Prophecy, The Believer and The World
Somebody asked my sister Lesi Kpagih a question yesterday when she terminated an evil prophecy regarding an imminent lockdown posted by another believer...
The person asked her why believers were unable to stop the 2020 lockdown from happening
The same person said there are things a believer can stop from happening and there are things a believer cannot stop from happening
I read their exchange and the comments of all those who got involved in that exchange
I will answer the question raised by this fellow and also explain the position of @ls_kpagih in this short class
1) There are two sides in this world, the first is the side of light which everyone who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ belongs to and the second is the side of darkness which every unbeliever belongs to
The two sides are always vying for supremacy
On one side, you have the devil, his fallen angels, demons, the initiated unbelievers and the uninitiated unbelievers
On the other side, you have Jesus, His Holy angels, the ministering Spirits, the initiated believers and the uninitiated unbelievers
The side of darkness uses everything to try and claim this world is theirs, and they must control it
They took it over from Adam when he fell in Genesis 3 and have since then completely controlled the kingdoms of men until Genesis 32 (Peniel) and Genesis 35 (Bethel)when Jacob had an encounter with God and his name was turned to Israel
That day, Jacob became Israel, meaning A Prince with God.
As we will later see in the book of Daniel, nations were ruled over by fallen princes(angels) like the prince of Persia and the prince of Grecia etc, Israel was the only nation in the world ruled over by an angel of God.
This was what set Israel apart as a nation ruled over by God and, subsequently, the nation that produced the Saviour of the world (The Lord Jesus Christ)
Until Jesus came, darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the people.
The prince of this world controlled all the elements and ruled over the whole world physically and metaphysically. It was complete domination.
When Jesus came, he became a counterforce to this reign of darkness, and those who believed in him became the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16)
This light began to spread, and today, it is covering the whole world
Darkness is fighting a losing battle, but it is still putting up a fight every day because a territory it once controlled completely was being wrestled from its hand by the light
To combat the force of darkness, the Lord Jesus established the church. The church is that part of the Kingdom of Jesus populated by the saints. In this kingdom, we have some other entities as established in Hebrews 12: 22: But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, 23 to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous, made perfect, 24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.
As you can see, Angels, the church, God, the Spirit of just men made perfect, Jesus, and the sprinkled blood that cleanses unbelievers who believe when they give their lives to Jesus are the inhabitants of Zion.
On the other side, you have fallen angels, unbelievers in the world, Satan, wraiths, demons, and the works of unrighteousness.
Both sides are at war
The church is made up of two parts: the initiated believers, who are spiritually conscious and the uninitiated believers, who are spiritually docile
The world is made of two parts: the initiated unbelievers, who are spiritually conscious and the uninitiated unbelievers, who are spiritually docile
The spiritual controls the physical in both realms
The very night Jesus was killed, he admitted that it was the “Hour of darkness” Luke 22:53
He asked the disciples to pray with him that day, but they slept (taken over by darkness)
Jesus Himself prayed, but that day was not about winning in the physical; it was about allowing the darkness to win in the physical so that he could take captivity captive in hell and set all those waiting in the bosom of Abraham in Sheol free by His death and resurrection
It was the day the authority of Jesus would be established in the realm of darkness, and this was proven when Jesus was resurrected as His light defeated darkness completely
Jesus became the first begotten of the dead.
The one who defeated death and hell and all the powers of darkness.
He then gave authority to the believers so that whatsoever we bind on earth can be bound in heaven, and whatsoever we bind in heaven can be bound on earth.
Authority is exercised in speech; this is why you can never find a dumb priest on either side of the kingdom of light and darkness, you can never find a dumb King ruling over any kingdom, and you can never find a dumb angel or a dumb demon in the realm of the Spirit
The speaking side always wins, and the silent side always loses.
This was why Jesus said believers must pray without ceasing
In the book of Ezekiel 37, we saw clearly how God taught the prophet Ezekiel the creative power of the spoken word
We all saw that in the Book of Genesis chapter 1, until God spoke, the world remained in its state of chaos and void
The mouth of a believer is not for eating and gossiping; it is specially programmed for speech (This book of the law shall not depart from your MOUTH; you must roar it (meditate upon it) day and night.
In Luke 19, after the disciples had seen many miracles that Jesus did, they began to speak of the goodness of God which they had witnessed, the Pharisees told Jesus to tell his disciples to keep quiet because it sounded in their religious ears as if the disciples were boasting of the prowess of Jesus while they ought to be humble and give thanks to God, Jesus said: "If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."
Every spiritual exchange is in words
The initiated in the dark realm would use mantras, incantations, chants, spells and invocations (All these are spoken words, specially programmed to control elements and spirits of the metaphysical to affect the physical)
The initiated in the realm of light do the same: we pray in tongues, we pray in understanding, we quote scriptures, we make declarations and affirmations, we sing in tongues, we chant and shout and scream and confess and prophesy (All these are also spoken words)
When Balaam was contracted to curse Israel, he built seven altars in seven different locations, but the altars were not enough; he had to speak. God controlled his speech so that instead of curses, he began to bless Israel.
