

To the Students of PSSBC
school 4, students of the
PSSBC Firstborn Family.
Co-labourers in the faith
and members of the Assembly
of saints in light,

Blessed be the Holy Spirit,
the perfecter of His saints!
Glory be to the Lord Jesus,
the one to whose body we
belong and Adoration be
to the Father! Our eternal
King of Glory

I know a man who had the 
power to raise the dead
in His bones!
The man died of a sickness
His name was Elisha
We were told to study the
scriptures and learn
All of scripture were written
by the Inspiration of the
Holy Spirit and when applied
the scripture profits us in
real time!
I was in Abuja in February 2020
I went to Minister to His people
A woman came to see me during
this counseling and ministration
She was the last person I saw
She came with a burdened heart
She came with pain!
She told me about her brother
A mighty man of God known
for his exploits in the supernatural
She told me about the number
of sick and afflicted people
her brother healed and delivered
by the power of the Holy Spirit
She said "Brother Gbenga, you
remind me so much of my brother!
Every time I see you or hear of
your exploits, I cry!
Ask anybody in "so and so" denomination about my brother
You will hear only good things
See, brother Gbenga, I cannot
tell where the strange attacks 
came from
Nobody knew!
My brother suddenly developed
It was not gradual
He was fine and perfect
He fainted one day
He was taken to the hospital
They ran a test on him and
said he had stage four cancer
They started treatment 
Within a month, he was half 
The church prayed
Christians from all over 
Suddenly he started to 
He started gaining strength
and speaking
The doctors were shocked
He was supposed to be 
dying or dead
But life came back to him
I was with him one afternoon
when a woman called him from
She was very sick and had been
billed for a surgery
She had cancer of the blood
leukemia and had been
recommended to go through
splenectomy surgery
My brother prayed for the
She was healed instantly
All the symptoms disappeared
and the pains left her
When the hospital in India 
carried out their own test
carried out their preliminary
tests, they found her to be
totally free of cancer in
every way
She called my brother three
days later, crying and 
Giving glory to God
And yet, the person that
healed her was still recovering
from that sudden affliction!
I was baffled by the complexity
of it all
How can someone have the
power to heal cancer by a simple
prayer through the phone
and yet be bedridden by the same
What a contradiction!
I asked my brother the same
He said God works in mysterious
The following day, my 
brother told me he had a 
In the dream, he saw three 
pots on fire and something 
told him that affliction shall 
rise again in three days!
He was supposed to be the
man of God
He was supposed to be 
protected from evil
Why would God allow this?
We started fasting
We started praying
We were fighting to prevent
that affliction from rising
Brother Gbenga, three days
after my brother saw this
vision, he started convulsing
and vomiting
By the evening of that day,
he was dead!
It was a big loss for the body
of Christ
The church felt it
The family felt it
He left behind a young wife
and three children
It was a shock
I lost my faith
If anyone should be immune
from dying of sickness
My brother should be
Why would God let him die
like a dog?
And if someone like him 
should die like that, what 
hope do I have?
I am not raising the dead
I am not healing the sick
His death threw me off the
matters of faith
I must confess, sir, I must confess
I have not been going to church 
since he died
I stopped praying
All i have were questions
I am angry and very unhappy
God has not been fair
When i heard you will be here
I had to come
I had to clarify things
I had to know

My thoughts as she was

I happen to know certain 
things about the word of 
I happen to know certain 
things about the Holy Spirit 
There is nowhere in the 
Bible that God was referred
to as mysterious
Psalm 103: 6 The LORD 
executes righteousness and 
justice for all the oppressed. 
7He revealed His ways to 
Moses, His deeds to the 
people of Israel.
Colossians 1:15 The Son is 
the image of the invisible God, 
the firstborn over all creation. 
16 For in him all things 
were created: things in 
heaven and on earth, visible 
and invisible, whether thrones 
or powers or rulers or 
authorities; all things have 
been created through him 
and for him. 
17 He is before all things, 
and in him all things hold 
together. 18 And he is the
 head of the body, the church; 
he is the beginning and 
the firstborn from among 
the dead, so that in 
everything he might have 
the supremacy. 
19 For God was pleased to 
have all his fullness dwell in 
20 and through him to 
reconcile to himself all 
things, whether things on 
earth or things in heaven, 
by making peace through 
his blood, shed on the 
1 Peter 2: 24 Who his own 
self bare our sins in his own 
body on the tree, that we, 
being dead to sins, should 
live unto righteousness: 
by whose stripes ye were 

