed and sleep!
She couldn't sleep throughout the night!
She was scared for no reason at all!
Every little noise felt like his footstep!
Early in the morning the following day, she
packed her bag and returned to school!
SHe was living off campus and had a room 
she was sharing with another lady,
she felt she would be safer there than at 
home especially since the "rapist's" time
would always coincide with the period she would 
be at home during the day!
She also had some money in her bank account and
some food stuff!
It was the best decision she could make under
the circumstance
The other option was to tell her parents what
It would destroy the relationship between the
two families, create a lot of bad blood and it
will be a "He said-she said" issue!
She really wouldn't want to go down that lane!
She told her parents she had some research work
to do and needed to be in school before resumption!
The rapist left as soon as the conference he
came to Kaduna for was over!
School resumed, she focussed on her project
and finished it in record time!
The day after she submitted her project,
she fell ill and had to go home!
To her consternation, the Doctor returned to
the house that same night! He said he was offered
a position at a hospital in Kaduna and came around
for the interview!
Her Father told the doctor to check her out!
The doctor took off to the pharmacy again
and returned with a strange drug and some
pain relievers!
He told her to use the four tablets at once!
She did so under her mother's watchful eyes!
She felt better the next morning and returned to school!
That same night, she woke up in a pool of blood!
She was rushed to the hospital!
The doctors said she had a medical abortion!
That was the moment something broke inside of her
She couldn't explain it!
It just broke!
The doctors did an evacuation!
She was given antibiotics and some other drugs
She returned home physically fine!
She was functioning as a human being should!
But she was emotionally in distress
She was sad all the time, angry all the time
Bitter all the time, depressed all the time, cold 
all the time, sometimes she would go off talking to
herself for hours, she was conscious of all these 
developments but she couldn't help it!
A friend of her told her to seek help
She did but after months of therapy, she only grew worse
It was as if she was no longer in control of her own body
She would notice things moving around his head
She would notice movements in her body
Sometimes she would feel heavier than usual
Sometimes her mood would just be dark!
On her good days, she would remember who she used to be
But on her bad days!
She would lose herself completely!
She reached out to the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
He explained to her that the trauma she experienced
had opened the door to demons in her reality
They prayed together in the spirit over the phone
 for one hour
At a point during the prayer, she cried
At another point, she screamed 
At another point, she trembled and fainted
The light of the Holy Spirit that had been dimmed
by the demons of darkness was catalyzed as they
prayed together
But in the end, the torn veil of her reality was repaired
She was completely set free!

PS: I asked this lady to please give me the phone number
of this Doctor Pastor Rapist!
She said No! She just wanted the ghost to be laid to rest
I wish she gave me his phone number or his name
I wish he will read this and know the damage he caused
I wish he understood that he has a room 
in the zoo closest to his house
I wish her knows he is a shame to the medical profession
I wish he will read this and see that his anointing
is now stinking and spreading demons to people
I hope he will read this and change
The lady is engaged!
Her wedding bells are ringing so loud, I had to
write this story today!

                                                               - Brother in Jeans and T-shirt