When God blessed Jacob, it was words that were spoken to him
When Joshua cursed Jericho, it was words that were spoken
When Elijah closed the heavens, he didn't just think it; he said it and when he would bring back the rain, it was by spoken words, too
Long before Jesus was crucified, he spoke clearly about his death, but he didn't stop there; he also prophesied his resurrection and the glory that was to come with it
No covenant, vow or agreement was ever brokered in silence
This is where many Nepios (unlearned or untrained believers) who find themselves in the corridor of insight into the prophetic find themselves in error
They will have a revelation of an evil occurrence instead of remembering that they were given the mandate to "bless and never to curse" always, and therefore, their interpretation of what was seen must be to declare it in the positive; they will declare it as they saw it.
(Nepios - unskilled in the things of the spirit, untrained in speech, babblers who speak without the guidance of wisdom, like little babies)
Hezekiah was told to prepare himself for death, he spoke to God, and the verdict was changed
When the same Hezekiah was told his children would be carried away into bondage, he kept quiet and thought to himself (At least I will be gone by then) and indeed, his children were taken away into bondage.
There was a time when accidents were happening on a road in Ibadan constantly. The Pastor of Faith Bible Church, Akobo, went to the road with his team, and they prayed
Everybody laughed at them, and they were even featured on BCOS news at 10 pm, but the accidents stopped.
When a pastor declared that his members should not travel to Lagos on some days because he saw fire and death, it happened as he SAID, but he did not say what he ought to say; he said what he saw, just like a child who has no discretion and understanding will say what he saw his daddy and mummy doing in public without any sense of decorum or wisdom.
"1 Corinthians 2:6, "But we speak wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world who are coming to naught"
When Pharoah had his dream, Joseph gave the interpretation and offered a solution immediately (Joseph was not given the authority a believer has which could cancel the famine completely)
When Agabus saw that there was going to be a famine in Israel, the church did not pray about it at all, but they contributed money.
When James was arrested and killed, the church kept quiet
When Peter was arrested, the church spoke against it in prayer, and we saw how their words led to an angelic intervention
Believers must learn that death and life are in the power of the tongue
Someone once wrote a prophecy on Twitter that he saw babies dying; within a few days, many started losing their babies until we prayed to correct the words of the one who saw and spoke as a child.
When mature initiates of the faith speak, they will say, "Throughout this year, you all must be saying "Joy to the wise" or "It is well", but when they get to their prayer groups or fellowships, they will say what they saw (share the prophecy and set a course of prayer to turn it around in line with the confession given to the general assembly of the saints)
If God told you there will be a lockdown, and you know that the lockdown is against the spread of the gospel or the advancement of the church, then it is not something to write about to prove a point that you hear from God; it is something to decode as an instruction to speak against or cancel
As of 2019, when the news of COVID-19 and its madness began to spread, I was still quite young in my understanding of the things of the spirit. It is true that, at the time, I was a born-again Christian, but I was still a baby by many standards. I trusted that all the mighty men of God Nigeria would see for us, and we would then run with whatever they saw.
I would stay glued to the New Year prophecies by these great leaders of the faith and tailor my prayers along those lines.
I remember travelling to Abuja and seeing two Egyptians wearing face masks in November 2019, and I was laughing at them like they were doing too much.
I remember when I was at New Heritage Baptist Church in February 2020, Reverend Omomola began to lead prayers about COVID-19, and I was like, "It was not foretold by any of the fathers of the faith that there would be any pandemic or epidemic or whatever. This thing will not get to Nigeria. It will blow over soon."
When the thing became serious to the point of restricting church services, public gatherings and then the lockdowns, I was shocked to the marrow.
How could this have happened?
How did we miss this?
I decided that during that season, I would be hearing God for myself on national, international, personal, and general issues.
The Lord said clearly that it was not hidden but ignored by many.
The most hurtful aspect of it was this: the pandemic was man-made, it was not natural, and therefore, it was the work of the kingdom of darkness backed with an agenda to kill, steal and destroy
The nonchalant attitude of the children of light was what made us victims
It was later proven beyond every doubt that all those who died, the media agenda to spread fear and panic, the prophecy of many that Africans would be dying like flies and so on were deliberate plots by some to carry out the work of their father, the devil
We should learn from this and not remain Nepios
There will be no lockdown; there will be no pandemic; there will be no epidemic, and no agenda of the enemy or of the kingdom of darkness shall come to pass.
The watchmen are no longer asleep. We are watching over the gates of Zion and upon the earth that belonged to the Lord, and in all its fullness, we have declared safety and divine protection.
We have set our agenda, and we will fulfil it.
This gospel that has been given to us shall be preached unhindered until the kingdom of this world fully becomes the Kingdom of our God and His Christ.
PS: This is to the church and the initiates in Christ (those who have been called, given gifts of the Spirit and entrusted with the secrets of God that they may guide the church and the world of men through the knowledge and understanding of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit).
Glory be to God
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