My response
I believe her brother was not
spiritually wise even though
he was spiritually aware!
A lot of pastors and believers
today are like her brother
They have multiple channels
of accessing spiritual information and they pay attention to all
these sources and are fed by 
There is a tree of the Knowledge
of good and evil in Eden
There is also a tree of life
God said Man should be chased
out of the garden after he had
eaten of the tree of the Knowledge
of Good and evil so that he will
not eat of the tree of life and
remain alive in his inglorious 
Many believers combine the
fruit of both trees to their own
There is Knowledge by sense
and science and empirical knowledge
There is knowledge by the word
of God!
The two must not be combined
Many believers do this
They read the bible and they
know all the promises
of God
They are saved and they are
full of the Holy Spirit
They are feeding on the tree
of life
And then they sleep and
they have a dream or see
something strange
The thing is contrary to the
Word of God or the fruits of
the tree of life
And they believe it too
They even talk about it and
begin to make plans for or
against it!
That is a mystery to me
How people will swallow poison
and insist they will not purge!
Many believe in a doctor's 
report so much that no matter
how much you tell them about
the power of God to heal
They will pay no heed to it
These are born again Christians...
A sheep is supposed to be able
to hear the voice of its shepherd
and never to listen to the voice
of the stranger
Many are paying attention 
to the stranger and taking instruction from the stranger 
too at the detriment of their 
faith and walk in God
The Holy Spirit does not 
respond to a dream from the
kingdom of darkness or the
doctor's report
The Holy Spirit responds to
the word of God in our spirits
I call every doctor a liar
I call every symptom a liar
I call every pain a liar
I call every evil dream a liar
I do not acknowledge anything
that is not in line with the
reality of my ressurrection life
in Christ!
Folks, Jesus in his resurrection
body defied gravity
He was walking through walls
and ascending to heaven through
the skies
That same spirit that raised
up Jesus from the dead dwells
in me
Why then would I see myself
in a coffin or a pot or something
and accept it as true?
The Word of God says I have
been translated from the kingdom
Of darkness into the light 
The only reality I know is 
the reality of the finished works
of Christ
I am a member of the assembly
of the saints in LIGHT
I belong to the heavenly Jerusalem
I am from ABOVE
MY news is from above
My reality is above
Everything else must fade 
No matter how noisome
such may be
We have seen how to live 
this life through Christ
He showed us indeed how 
to live in the reality of the 
Not once did we hear Jesus
say "My Father, Joseph,
told me this or My mother
Mary told me this is a pattern
in her family. Daughters get
pregnant just before they got
When Jesus spoke, he spoke
only the words of is heavenly
Jesus never had a dream in which
a masquerade was chasing him
or one in which a snake bit him!
When i hear Christian folks talk
They are more traditional
worshippers than believers!
So their reality is mixed!
They have mixed the fruit 
of the tree of life with the 
fruit of the knowledge of
good and evil!
So they get to live an
haphazard, short-circuited
unfulfilling spiritual life!
We were given a new life
We were made new creations
Your father's lineage issues
amd your mother's demonic
ancestral issues did not cross
into this reality with you!
How can you be born again
and a python your ancestors
worshipped was still chasing
you in your dreams
Did you really become a brand
new creature?
Because we are still in the
flesh, some realities will come
to us
We are the ones what to believe
and agree with after we have
subject all to the light of the
Word of God!
The Sheep must hear only
one voice!
Not the voice of the doctor
or the voice of fear or the
voice of a strange dream
interpreted as "God" 
Your words must always
echo God's word
Your mindset must be same
Nothing else you see must
move you
You must hold fast to the
words of your confession
You are who He says you are!
That's where he missed it!
I told her as much
She cried
She told me she had been
having strange dreams
I told her to trash all of them
Jesus said "Matthew 13:25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way."
It is not everything we see 
when we sleep that is from 
You don't have to rebuke or 
fast to cast away anything
You saw them because they
were "passing by"
Lies are often disguised
as truths
The undiscerning gets fooled
The spirit-led stays the 
Jesus lived by the word
Live by the Word too
It is by the Word of your 
mouth that you are either 
justified or condemned!
So let God's word dwell in
your heart richly, let it also
never depart from your
You cannot live the life from 
above by common sense
It can only be lived by the
Word as revealed in you
by the Holy Spirit!
You have eternal life, live it

PS: She cried
I prayed with her
She promised to resume her
fellowship with the Holy
Sister Ihuoma, a student of 
PSSBC asked me a similar
question recently
I decided to write this as
an answer to her and
the body of Christ.

God bless you

Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo