

She would stand before the mirror every day
Looking at the handiwork of perfection made by God
She was a flawless beauty
Her nickname in the university was "Spotless"
All her friends wondered how she did it!
She doesn't use any cream or deodorant
No skin care product whatsoever
The only thing she applied to her body was vaseline
The very cheap kind and she ate whatever she wanted
Pimples and skin rashes kept very far away from her
As a teenager, she learnt that pimple was a sign of puberty
She seriously prayed to have one or two
But as she filled out in the right places
The roaming eyes of boys and men alike
Was more than enough proof that she was desired
She was tall, lean, nubile and beautiful
She won the beauty pageant for her department for 
four years in a row (Fresh students were not allowed to participate)
She was Miss Campus for Four years (Fresh students were not allowed
to participate
She was Miss "So and So" local government
She would have taken her pageantry competition to the national 
and international levels
But she suddenly felt a strong resistance to doing so in her mind!
That was how she had always been since she was a child
She would suddenly feel a strong pull away from or push towards 
She had over the years learnt to trust that feeling
After graduation, she got a job with an oil servicing company
She was made the head of their debt recovery unit
She had outstanding success
Money has a way of locating her
If she stood in the middle of nowhere without a penny
Within the hour someone would appear from 
nowhere to give her money
She had experienced this several times
She would go to the bank to pay her school fees only to be told
it has been paid
She would board a bus or pick a taxi and the driver would 
refuse to collect money from her
She always saw it as a consequence of her beauty
Men by nature desire to nurture beauty
The paternal, protective and caring response of men to her
was very natural!
It was fellow women that she had issues with
They see her as a threat!
Whenever she went to an occasion where there were couples,
she would notice the ladies exchanging glances
Sometimes she would sit still even she was feeling pressed
because she knew the effect she had on men
Many of them would instinctively stare at her
Beauty commands such attention!
The problem was it would make all the other
ladies uncomfortable and bring out the worst in them
If only they knew how she envied them
If only they knew how much she would trade her beauty 
for a meaningful life
If only they understood the demons she was battling with
But people are so moved by their sight that they really
didn't know anything
They wouldn't know for example that at the age of 32
(Though she looks 24) she had never had a relationship!
Nobody dared touch her
Nobody dared try to step into her space
She was at sea as to what to do!
Guys would look at her and drool and that's all!
No follow up!
No "Call me that babe" rich man or poor man
No cultist, Christian brother, pastor, or married man
No "trophy" wife hunter, no Cassanova 
She dressed modestly, she dressed like a slut,
she changed friends often to the point where
she stopped having friends
Whatever the case
She went home to an empty lonely life every day!
Her bosses and colleagues related with her very nicely
But whenever there seemed to be a chemistry 
or biology between them, the guy would suddenly run!
Her younger ones had gotten married
Her elder sister was married
She didn't know what she was doing wrong
The only time she could say she was in a relationship
was with a guy she met on the social media
She was desperate and he was saying the right things
He asked her to send pictures and she did
Then he asked for nude pictures
She said he should come and see her with his own eyes!
He took her at her word and travelled to her location
He lodged himself in a hotel and called her
She was in the office when he called
She carried her bag and drove down to the hotel in a flash
When she got to his room, they talked
Talked, talked, talked
She didn't get it!
When she realised he wouldn't make any move
She made the move to lie down beside him
As soon as she lied down, he jumped up and walked 
into the bathroom
He emerged a few minutes later and took his leave!
He even apologised for wasting her time!
It was after then that she went home to have a heart
to heart talk with her mother
One of her friends advised her to do so
Talk to your mother, she would know what to do, 
you need help!
Her mother listened intently
Nothing she said caught her mother by surprise
She noticed the nods and eerie silence with befuddlement
Why was her mother so unalarmed? 
The following Friday, her mother took her to a village
They went to see a herbalist 
The herbalist told her point blank 
"You and your elder sister are destined to marry
 the same husband, as you know, your elder sister does
