Message Led?
The very first time he saw that manifestation
in a "spirit-filled" be, an elderly woman who was a good
His mother, a proven spirit filled Christian
Suddenly woke up one morning and did
the unthinkable
Because she was broke, in need of money
and lacked the ability to process her "thoughts"
beyond the present
She picked up her phone and called the
Managing Director of the company
Where her son was working!
The man had come to visit her months
before when she was ill
He had been very kind to the family for
the sake of her son
In fact, the day before she called, the
man had approved a sponsorship letter
to send her son abroad for a three months course
She was aware of all this!
Her son was a responsible young man
He was single and still lived at home with his mother
he bought her a car and made sure all her needs were met
Whatever she discussed with the MD
Nobody knew but the MD waited until he
returned from his training abroad before firing him!
The MD really didn't give a reason
He just gave him the boot!
It was later he learnt that his mother called the MD
begging for money!
Begging for money?
Money for what?
He confronted his mother
Why did you call my boss to beg for money?
What did you tell him?
His mother said "I had this headache, I couldn't sleep
all night, that spirit kept telling me that I needed to
make that move, talk to somebody about my dreams,
reach out to somebody to help me, God couldn't have
brought your MD into our lives just so that he would
be paying you a salary!
I have dreams and all they lacked was a financier!
All I asked him to do was loan me some money to
execute some of the projects I had in my heart,
I am sure the restlessness I felt was a prompting
of my spirit!
I didn't know it would backfire
I am sorry!"
That was how he lost out!
He lost out because "a restless spirit"
cornered his mother!
It took him a long time to recover from the setback
but he still didn't learn his lesson
Two years later, as a reporter for a newspaper
He went to cover an assignment and
met a very wealthy woman
The woman, about the same age as his mother
loved the way he comported himself
She gave him her card and said
"Come and see me"
He went to see the woman the following day
The woman introduced her daughter to him!
She was very tactical and mature about it
The daughter was with her when he arrived
He was ushered into the office
They talked and then she did the introduction
She called her Personal Assistant and whispered
to his ears
The personal assistant came to him and whispered
into his own ears
"He wrote his account details and gave it
to the personal assistant"
While they were still talking, he got the alert
The woman winked at him and told him her
the daughter was going his way, would he give her
a ride?
The daughter was a beauty, a graduate of a prestigious
university in the UK
She had also been prepped by her mother
She was jovial, nice, familiar in a courteous way,
a believer, an asset in every way and his type of girl
When he got home, he told his mother
His mother knelt down and blessed the name of the Lord
She said she had been in church throughout that day
Cleaning and singing hymns to the Lord
God had seen her labour and rewarded her
by blessing her son!
They thanked God together
His mother asked for the "benefactress's phone number"
Just to say "Thank you"
He gave her!
Later that night, the "restless" thing came again
His mother called the "benefactress"
And begged for money
Only God knew exactly what she said
The benefactress called him the next day and tacitly
told him she would be out of the country for
a long time
The phone number of the daughter also suddenly
stopped going through
He went to his mother!
What did you do?
His mother became all mushy again
"How long shall I continue like this?
I prayed for God to send us a helper
The helper came and I couldn't keep quiet
How have I done any wrong by asking for assistance?
A closed mouth is a closed destiny"
But Mummy, you have hundreds of thousands of naira
in your account!
I just paid in #250,000 yesterday!
His mother apologised
"I couldn't sleep all night, I was just tossing
and turning, I had this slight headache and I was
very restless, I just had to make that move"
The matter was rested right there!
What could he have done?
The knife had cut the child's hand. throwing
the knife away of destroying it won't
undo the harm already done!
He learnt from that day never to entrust his
mother with such information again
Even when he was getting married
He made sure his mother didn't have access
to his In-law's phone numbers until a few
days to the wedding
And whenever she called, he made sure he was beside
her to be sure she wouldn't deviate from
the topic at hand!
Three years after he got married
He was transferred to another state
He went with his wife and children
One Sunday morning, an elderly woman went to meet
his wife and discussed some things with her
After, the church service, the same woman came to
meet him and said
"My son, I couldn't sleep all night, I was just restless,
I keep seeing your baby in my mind, did you notice that this
baby is not growing as fast as he should?
You need to take this child to the hospital immediately
and find out what is wrong with him"
He thanked the woman
When they got home, the seed the woman sowed came to life
His wife started looking at the baby every few minutes
"Honey, this baby is really not growing o"
And that was the beginning of the trouble
His wife got on his case
We must take this baby to the hospital
He told his wife "The baby is fine, that woman was just
being a busy body"
His wife said "You are always forming too know,
mr spirituality"
He pulled, she pulled, the dragged, she pushed
As expected, she won!
The next morning, they were in the hospital!
The doctors checked the child, sent him to
a dietician and a paediatrician!
He spent time and money in the hospital
They did all sorts of tests including full body
scan, HIV test etc
He paid through the nose
Later in the evening when all the tests came in
The baby was diagnosed declared "Fine"
And yet the doctors said "We will admit him for
further observation"
He carried his baby and left the hospital
It is one thing for a demon to send him on a fool's errand
It is another thing for him to be foolish enough to keep
doing the errand even after discovering the truth"
His wife said the woman meant well!
He agreed!
But he had learnt that when the speaker says "I
didn't sleep all night, I was tossing and turning,
I had a slight headache, I was restless!"
It was a demon at work!
The Holy Spirit does not torment the speaker
only to bring torment on those to whom the message
was directed in the name of "Good Intention"!
PS: Test every spirit!
There are many people who got a message
from a renowned man of God or woman of
God or prophetess!
Such a message scattered their marriages
destroyed their homes and ruined their lives!
Beware of such messages and such people
no matter how spirit filled they seem!
Peter in one minute was saying "Thou art Christ"
and the next "He was rebuking Jesus for
insisting on fulfilling destiny"
A man or woman of God can be very wrong!
Test every spirit!
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