Bursting Forth
In Genesis 15, right after God sealed his
covenant with Abraham, God told him
his descendants will spend 400 years
in Egypt
God also promised that he would bring
the descendants of Abraham out of Egypt
with a mighty hand
Abraham didn't argue with God, he
accepted God's verdict as law
But he was smart
He told Isaac to keep far away from
As a young man, Abraham and Sarah
had gone to Egypt in Genesis 12:8-13:2
to avoid the devastating effect of a
When they were about to get to Egypt,
Abraham pleaded with Sarah to introduce
herself as his sister
and not as his wife because of her beauty
(This was a half-truth but the intention
was self-preservation and not faith)
When Pharaoh was told of Sarah's beauty,
he immediately sent his servants to go
and bring Sarah to his palace
(Collecting beauty is an obligation of
Abraham had no say in the matter
Pharaoh paid him Sarah's dowry and
he collected it
Pharaoh became the legal husband of
Abraham prayed that God would somehow
step into the matter God did.
Pharaoh and his household were afflicted
by a strange disease
Pharaoh called for his
His diviners told him Sarah had to go
Pharaoh sent for Abraham
Why did you lie?
Abraham claimed he was afraid for
his life
Pharaoh wanted to be rid of the affliction
Pharaoh paid Abraham and Sarah
appeasement/compensation offering
Abraham practically came out of Egypt
He had robbed Pharaoh of gold, silver,
slaves, and livestock
Now God was telling him, his descendants
shall become slaves in Egypt for 400 years
Abraham decided it was better to prevent
the slavery prophecy from coming to pass
He told Isaac to keep away from Egypt
In Genesis 26, another Famine came
Abraham had died and Isaac felt he
seriously needed to move to Egypt if he
was to survive
Famine is usually caused by a lack of
Egypt had the river Nile and her irrigation
This helps her cope best with famine
among the nations of the earth at
that time
Isaac packed all his belongings and
began the journey to Egypt, it was his
only recourse
When they got to Gerar, Isaac slept
and God appeared unto him
God told him not to go to Egypt and
God showed him what to do to prosper
in Gerar
Isaac obeyed God and he
prospered in the land
Isaac told Jacob the same thing
Keep away from Egypt at all cost
When Jacob left Laban he settled in
Shekem, one of the cities of Canaan
That was the land God promised
Jacob wanted to possess the land
before time with human scheming
and cunning!
Unfortunately, Dinah his daughter
was raped by Shechem, son of
Hamor (Genesis 30:21, 34, 46:15)
The maternal brothers of Dinah, Simeon,
and Levi decided their father's
manipulative diplomatic solution which
was that the men of Shechem should
be circumcised was not enough
killed all the men of Shechem
When Jacob saw what Levi and Simeon
did, he had to flee Shechem with his
family because he knew there would
be reprisal attacks from the other
communities around Shechem
His plan to take over Canaan by
association and assimilation failed
Jacob ran to Bethel for safety by
divine instruction (Genesis 35)
It was when he was in Bethel that two
significant things happened to him
1. He wrestled with God and started to
limp on one leg
2. His name was changed to Israel
He didn't know He had to be called a
nation before he
could become a nation
The name Israel, changed everything
From the moment he was given that
name, the engineering of its reality
became a divine assignment
There was a preordained path he must take,
according to the Word of God in order to
be what God said he would be
That path
was Egypt!
