She was a serial cheat
A sex addict
Right from the age of 12, when she
lost her virginity
Something happened to her sexually
She couldn't sleep without masturbating
And she couldn't do three days
without sex
Her uncle was her first
He lured her into his room one day and
they did it
It felt so wrong but he gave her a treat
He gave her 500 Naira to buy whatever
she wanted and he told her to come
back and ask for more anytime she wanted
All she had to do was sleep with him again
She knew all about sex before then
She just hadn't done the deed
In their compound in Asaba
They often took turns peeping through
keyholes when the students in her father's
house were doing it
Their house was located close to the
federal college of Education
Her father rented out several rooms to the
students of the school who were living
off campus
Their house was a two-storey building
Her Father, Mother, four children, and some
other relatives lived on the ground floor
while the two floors above them were
rented out
His father inherited the house and it was
his source of livelihood
He was "Landlord" and she was the
landlord's daughter
Her mother was into the sale of fairly used
clothes shipped into the country in bales
The students patronized her heavily for
her Grade A (Good quality) products
Their mother didn't have much time to
sit around
Their father spent the day playing
Checkers and drinking local gin
His income from the house was more
than enough to support his lifestyle
Her two older brothers were often out
with their friends doing boys stuff
She was the first girl
Her younger sister was 15 months old
One of those "Mistake babies"
So she was often home by herself
Apart from her brothers, they had
other relatives living with them
Three of them were her father's
One, the one closest to her in age
became particularly friendly towards her
And it was he that broke the dam of latent
fire within her
By the time she was fifteen she had
mastered many things
Chief among them was having sex at least
four times a week
Her Uncle was seeking admission at the
time and he had all the time in the world
He was her "lesson teacher" at home so
her parents didn't suspect a thing
Sometime in 2006, her uncle left for
Port-Harcourt that was when it became
obvious that she was in trouble
She simply couldn't cope without sex
The first She was living in a "Hostel" and
horny guys can smell a girl in heat
from afar off
That was how she got into sex with
multiple partners
Word spread like wildfire
There is a hot hole to poke!
And boys queued up to poke it!
She got pregnant thrice and got rid
of it
By the time she finished secondary
school, she had become an "issue"
for her parents
Her father was the first to suspect her
sexual activities
Then her brother caught her having
sex with a guy under the staircase
They beat the guy to a pulp and reported
her to their mother
Her mother had the "sex" talk with her
But her mother was talking to a wall
She was way past reasoning with
Sex had become a must have!
The very evening after her mother
talked with her, she had her bath and
sneaked into the room of one of the
students upstairs
The way she felt whenever she was not
having sex, was the same way a drunk
or a drug addict feels without alcohol
or drug
It was so bad that she would sometimes
sit in a bar or a hotel reception with a guy
while waiting for a room to be available
and masturbate right there
And while she was having sex with one guy,
she would be imagining she was with
Being alone was tough for her
She was either watching pornography or
fiddling with her genitals
She does not think about sex
She was a sex maniac
The day her mother caught her in bed
with a neighbour's son three years
younger than her
Her mother declared a state of emergency
Her case was termed spiritual
Her mother started dragging her from
church to church
The consensus was that she needed
deliverance Her mother would learn a hard
lesson from their interaction with spiritual
Men are men and many a man with blood
flowing through his veins will submit to
the lure of a luscious body and free sex
from a beautiful 19-year-old who would
offer herself to them with tears in her
"Please, do me and then deliver me"
was her line
It always worked
She gained admission into the University of
Benin at the age of 21
By that time, her mother was happy to
be rid of her and her stinking scandals
She had been diagnosed with nymphomania
and it was said to have no cure
The knowledge of what was wrong with her
helped her a little
It was compulsive sexual behaviour.
