Moral Compass

Moral Compass

Jezebel played god 
Her husband came home sulking 
because he had tried to negotiate 
a fair deal with Naboth to own a 
vineyard which Naboth inherited 
Naboth was not cowered by Ahab's 
position or economic strength 
Naboth simply told Ahab the vineyard 
was inherited and cannot be sold
Ahab didn't like Naboth's response 
Jezebel decided to do something 
about it 
The law of God which was made for 
the good of the people was twisted 
by Jezebel 
She got people to accuse Naboth of 
blasphemy and killed him 
She did it without any remorse 
That is the way those who do not
know God behave 
When they see an advantage, they 
take it 
It doesn't matter what God wants 
Their conscience has not been 
tuned to think "above" and "Godly" 
They only think of self-interest and 
present pleasure 
The same applies to Doeg the Edomite 
during the days of King Saul 
He saw David at the city of Nob 
He saw David interacting with the 
priest of Nob 
He saw the priest give David Goliath's 
sword but he doesn't know God
He lacked an awareness of the divine
He lacked "divine consciousness" 
All he saw was a criminal, a fugitive 
being harbored by the good people 
of Nob 
He told King Saul this 
King Saul went to Nob 
Saul told his soldiers to kill the priests 
Saul's soldiers feared God and said NO 
David had obviously lied to the priest 
of Nob and told him he came in the 
name of the king 
The priests explained as much to Saul
But Saul refused to hear
The king was just being paranoid 
Saul turned to Doeg the Edomite to
execute his devilish orders
Doeg the Edomite killed all the priests
and their family members 
He did it without any restraint because 
he didn't know God 
There are many characters who do not 
know or regard God 
They do things just for their selfish 
They can sleep with anybody, 
lie against anybody, 
kill anybody, 
hatch devious plots 
This is why it is dangerous to be friends 
with those who have no regard for God 
Especially if you know god and desires 
to please him 
The knowledge of God brings us into 
an awareness of the things that please 
We strive to please Him daily in everything 
we do but a godless person has
no qualms 
Like Potiphar's wife, like Delilah, 
Like Judas, Like Alexander the coppersmith 
beware of aligning with godless people 
Beware of positioning yourself against God 
Remember how Samuel mourned when 
Saul started misbehaving? 
That is how those who know God and his 
ways mourn when they see those who 
ought to know better lose their godly ways 
to the common-sense path of man 
I am always going to align with God 
I will stand with him and for him 
I will carry him on my head and in my heart 
I am for Jesus, 
I am in Jesus and Jesus is my life 
Now and always