Labake's Choice
They nicknamed him Babyface
She met him at medical school
He was quite a catch
He was a very quiet and easy-going
He set about his work without making
any fuss
He carried himself with a maturity
beyond their class
She had a very strong crush on him
So she drew close to him
Tried to become familiar
She didn't plot or scheme
She was just drawn to his core
They started talking on a Wednesday
(Talking like one human male to
a human female and not as colleagues)
She wrote it all down in her diary
She had bought tickets to a Play
at the Arts Theatre and asked if he
would come to see the "Play" with her
He smiled and said yes
Still, it wasn't plotting and scheming
It was a girl tacitly telling a guy to look
her way, to pay her some attention
He was a perfect companion
He had seen the play before and was
able to explain some things which seemed
puzzling to her
He asked if she would like to have dinner
with him afterward
She said yes
He took her hands and they walked to the
night market just opposite the University
of Ibadan's main gate
They bought quite a lot of things
Then he took her back to his flat
and cooked while she watched TV
By the time dinner was ready, she
was fast asleep
He woke her up gently and asked
her to shower and change
(He had laid down a nice gown
on the bed in the second room for
her to wear)
The gown was new
When she emerged from the room
she felt like Cinderella
The dinner he made was a
Cameroonian dish called Kekefia
it was made with plantain, vegetables
and fish
He also served wine and while they
ate he told her about himself
He was the first son of his father
His father was a very wealthy man
When his father was alive, his father
did everything to get him to go to
He saw no reason to
His father was richer than everybody
he knew
So he dropped out after secondary school
and became the leader of a cult in their
His lifestyle was a disappointment
to his father
When he turned thirty, his father told
him he could inherit everything he owned
or nothing
His father had made a will
The condition of the will had clearly stated
that he must be a medical doctor before
he could inherit a penny of his father's
The lawyer was told to assist him tow
the right path
Should he choose to get an education,
his tuition and other needs would be met
by his father's estate.
He really wanted to inherit his father's
His father married four wives in all and
had only two children
The second child was male too but he
he twenty-two years younger
Strangers would most likely take over
his father's sweat if he refused the offer
He wrote all the necessary examinations
and was admitted into the University
of Ibadan to study medicine
He was not really going to practice
He was in the school to fulfil his father's
obligation and get his inheritance
She found his story very intriguing
She couldn't stop listening
He had lived a very colourful life
and he was twelve years older than
After dinner they did the dishes
She asked him about the gown she
was wearing and he told her he had
bought and kept it in that second room
for over a year
He said he knew they would be lovers
as soon as he saw her in the Anatomy
He said it so matter of factly that
it made her knees weak
He chose that moment to kiss her
He was everything she had dreamt
of and more
He looked right into her eyes as he
made love to her
He was bold and daring and naughty
She was his girl forever
She moved in the following day
She had been staying at the female
hostel on campus and suddenly
found the prospect of living with
him irresistible
They were both in 400 level at the
They had been together for two years
before she discovered he had been
cheating on her steadily
She had thought it was impossible for
a man to cheat if you move in with
him and gave him "close marking"
Apparently, she was very wrong
When she confronted him, he laughed
and said he intends to marry many
His father was a polygamist and that
was the path he had chosen too
She couldn't believe it
He was a "Christian" and she felt the
monogamy thing was natural to
She moved out of his apartment
He cried the day she left
She knew he really loved her but
his lifestyle and direction in life
does not fit into her dreams
He was posted to Owo, Ondo State
for his rural posting while she was
posted to Ijebu Awa in Ogun State
They didn't see or talk to each other
for a year
She loved him so much that she prayed
every day that the Lord will touch his
heart and change his course in life
to fit her own
She returned to Lagos for her residency
with her father's clinic
He suddenly surfaced out of nowhere
one evening
She giggled like a child throughout
She knew God brought him
It's been so long since she had such
a wonderful time with anybody
She invited him to her flat later that
He hadn't said much but she felt the
words ought to wait
If he had changed, it is fine
If he hadn't changed, she would not
compromise to accommodate his
excesses but she needed to be held
and loved first before all the difficult
decisions were made
Since she left him, nobody else had
even tried to open her legs
Life had been bland and colourless
He knew where he kept the key
The gates opened and gushed for
him effortlessly
It was a night she could never forget
When it was morning they sat down
to talk
He told her he wanted her back
He had inherited the wealth he desired
and had tried to move on but his heart
had found a dwelling place with her
She screamed with delight
It was the best news ever
Then he said "I am still going to be a
polygamist of sorts and i feel it is
fair to let you know this before you
make up your mind if you want to be
with me or not.
