Unleashing the Hurricane

Unleashing the Hurricane

He called off the wedding five days to 
the D-Day

He didn't give a tangible reason 
He just wandered out of her life like a 
bad dream 
It was the most devastating thing that ever 
happened to her 
The embarrassment and the crazy sighs 
Family and friends calling to fish for information
She felt like disappearing into thin air 
For weeks she just stayed in her room staring 
at the ceiling and muttering to herself 
He was the perfect guy for her 
She had been in many relationships and 
friendships in her life 
This guy was MR. RIGHT! 
He ticked all the boxes perfectly
She wondered what went wrong 
She couldn't even bring herself to hate him 
He was like a part of her, a blessed part 
He was a psychiatrist 
She was his patient at one time 
She was reeling from the effect of a bad 
heartbreak which had left her on the brink 
of insanity 
It was tough!
By the time her family members realized 
she was not just mourning love's demise, 
it was almost too late 
She had started losing touch with reality 
Sometimes she would leave home and 
sleep by the roadside in broad daylight 
waiting for her lover to come and rescue 
That was how bad she was when she
 met him 
Everything about him had a touch of 
He was perhaps the only 33-year-old man 
who had life figured out 
He was calm, reassuring and extremely in 
She was a mess, like humpty-dumpty and 
he took his time 
He treated her with tenderness and
great care 
Gradually, her fractured reality was sewn 
Things began to make sense again 
He had drawn her out of the darkness into 
a beautiful place 
Her treatment took six months 
On her last Sunday of treatment he threw 
a party for her 
Friends and family members were invited 
He did it just right
She resumed work the following day 
She was a litigant with her father's law firm 
It was as if the blight of the past was a mirage 
She had a very positive air about her that 
didn't give people the room to feel sorry 
for her 
Two weeks later, she was back in court 
She got her groove back in a big way 
She promised herself she wouldn't do 
relationships for a while 
She needed to love herself 
She needed time before opening up to another 
Love had never been kind to her 
She started dating at 20 and it was always 
one tale of woe after another 
Her love luck was nil! 
Then he came around on her 29th birthday 
Her father invited him 
She had neither seen nor heard from him 
for fifteen months 
One look at him and her knees began to 
It wasn't the looks, it was the feelings she 
never knew she had that came clashing 
within her 
He said he just breezed in out of courtesy 
He had some other appointments 
She only nodded as he made his excuses 
But he couldn't leave 
He stayed till the party was done and all the 
guests departed 
He stayed with her until her parents went 
upstairs and left them alone 
He didn't say much 
They both spent 75% of that evening in 
 He held her hand throughout and that was 
more than enough 
He left around midnight 
She walked him to his car 
Just as he was about to get into the car, 
she pulled him back to get her birthday kiss 
It was the one thing she knew he wouldn't 
initiate because of their past 
That was how they started 
He sent her a sweet message at 5AM the 
next morning 
She sent him a sweet message before she slept
 It became their routine 
Things grew from there 
Neither of them forced anything! 
When their relationship clocked a year, he
decided to introduce her to his people 
Her parents were all for it 
Her father had secretly hoped the two of 
them would see what he saw and get married 
She knew her father held him in high regard 
Her mother also warmed up to him because 
of her 
They traveled to his hometown together
She met his people His father was a very
 strong pillar of religion in his town and he was 
unhappy that he brought home a Christian wife 
He had told her he was from a non-christian 
background but as a person, he was not so 
She had never seen him pray or act religiously
It was quite easy for people to conclude he 
was a Christian from his looks and mannerism 
She was shocked by what she saw 
His father had a room full of all manner of idols 
It was right in that room that his father 
welcomed her 
She fell of her knees to greet his father and 
he said "The deities greet you, my father 
greet you etc" 
Her people will say the white pudding 
came out of a black pot! 
That was his story 
She saw three women cooking something in 
a clay pot that looked like a mixture of 
strange animals and herbs, the atmosphere 
was dark and hazy 
Although she tried her best to sit down and 
act proper with his people, she was very 
It felt to her as if demons would be making 
an appearance at any minute while she 
was seated in his father's shrine 
At a point, her head began to feel a strange 
charging sensation
They were supposed to spend a whole 
weekend with his people 
She wanted to run as far away as she could 
within an hour 
And it didn't get better 
Some hunters came to visit his father 
They brought him some rare wild animals 
which they said was useful for making certain 
She was born and bred in Lagos 
Her command of the local language was 
not so strong but from the little she could 
piece together and the much she saw with 
her eyes, his father was a witch doctor 
who was deep into the occult 
The ladies working with his father were 
all his stepmothers
His father married many wives and practically 
all of them were assisting him in his works 
of darkness. 
The only respite she had was when they 
