You have to master the discipline of
keeping your focus on the power of God!
After being commissioned by God to
deliver Israel from slavery
Moses gathered the elders of Israel
and did the signs he was directed to do.
He laid his rod down and it became a
serpent; he put his hand into his bosom
and it became leprous; and he took
water from the river, poured it on the
dry ground and it became blood
(See Exodus 4:1-9).
Such mighty acts wrought by
God's power!
The people saw this and believed.
They were glad that God had sent
Moses to deliver them.
They worshipped God (Exodus 4:31).
Now, when Moses appeared before
Pharoah and demanded for their release,
Pharoah refused to heed and rather
increased the burden on the Israelites.
They had to work even harder and
still had to meet their daily targets.
Their trouble became even more severe.
How did the Israelites respond to this?
They turned on Moses and Aaron.
They blamed them for instigating
Pharaoh against them.
They must have said things like:
Did we send a delegation to complain
to you that we didn't like our suffering?
Is it such a big deal for you to mind
your business?
Busybody. Poking your nose into matters
that doesn't concern you.
These guys actually said, Moses,
God will judge you.
In today's parlance, it will sound
like God punish you.
These are the same guys who just
rejoiced that God sent Moses to
deliver them!
They just saw mighty acts of power
wrought by Moses.
Just one bully-act from Pharaoh, and
they forgot everything they saw
Moses wrought.
Aren't we often like this too?
We receive words from God concerning
certain matters of our lives or His plan
for our life, but when life begins to
throw its arrows at us, we begin to
suffer from amnesia. We forget all
that God has said.
We forget how we rejoiced when
those words came to us.
We forget how we glowingly told it
to friends.
The troubles of life takes it from our
Or times when we put God's power
to work and it appears as though
things are just getting worse, so
we give up on God's power and allow
ourselves to get overwhelmed by
the situation.
Are we behaving any better than
that generation of Israel?
Keeping your focus on the power of
God is a discipline you will have to
Knowing that God's power always works
should birth that rugged consistency
and unrepentant loyalty to its workings
even if things appear to be taking an
ugly turn.
Insist on God's power, dear friend.
Stay with it. Keep your focus on it.
What is your message?
One day a lady was preaching to me
Telling me things that can lead me to hell,
Things I need to stop,
Things I need to do to "make heaven"
I asked her: ma, how can I be saved?
Lady:apart from believing in Jesus
Lady: because many claim to believe
in Jesus but their lifestyle doesn't show it
So it's not about believing in Jesus
It's about your lifestyle
Me: still in shock
Lady:because even 'me' I'm not sure
of my making it
She told me of a vision, how she couldn't
make heaven because of her character......
Me: Acts 16:30
[30]And brought them out, and said,
Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
This is the same question I asked her
And her response ought to be from
the Scriptures
See the response
Acts 16:31
[31]And they said, Believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be
saved, and thy house.
Some will say; "just believe in Jesus "?
Yes! Believe in Jesus and you will be saved.
What should I believe in Jesus
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
[1]Moreover, brethren, I declare unto
you the gospel which I preached unto
you, which also ye have received, and
wherein ye stand;
[2]By which also ye are saved, if ye
keep in memory what I preached
unto you, unless ye have believed
in vain.
[3]For I delivered unto you first of all
that which I also received, how that
Christ died for our sins according
to the scriptures;
[4]And that he was buried, and that
he rose again the third day according
to the scriptures:
Believe Jesus died for your sins
He was buried for your sins
He rose without your sins
Hence your sins are taken care of
because of Christ sacrifice
Your are saved
Christ now dwell in you
You're righteous, Jesus' sacrifice took
away your sins and made you righteous
Romans 10:9-10
[9]That if thou shalt confess with
thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath
raised him from the dead, thou shalt
be saved.
[10]For with the heart man believeth
unto righteousness; and with the
mouth confession is made unto
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