I had an encounter in the Bowen University
library in 2006, I wasn't even born again then!
The chaplain asked those who desired to
be executives in the Students fellowship to
fill a certain form.
I indicated my desire but I was staying in
the final year student's hostel at the time
and wouldn't be effective as a leader
because I wasn't staying with my peers
(I was in 200 level at the time).
Many of the graduating executives wanted
me to be among the incoming executives
for one reason or the other, but I didn't
make the cut.
That night, after praying with those who
made the cut, Brother Debola Aderibigbe
(BSF Osun Conference President 2006)
came looking for me in the library.
He was coming from the prayer room and
he was extraordinarily charged.
He asked me to follow him, I left my books
immediately because I have a lot of respect
for that brother.
When we got to a courtyard just outside
the library he asked me to kneel and
he laid his hands on me!
He began to pray!
I cannot for the life of me remember
anything he said.
He spoke in tongues a lot and
blessed me!
When he was done, he took off like Elijah
I got on my feet and turned to get back
into the library!
And Whoosh!
The air in my tummy gushed out through
my ears and mouth!
I look up and saw this Angel, my left foot
was up in the air to climb a step and
the sight pushed me backwards!
I stumbled and almost fell!
Then I made a mistake!
I wanted to scream!
I opened my mouth and in the motion,
the angel placed a finger on his lips and
said "Shhh"
I became Zachariah
I discovered my voice was gone
All the while the angel was smiling and
pointing to my right
I turned in the direction of his finger and
I saw a huge sight, like a huge opening
in the wall or a giant TV!
Beauty and light, people and colours with
hands lifted singing Holy! Holy! Holy!
That was what I saw!
The people were everywhere, over
beautiful hills, mountains and valleys
and standing on rivers and seas and
The vision lasted about a minute, then
it lifted and the angel was gone
I went back to my seat in the library
I laid my head on the table, considering
all that I had seen!
David Sowemimo@dafidimimo
(My biological brother) came into the library
He saw me and walked towards me
I wanted to greet him but words refused
to come out of my mouth
I wrote to him "I just saw an angel and
a great sight"
He read it and his face lit up but I didn't
say anything about my voice
He must have assumed I wanted to be
He spent a minute around me and walked
I left the library as soon as he was gone!
I wanted to lie down and pray
I had presentations and I needed my
voice back
I had started panicking in my head about
my voice but I had joy in my heart
"God is real" I had always asked for
evidence and I finally got what I believed
convicted me of the realness of God!
(I had doubted since I could reason for
myself. I can't say why)
When I got to the hostel, I found my
roommates there
I didn't want them to know what happened
Many of them were unbelievers (like I was)
and would most likely laugh me to scorn!
So I laid on my bed and prayed silently!
When it was around 9 pm
I saw Debola Aderibigbe in my room
He came to check me (Second time in a
few hours)
I wrote on a piece of paper what happened
He laughed and said I should follow him
We went to Rev. Ayuba's house (It was
close to the male hostel)
Rev. Ayuba laid hands on me and started
It took about fifteen minutes
He said "Now speak in Jesus name"
I opened my mouth, I started speaking
in tongues!
Tongues that scattered everywhere and
made anointed people of God fall flat on
their backs!
There was a power surge
It hit everywhere!
Kayaaaaaaaaaaaaa! As I type this my
body is hot and my head tingling!
That glorious power had been made
available to us in the SON
I started speaking in understanding about
30 minutes later
Today I reflect on His love and Yes, his
Jesus loves me
PS: There was no way i could have been
a good "powerless" Christian
I tried that thing
Boredom almost killed me
I was so idle that i couldn't stop
Even football fans have more passion
for their football clubs and players
than powerless believers have for
the Lord and the gospel
You need this power
You need to be filled with the Holy
Zoom link for Night of Glory,
26th June 2020 by 10pm. Join us
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