When i was twenty-one and living
as a tout, my father decided to marry
a wife for me out of fear
He thought i would be killed and he
would lose his son
I married my girlfriend at the time
and we have five children together
before i gained admission into the
I have told her all about you
She has promised me to take you
like a younger sister
I will not marry any other woman
in my life but i cannot undo the past!
She couldn't believe it
He was married all the while they
were together
Married with five children!
She told him to go to his wife
She told him she never wanted to
see him again
After he left, she cried for many
The next day, she heard a knock
on her door
It was his wife
The mother of his five children
She was a "big madam"
His father had set her up in textile
business and she was very rich
His wife pleaded with her to reconsider
His wife said "I gave him five girls and
his father's will insisted he must have
son! In fact, his father made me promise
to persuade him to marry another wife
or marry another wife for him so that
he can have a son
I had complications during the delivery
of my last child and wouldn't be able
to give him any more children
He loves you and it will help if stood by
his side as he sorts out this next phase
of his life
I am happy he married me
We were both dropouts at the time
I was an apprentice under a hairdresser
when his father came to ask for my
hands in marriage on his behalf
I jumped at the opportunity
but he has changed now
Time, education and enlightenment
changed him
I have changed too and the gulf
between us in huge
Please be my wife, be my friend and
the bridge between us"
It was ridiculous
It was unheard of
it was absolutely reprehensible
Three months later, she married him!
PS: Everyone felt she had gone crazy
Her parents refused to attend the wedding
but she didn't care
it was her life and she was determined
to live it on her terms
In 2008, she delivered her first
child, a boy, they named him Odunlami
She delivered yet another child in 2013,
a boy, hey named him, Odunola
The Olanrewajus met the brother in Jeans
and T-shirt in 2018
They came to ask a question about
eternal life and salvation
The second wife wanted to know if she
was a thief as a pastor she met claimed
and if all thieves (including her for being
a second wife) shall roast in hellfire
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
her marriage had nothing to do with
salvation and eternal life
John 3:16 was bold and clear enough
for everyone to read and understand
Only mischief-makers would twist the
words of God support their own claims.
She had her third son, a boy in 2019! He
was named Odunayo
The family is living together in unity.
GSW's notes: We must stand with and
by the scriptures always
I recognize that certain churches have
their doctrines and codes of conduct
Even if an angel wrote it for them it
does not supersede the word of God
The Bible is very clear about how we
get to be saved
We believe with our hearts and confess
with our mouths that Jesus Christ is
Lord to the glory of God the Father,
we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and
saviour and we are saved.
Jew, gentile, polygamist, monogamist,
gays, lesbians, cheats, liars and the
transgendered, prostitutes and the lost
We love and welcome all as ambassadors
of Christ
Once they come into the kingdom,
it is your duty to love them and to
allow the Holy Spirit and the Word
transform them
The Holy Spirit is a spirit of love
Jesus is the embodiment of love
His church is the expression of love
He will not cast out anyone that comes
to Him
Always remember this
Announcement: On Saturday 15th and
Sunday 16th August, the Brothers (Many)
and sisters (many) in Jeans and T-shirt
will be attending the flight of Eagles
We will create a thermal atmosphere for
the supernatural and enable Eagles
to take flight by the leading of the
Holy Spirit.
Are you an Eagle?
Are you desiring to soar higher than
your present altitude?
Please join us!
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