Joseph, the first son of Rachel and the
eleventh son of Jacob started having
weird dreams
Jacob showed Joseph with attention
because of his late mother
These factors stirred jealousy among
Joseph's brothers and they sold him
to Midianites
The Midianites took him to
Egypt and sold him to Potiphar
(Genesis 37)
In Genesis 39, we saw Joseph's
triumphs and travails
The first, in the spirit of excellence and
godliness he exhibited as a servant
The second in the false accusation
leveled against him by Potiphar's wife
which landed him in prison
Eventually, Joseph ended up in
Pharaoh's palace
His presence and divine guidance
preserved many people from death
and his brothers were eventually
brought to him in Egypt
In Genesis 46, God appeared to
Jacob and said "Jacob, Jacob, do
not be afraid to go to Egypt, for i
will make you a great nation there"
Egypt became the incubator for
the birth of Israel, just as God
promised Abraham
When it was time for the children of
Israel to be free God appeared to
Moses and commissioned him
By a mighty hand, God took Israel
out of Egypt
This didn't happen by chance
The children of Israel cried to God
when the yoke placed on their
neck by Pharoah was too heavy
Throughout the book of Judges,
we saw the same pattern play out
This pattern went on through the
book of Kings/The prophets until
Nebuchadnezzar sacked Judah
from the point Israel was taken here,
she was never really free again
Daniel prayed when Israel had
been in captivity for seventy years
Nehemiah served the King of Medes
and Persia and was given the
concession to rebuild Jerusalem but
not as an independent nation
He was appointed the governor while
Ezra was the priest but the nation
was still essentially under the
rulership of Persia (Nehemiah 4)
Alexander the Great conquered Persia
in 334-324 BC war
and Jerusalem came under Macedonian
rulership by default
In 146 BC, The Romans defeated
The Macedonians and Israel came under
the rulership of the Romans as a result
of their conquer of the Macedonians
When we opened the Bible to the new
testament, we see the Israelites being
asked to return to their local government
area for the purpose of a census and
Joseph and Mary
were obeying this directive when Mary
started feeling birth pangs and this
led to Jesus' birth in a manger
Again, the sons of men had a role to
pay in the process
Three magi's were shown his star and
they followed it for several months until
they traced it to the House where
Jesus and his parents were living in at
the time
Mary heard the word of the angel and
said "Be it unto me according to your
Joseph heard the instructions of the
Holy Spirit while he was asleep and
hurting because his babe had gotten
pregnant miraculously and obeyed the
instructions foolishly
(How many men would truly accept
the fact that their wives got pregnant
by divine power)
It took a lot of foolishness from Joseph
not to report the dream to a Rabbi as
manipulative work of witchcraft or
When God speaks, he expects a
response from us
if we agree with His word, what he
says comes to pass speedily
If we refuse to agree with His word,
what he says might be delayed from
coming to pass in the realm of men
Anyone who claims to be walking
with God through the senses and
public opinion is a liar
We walk by the Spirit
We must all endeavor to walk by
the spirit this season as we move
into 2021
Living by the senses only helps us
to fulfill our lusts
The right life is lived by the Spirit
of God
Walk with the Holy Spirit and learn
to live the real life of triumph
I wish you a Merry Christmas
The King reigns and shines forth His light
Let everything that dwells in His
presence shines forth as light
He has become a light in His children
Let it be proclaimed to the ends of the
earth that the King reigns and shines
His light
Let all be drawn to the light that
He deposits light in His children
Raise your banner with the angels
and proclaim His light
The King reigns let the earth rejoice
The word of knowledge has gone
forth, His children should
Let His children shines forth as light
and draw many to the light
Raise His banner of light saying the
King reigns
Join the band of music with the angels
to proclaim His light that He reigns
Like a Chaff the spirit carries me
Walking me through Realms unknown
to mere men..
Jedidiah Adedoyin
Like the wind he controls my thoughts
He says to me: Be still and
Trust me,
Like the storms controls the longittude
and latitudes of the Ocean waves, he
says I hold you in my arms
And I’ll control you to shore
Like the mind of a little child, he
teaches me.
He Instructs me on what to do and
when to do it.
A Christ kind he has called me, calm
to hearing his Voice and following
his leading.
Sweet Holy Spirit!!
Sweet Holy Spririt:
Your presence is Serene!
With you i do not need to form what
I’m not..
With you I bare it all out, sharing my
weaknesses,hurt and pains
With you, I know for sure cases
can’t be left unattended to.
My sweet Holy Spirit:
The chord in my strings, the tuggles in
my heart.
My ears hears of the your mighty wonders,
the splashing of the ocean waves,
the stormy seas and blowing winds..
The music of the birds, flapping of the
feathers of eagles high
Oh sweet Holy Spirit.
How I love to Love you!!
Oh sweet Holyspirit!!
Oh sweet Holy Spirit
How I love to Love you...
-Ejioye John
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