not have a child and she will never have one until she agrees
to share her husband with you! 
Your mother brought your elder sister here
and I told her the truth! 
I told her you will never get a husband
and she will never have a child until you both share 
the same bed with the same man faithfully all the days 
of your life"
"I don't understand sir" She responded!
"In your past life, both of you were married to the same man,
it was a great marriage! Unlike other polygamous homes,
yours was very peaceful and full of love!
You both swore an oath that when you return to this
world you will marry the same husband again!
This is your story, this is why you have this reality!
If you obey me and work together, your joy will be 
full in no time!
When they got home, her sister was waiting at her 
mother's house
The three of them sat down in silence for almost 
thirty minutes!
Suddenly their mother said "This is the point where
I have to get off this vehicle, I have thought about this
for several months and I don't have a solution other
than say "whatever both the "right" and "left" decide to 
do I will understand! And I will support you"
That said, their mother went off into her room!
She picked her bag and left!
She didn't even want to imagine the devilish
scenario being painted!
Her sister's husband was a pastor!
Those fire-spittling-devil-be-damned type!
Her sister might be desperate to have a child
She might be desperate to get married
Desperation could make them do the unthinkable
But what would make her sister's husband do it?
He could as well marry another woman entirely 
without their baggage and have children!
The next day, she called her sister's husband 
and told him!
He laughed!
He asked her to come and see him the following 
The three of them got into the car and drove to an
office somewhere in Lagos
Her sister's husband said "I have spoken with a 
brother of mine, he says he will agree with us in prayer"
They got to the brother in Jeans and T-shirt's office
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked her if she 
was born again
She said NO!
He explained to her that if she gave her life to Jesus
she would no longer be required to fulfil any oath
or promise or curse based on a past life because she would
be dead to that life and completely made new in Christ!
She got it!
He led her to Christ!
It was just words! Just words! Just some words!
But after saying them, he laid hands on her head and 
said "Be filled with the Holy Spirit"
It was as if a strange spring shot her out of a canon!
As soon as she hit the floor she started crying!
They were there for a long time!
He counselled and prayed for her elder sister's family!
Then he prayed for her
As soon as she got home she slept
Later that evening, she drove to the mall to watch a movie
A guy walked up to her and said: 
"Can I see this movie with you?"
She was too stunned to speak! With a sheepish grin on 
his face, he took her silence as a yes
He got her popcorn and drinks and policed her
into the hall
Somehow they didn't really see the cinema
He talked and she talked
For her, it was all too easy!
A week later, she dragged him to the office of the 
brother in "Jeans and T-shirt"
She wanted to be sure!
He told her he was not a prophet or a seer, he does not
do consultations!
He prayed with the two of them and blessed them!
Her sister got pregnant that same month!
Ten months, later, a week after her sister delivered
her first son, she married him!

PS: This event happened in Lagos, April 2018
This beautiful couple came to my office to see
me today!
They brought with them their two months old baby!
There is nothing like "Reincarnation" in the reality
of a born again Christian!
Unbelievers in darkness can have it, it is a manifestation
of darkness and there is no place for it in your reality as
a believer!
If you have such a belief, throw it under a bus now!
Wrong beliefs will alter your reality in Christ!

1 John 1:1
That which was from the beginning, which I have heard, 
which I have seen with my own eyes, which I have gazed upon 
and touched with my own hands—this is the Word of life.
And this is the life that was revealed; I have seen it and testified to it, 
and I proclaim to you the eternal life that was with the Father 
and was revealed to me.
3 I proclaim to you what I have seen and heard, 
so that you also may have fellowship with me. 
And this fellowship of mine is with the Father and 
with His Son, Jesus Christ. 
4 I write these things so that our joy may be complete.
5 And this is the message I have heard from Him
 and announce to you: God is light, and in Him there is
 no darkness at all. 
6 If I say I have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness,
 I lie and do not practice the truth. 
7 But if I walk in the light as He is in the light, 
I have fellowship with you, 
and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.