The Milk of Kindness

The Milk of Kindness
The Milk of Kindness

Yesterday, I made a bold call by asking us to be kind to a pregnant lady who suddenly developed symptoms of mental illness and had to be committed to a mental hospital.
The doctors felt the wise thing to do in order to protect the babies would be to induce her or do a CS for her. It was a case I could tackle by myself (financially) and (by the spirit of God) for her healing.

The Holy Spirit told me this woman had never experienced kindness or love and this was the cause of her mental issue.
It was a strange leading but I desire that like God did with the APOSTLES he would continue to do strange signs and miracles through me and His ministers all over the world.

I came here to ask that we support this young family. I took time to coordinate resources as they came in trickles.

I just wanted her to know she is loved!
I sent the last transaction receipt and fund to them at 11pm yesterday.
I started preparing for today.

This morning I got this testimony which I share below:

PS: I want to say a big thank you to all the people that responded.
I specifically asked the GSWMI ministers to leave this blessing for those of us on twitter, except for four of our ministers who wrote to me privately that they were led to be a part of it, I didn’t allow anyone to put a penny.

We give as a ministry and we give big in welfare, scholarship and caring for widows.
I wanted this family to experience the love of their fellow men and women who are not garbed in a ministry's toga.

God bless you.