It has its triggers
She was advised to use a phone without an
internet connection in order to curb her
pornography addiction, she also started
jogging in the evenings to control her
hyperactive tendencies
She was encouraged to get some
academically inclined female friends and
perhaps take-up religion
Religious people are often serious-minded
Their mode of dressing and lifestyle would
likely discourage the triggers she was prone
She did
The doctor also told her a new environment
was the best place to start exercising control
over her addiction and reality as a human being
She was determined to change
She was determined not to become a
laughing stock in the University
She was a joke by the time she left
parent's house
She could barely walk down the street
without taunts and jeers ringing around
from the same boys she was sleeping
with or those who were hoping to sleep
with her later
She was fair game
By the time she gained admission into the
University she had been gang-raped twice
She had become a thing to her tormentors
They no longer saw her as a human being
The university environment was for her an
opportunity to start her life over
She had all the information she needed and
she was very determined to make a success
of her life
She kept away from every talk of
relationship or sex
The presence of so many people in the
hostel (especially her room where they
had bed space owners and squatters
aplenty) helped with the masturbation
It wasn't as if she stopped totally but
it reduced drastically
She got herself an analog phone
and joined the prayer warrior's
department in the school
They were the most frugally dressed
of the "born again" groups on campus
The guys acted like Moses and the
ladies acted like Mary
Everybody called everybody brother
or Sister
They were practically wearing sack clothes
It was exactly what the doctor recommended
She learned to throw herself into fasting and
prayer in order to destroy the desires of the
flesh and mortify her body
The religious denomination she dressed was
very big on dressing and appearance
That was how holiness was judged
Guilt was also a big deal
There was a mourners bench for those
who "missed it" (Dipped their hands into sin)
Earrings or any form of beauty enhancements
were prohibited
It was good for her
One day during the second semester, she
met one of her former lovers in the bank
One look at him was all it took
She followed him out of the bank to his
car and introduced herself
He didn't recognize her in the garb
she was wearing
He knew what she wanted
He took her to a hotel and finished
the story
That was how she started spiraling
She began an era of deceit and
She needed the fellowship to sort of
launder her image
While she dived into her old pattern
By the time she got to final year, the
venom had spread into the fellowship
A brother in the fellowship asked her
He seriously wanted to marry her
She agreed after a while
He took her home to meet his parents
during the Christmas break
By the third week of January, she
discovered she was pregnant
The fellowship suspended the two of
They graduated and got married two
days before she delivered her first
Three weeks after she delivered her
The strange desire started building
She didn't know what triggered it
She was living with her husband's family
while he was NYSC duty in the north
She started masturbating again
She felt it would take the edge off the
strange fire burning in her members
When that didn't work, she started
watching pornography again
Eventually, she started sex chatting
and having phone sex with some of
her old lovers
It kept building and building until
she was chatted up by a guy and
she met with him at a hotel
Three months after she started cheating
Her mother called her in the middle of
the night
Her mother said she had a strange dream
Her mother said she saw her being
led about naked in a market like a goat
that is for sale
Her mother sent her the phone number
of the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She reached out to the brother in Jeans
and T-shirt the next morning
She told him about her strange battle
with self-destruction
She said "I don't like sleeping around
I don't like cheating, I don't like
masturbating or watching pornography
I hate myself for doing these things,
but I cannot help it sir
I have tried everything I can to stop
My head is always paining me from
thinking and trying very hard to stop
I have been born again before sir, it
didn't last for long
It felt as if i was suppressing myself
forcefully and at a point i felt like
I don't know if it is possible for God to
help me.
Can you help me, sir?
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
her she was never born again
Joining a church due to the counsel of
a therapist does not translate to
being born again
Practicing holiness does not translate
to being born again
He led her to Christ and go her filled with
the Holy Spirit
After she started praying in tongues, he
told her to read as many chapters of
the book of John as she could read
aloud daily
He told her to lay her hand on her
chest and say after him
"I give the Holy Spirit complete authority
over my emotions, my will and my
intellect! I give the Holy Spirit complete
Authority over my body, soul and spirit,
Today, in the name of Jesus, I hand
over the full control of my members to
the Holy Spirit
I have been healed of every demonic
affliction, I belong to Jesus Christ now,
I am full of the Holy Spirit"
That was all
She didn't believe it
She was full of joy in a strange way
The phone conversation was less than
ten minutes long
She kept muttering under her breath
"I belong to Jesus now!
I belong to Jesus now!"
That night, as she slept, she saw a
man digging up the foundation of
a great white building
She asked him "Sir, what are you doing"
The man said "I am correcting a fault
in the foundation, I own this house
now and I am renovating it"
She woke up elated
She called the Brother in Jeans and
She said "Sir, I saw Him! I saw the
Holy Spirit in a vision! He said He is
my owner and He is renovating me!"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
screamed for joy
He said "Even if you didn't have that
vision, the Word of God says you are
His tabernacle! His dwelling place"
PS: It's been 17 months and 7 days
(77 weeks)
I had wanted to write her testimony
from the day she saw that vision
But she was scared she would relapse
and wanted to be sure it was real
I told her the word of God needs no
The confirmation was another
dream her mother had
In the dream, her mother saw her
break off the chain on her neck
and as soon as she did, she was
covered with a bright light!
The yoke of demonic addiction was
broken totally
Glory be to God
GSW's notes: Another woman who
had a very similar problem wrote
to me recently
She was more concerned about her
husband cheating on her than getting
help for her sexual addiction
She kept crying "My past is catching
up with me, don't let this girl snatch
my husband! I am cheating on him
but he didn't know it. Help me to get
him to stop cheating on me"
Her eyes were on the wrong end of
the lane
I am praying that she will see as she
ought to and make the right decision
as soon as possible
Are you lost in a negative habit?
Are you lost in a negative pattern?
Are you lost in a compulsive habit?
Yield to the Holy Spirit now
He alone has the power to transform
your reality
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