Sunrise at Dusk

Sunrise at Dusk

Dear Bro Gbenga,
Holy Spirit solved many 
years of bitter and diabolical
wrangling in the family.
After our power-packed 
(as usual, since we started 
April 2, 2020) PSSBCN class 
of Tuesday May 4, 2020; 
we are requested to write 
out, our respective Power

Declaration in our words. 
I wrote mine, posted it on 
my Social Media handle and 
the class telegram platform 
and then I slept off.
On the Morning of Wednesday 
May 5, 2020, I woke up for 
my personal devotion and
fellowship with Holy Ghost. 
I have learned also in one 
of our classes to always ask 
Holy Ghost to plan out my 
day activities for me, to lead 
and direct my every step in 
the day. 
After my fellowship/prayer 
in tongue, I was led by Holy 
Ghost to make calls to my 
siblings – these are my 
only brother, my two sisters/

spouses, my nephew, 
niece and others that I’ve 
not spoken to/called in an 
average of 5 years.
The Holy Spirit impressed 
two important facts on me 
as follows:
1.     That I cannot be carrying 
so much power (of the Holy 
Ghost) in me and still be 
nursing any fear of demons,
2.   That for the work of the 
gospel He has for me, 
I cannot be harboring 
any animosity/anger in any 
manner towards any one 
(Jesus treated all humans 
as gods and accorded 
them respect as learnt in 
Let me give a very brief
background to the bitter 
and diabolical wrangling 
in the family that Holy Spirit 
sorted out so seamlessly in 
my family today, May 5, 2020 
– my story:
I was the last born of a family 
of 6. 2 males, 2 females 
(2 females dead).
I so much love everybody in 
the family, other family 
members and friends, taking 
care of everyone and at 
every opportunity. 
This made me very 
vulnerable and was always 
taken undue advantage of, 
due to my naivety 
(as the last born).
He assisted his oldest 
sister (and her husband) 
financially in building their 
I assisted my older 
sister financially by setting 
her up in business.
I took care of my only 
brother’s children, paid the 
hospital bills for my 
brother’s family.
I bought a car for my
immediate older sister 
and her husband.
I started noticing the 
animosity towards me 
when I was planning to 
get married. 
None of my siblings 
(that I  had helped or was 
helping in one way or the 
other) extened any 
support towards the 
Immediately after the 
wedding, my oldest sister 
that gave everyone the 
impression that she 
‘sponsored’ the wedding 
(the wedding took place 
at her place in Ogun State),
converted all her expenses
(including the costs of 
clothes worn by her and 
husband) to a ’loan’ for me. 
I paid back the ‘loan’ on 
a monthly basis.
The bitter and diabolical 
wrangling in the family came 
to a head, when I relocated 
from my rented 2-bedroom apartment

some years after my wedding to

another rented 6-bedroom duplex.
Shortly after relocating to the duplex

apartment, my wife got 
very sick to the point of death.
Then came into the scene, 
several ‘prayer merchants 
and ‘pastors’ with accomplice‘
I was told several ‘prophesies’ 
of how my brother’s wife was 
a witch and the one behind 
my travails and my wife’s 
deadly sickness.
I was instructed not to 
have anything to do with my
siblings, particularly my brother
and his family anymore.
For several years, I financed 
the wellbeing of the ‘merchant

pastors’ and the accomplice
I bought two cars for one of 
the ‘merchant pastors’
He paid the school fees of 
one the accomplice ‘prophetess’

daughter for 6 years in
 Secondary school as 
instructed through ‘prophecies’
He relocated from the rented
duplex to his own 
semi-detached duplex house 
in Magodo Phase II.
One particular ‘merchant 
pastor’ and the accomplice

‘prophetess’ became the
commanding officer of his 
They effectively alienated him 
from his siblings and friends 
under the pretense that they 
are evil.
They organize vigils almost 
every fortnight in his house 
with ‘prophesies’ of Dos and 
Don’ts for several years.
That, in a nutshell, was the 
situation before he met the 
brother in jeans and T-shirt.
He became a student of 
PSSBCN and his life 
He got filled with the Holy 
He was delivered effectively 
from all the ‘merchant pastors’ 
and accomplice 
The Holy Ghost resolved the 
bitter and diabolical wrangling 
that has been troubling his 
family for more than 10 
years today, May 5, 2020. 
He called his only brother 
and the brother’s wife 
(accused of witchcraft 
by ‘merchant pastors and

accomplice ‘prophetesses’ 
after several years of 
He called his two sisters and 
spoke to them after several 
He called his nephew and 
niece that he hasn’t spoken 
to for years.
Peace and joy restored in his 
heart and his family at large. 

GSW's note: Hallelujah!
Religious bondage thrives
on fear, division, and hate.
The Gospel makes us thrive
and draws people to us
The gospel does not alienate
or scatter families
The gospel is perfect love
Perfect love casts out fear