went to visit his mother 
She had long been separated from his father 
and was living on the outskirts of their town 
with her husband from another tribe 
As soon as she saw his mother, she knew 
who he took after! 
She was gentle and soft-spoken 
She also paid attention to details and 
remembered conversations from long ago 
His mother knew she was once his patient 
just by looking at her 
She said "Your wife has been with
you for much longer than one year! 
She is already learning you and thinking you!" 
His mother was a believer 
It was her embrace of the Christian faith 
that led to the divorce 
His mother's husband was a pastor 
He was a missionary who found love in 
the most unexpected place...
She wished they could sleep in his mother's 
house, but he said his father would never 
tolerate it 
So she followed him back to the 
"House of Horror" 
That night she couldn't shower or brush 
her teeth before she slept 
She was very uncomfortable and scared 
She had several nightmares
When she woke up like the tenth time
It was morning 
He was nowhere to be found 
She sat in a corner shivering 
Her mind had been taken over by all sorts 
of imagined abominations 
She couldn't stand it anymore 
She had to leave for her own sanity 
So she changed her clothes and left
She found her way to the motor park and 
found her way back to Lagos 
She didn't say a word to anybody, not 
even to him 
It was a matter of life and death 
Had she stayed any longer she couldn't 
guarantee that she wouldn't lose her mind 
Love was not enough to protect her from 
He called her an hour later
By then the bus she took had taken off
and she was beginning to breathe better
She had never believed where a man
came from would matter
She had always been an advocate of
character and integrity above other
factors when it comes to a relationship
Her man had both but No! She couldn't
cope with the hell she saw
She didn't pick his call until she got home
She needed to settle down and speak
with her parents
She didn't want to be rash
By the time she got home, he had called
her parents and told them to expect her
She didn't have to say much
They had gotten the picture
Her father counseled her against pulling
the plug
"Let him return from the village first, sit 
with him and discuss with him, there might
be another way!"
He arrived on Sunday evening, they talked
Thankfully, her parents had called him to
smoothen things through
He told his parents she left because she
had an emergency at work
She was happy she didn't pull the plug
Everything went back to normal
One week later, he proposed
It was the happiest day of her life
They were already talking of relocating
to Europe where they would be far from
his people
The future looked so bright
Then his father came to the city
He asked her to come with him to visit
his Father
She refused
She just couldn't
Two months after that, his younger sister
(Step-Sister) was getting married
He invited her but she couldn't do it
She was scared of his people, scared
they were inherently evil
She told him she couldn't do it
She didn't want anything to do with them
He was disappointed but he understood
They started their wedding plans
His family became the issue
She didn't want them there
He said it was impossible
She said she couldn't stand them
They had a standoff and then he broke
the engagement
His reasons were obvious to all
She knew he had cause and all that
It hurts all the same
She wrote to the Brother in Jeans and
She explained her dilemma
He read her mail and told her if she would
give her life to Christ and get filled with
the Holy Spirit, all she would need to do was
push the wedding date by 6 months
He told her the Holy Spirit would bring in
a hurricane
One month later, on a Friday, a certain 
ministry went to his village to hold a crusade
His father encountered the power of the
Holy Spirit
His father became born again
Sunday morning, all his Father's idols were 
Sunday evening, his father was baptized
He got the news that same day
She was the first person he called
She told him about the prophecy of the
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
He said he wanted to meet the Brother
In Jeans and T-shirt
They met at the Night of Glory, July 2019 
They talked at length
He asked a lot of questions
Eventually, he gave his life to Christ
and was filled with the Holy Spirit

PS: They got married in December 2019
He wanted to know the difference between
Christianity and the traditional religion
He said his father gave people charms
to put in their homes and offices while
Christians gave people handkerchiefs
and anointing oil for the same purpose
He felt religion was a waste of time
and energy
According to him, it didn't make the
world and its adherents any better
materially or physically
Most just hold on to lies and unreal
events that they claim as truths!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
told him Christianity is not a religion
and he proved this to him by getting
him filled with the Holy Spirit.
That was the end of the argument

GSW's notes: idols are nothing
Those worshipping idols have no power
because what they claim to worship is
"nothing"! Apostle Paul said this in
1 Corinthians 8:4
We know that "An idol is nothing at all in the 
world" and that "There is no God but one."
If you disbelieve the Bible and convince
yourself by sight or signs that an idol
is something, you lend to the idol the 
power of your imagination and could
as a result, open the door to demonic 
Demons are always hanging around idols
to make a victim of the ignorant
and the gullible
Please note this!