Bearers of Error

Bearers of Error

She decided to sell her baby
to fund her trip to Dubai
She heard there was money
to be made there
She was tired of sitting on
her hands and waiting for
fortune to locate her
She needed to make it
in life
The only problem was how
to get her baby
She had the baby while living
with her immediate elder sister
in Lagos
She lived with her elder sister
for four years
She gained admission into the
college of Education
She was supposed to go to
She fell for a boy and started
living with him
She got pregnant
She went to her sister to get
some money for abortion
Her sister refused to give her
the money
She warned her sister that if
she was forced to have the 
baby, she would not stay 
around tending the baby
Her sister didn't listen
She had the baby
One month after she had the
baby, she ran away
She had warned them over
and over that, she wasn't
She ran to her boyfriend
She was free!
Of course, her sister was
The monthly allowance and
school fees stopped
Especially when it had been
discovered that she never
Love got her in a chokehold
blood wasn't getting to her
What would she go to school
Was it not to find fulfillment?
Her boyfriend was her 
She was a very wise girl
The entire family knew about
her choices and decisions
It is her life!
She had the right to live it
the way she wanted!
Her boyfriend was a man
of the world
A husky handsome man
who was a little rough but
who had a magical touch
He knew how to make her
scream and cry all at once
She loved him with all her
She learned so much from 
He was a very practical guy
He sold stuff
Marijuana, Cigars, counterfeit
stuff, wristwatches and so on
He has a stong connect to some
people with serious money
He was waiting for the moment
things will happen for him
He was a very strong hustler
She was the center of his world
Sometimes he would politely
ask her to accommodate his
Just to have sex with them 
to raise some cash for the 
two of them
She did it for him
Sometimes he would join
and they would have a threesome
or a foursome
He told her all her sacrifices
would be repaid in due time
His big break was coming
After almost two years of 
waiting and hustling together
as a team
He found out about a Malaysia
human organ black market ring
He was sure that was it
He was going to find his way
to the organ market and
sell whatever he needed to sell
He toyed with the idea for
weeks until it became a feverish
He started talking to people
and all
Eventually, he got a sponsor
Someone willing to fund the
trip for 25 percent cut of
the price of whatever organ
was harvested
She wanted to be with him
but the sponsor was willing
to pay for just one person
That was when the idea of
Dubai surfaced
She wanted to get to Dubai
and make some money
Her man had been placed on 
some diet pending his trip
He was keeping strictly to
the terms
If she got to Dubai and made
some money hustling
She could have enough to
get to Malaysia and be with
It was their big break and
she wanted to be a part of it
She must be a part of it
He was the one who came up
with the idea of selling the
baby to raise some money
for the ticket
She told him her sister will
never part with the baby
He made the arrangement 
for a policeman to go with
her and collect her baby
It was a clever plan
She was to accuse her sister
of kidnapping
The policeman was to give her
sister the option of releasing
the baby or getting arrested
The "sane" thing would be to
release the baby
They already had a buyer
She believed it would work
The next morning, she went
to her sister's house and
demanded her baby
Her sister refused 
She left her sister's house in
She called the policeman
She accused her sister of
The policeman arrested her
The policeman gave her sister
the option of releasing the baby
or getting arrested!
To her dismay, her sister insisted
she would rather rot in the police
Nothing went as planned
Her sister raised hell
The officer had no option but
to drag the issue to the police
Her sister's neighbours 
got involved
Her sister called some 
church members
Two of them were Senior Advocates
They came personally to
the police station
It was a mess
The police officers heard the
story and changed the
They started calling her names
and insinuating they would
arrest and detain her
At a point, the DPO arrived and
instructed that she must be
He accused her of planning
to sell the baby
He started asking questions
What do you do?
Who are you with?
Where is your address?
They searched her bag and
found her international 
They also found some things
They followed her home
They found marijuana and
other things
They also found a pistol
They arrested her man
They did many things and 
somehow dug out the truth
Her man didn't say much
She planned not to say anything
but somehow the police
officers got words out of her!
By the end of that day
everything was out in the 
But she had committed no crime
and her apartment had been
searched illegally
The police had to release them
She was made to sign a document
forfeiting her claim to her child
A day that started with huge
optimism crashed like a bubble
They returned home with
their tails in between their
The police officer they planned
the whole thing with denied
them after the table turned
He was the one who
tortured them the most!
Her husband's sponsors went
They didn't want that kind of
Her man did not recover from
He had waited for that one chance
and somehow lost it because
of her
He threw her out after two weeks
He said she was accursed!
She had nowhere to go
She went to her sister's house
in tears
She couldn't go to the village
Nobody would take her
She had made monumental
She was very sorry
Her aunty forgave her
She gave her a room in the 
staff quarters
Her sister told her to study
Her sister told her to prepare
for another set of admission
Her sister said she might have
lost three years of her life
but she had learned her lessons
and that was that!
Her sister was too gracious
She moved in
Her sister bought her new
clothes and treated her
Two months after the whole
drama ended
She was washing her clothes
at the back of her room when
a hand grabbed her from behind
It was her sister's husband
He had that look, yes, that look
She had seen it before and
ignored it
He told her he wanted to take
care of her
He told her he would send her
He said many things
And he also insinuated that he
could get he thrown out of
his house if she said no
And she...
That was how it started
Thrice a week
They met, they had sex and 
he took care of her
It went on for six months
Nobody suspected a thing
And then she had a dream
In that dream, a snake bit her
on her nipples while she was
The next day there was a red sore
Within a week it was festering
She couldn't wear her bra without
some cotton wool padding
She couldn't stay in the sun for
too long because of the sting
After a month, she showed her
She was rushed to the hospital
The doctors ran many tests
She was diagnosed with breast
The cost of the treatment was
She was told of the effect of
She told her sister she wanted
a spiritual alternative
Somebody to pray with her
She narrated her dream
She said she was convinced 
everything was diabolical
Her sister's husband called
the Brother in Jeans and 
"We need help" he said
They met with the Brother
in Jeans and T-shirt at his
The two sisters and the husband
were present
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
prayed with them
After the prayers he kept quiet
She wanted to speak
She wanted to explain what was
going on
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
told her to shush!
They were silent for fifteen 
The silence was uncomfortable
Suddenly the husband fell oh
his knees and cried "Yes,
I did it! I am sorry! I am sorry!
Holy Spirit, please forgive me!
I am sorry!"
Then he turned to his wife and
said "I have been cheating on
you, I have been sleeping with
your sister.
I am very sorry"
His wife looked at the two of
She couldn't believe what she
She got on her feet and calmly
walked out of the meeting
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
told her husband to follow her
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
turned to her and said "You need
to make many choices.
The first and the best will be for
you to give your life to Christ!
Will you do that?
She said yes!
He led her to Christ and got her
filled with the Holy Spirit
He told her she has been healed
but that she must look for
somewhere else to live.
She went home and packed
her bag
She traveled to Akure to live
with one of her aunts
Within a week the festering sore
dried up
She was completely healed
She got her acts together
She gained admission to study
Adult Education
She returned to school.

PS: The marriage survived
Somehow, the wife forgave
She said he had been more
than loving and accommodating
towards her in the past
She would take it as an
It's been three years since 
the incidence
It has been three good years!

GSW's note: There are some
people I call "Bearers of Error"
They are the kind that always
seem to make wrong choices
all the time
They go from one calamity to
another, from one disaster to
another and from one ugly
reality to another!
Such people are pitied and
thrown in prison and treated
like pariahs
But what they really need is
Jesus makes the misfit fit
Jesus turns a bearer of error
into a carrier of grace.
Come to Jesus today!