I have come to call Him Holy
Someone called my son on the family's landline phone in our house in Ibadan in 1997. The phone rang and he rushed off to pick up the call because he was expecting a call from a girl he was talking to at the time.
He was sixteen years old Only God knows what the person said to him over the phone he lost his mind after that phone call and we began to carry him from hospital to hospital. He is forty-two years old today, and he has been the only source of sorrow for me as a mother and for the entire family.
We have tried several churches, spiritualists, herbalists, and doctors, but the attack was total and unyielding he never took drugs and it was not something in the genetics of the family, this was a spell or an enchantment and it defied prayers and medicine.
Today is my son's birthday as we do every year, we had him brought home yesterday so that we can cut his cake, sing, and celebrate God's faithfulness over his life. We do this and then have him returned to whatever treatment center or hole we pulled him out of to continue his treatment.
He is my first son and I don't want his younger and older ones to forget about him or discard him as if he does not exist. Since he came in yesterday, I have had this excitement in my spirit about today because of the prophetic service. The date also is the last day of the month of perfection and the theme for the month is Malkosh, the latter rain. What rain can be later than the rain that falls today? His case was mentioned this morning, while he was still sleeping in the visitor's room which was kept pitch dark to encourage him to sleep.
Brother Gbenga rebuked the spirit of infirmity in him and pronounced him healed. I dropped my phone and was going to his room when my husband rushed out from the room upstairs and asked me if I heard it I said I did He said "So what do we do now" I shrugged because I had no idea then we heard a sound coming from the guest room. A soft knock, like a child knocking on a room I went to the door and opened it My son walked out and said, "How come there is no light in my room and why was I locked in?" I apologized then he looked at his father and said "Daddy" Then he went to embrace him and then he recognized me and said Mummy and then he came to embrace me then as if it suddenly dawned on him that something had been wrong, he began to cry His father began to cry too and so did I, His siblings joined us and we all cried and sang together Oluropo is alive and has been made whole.
He will fulfill his destiny in Christ According to the word of God, it is not too late for him. This is Jesus visiting my household during the prophetic service of today It would be remiss of me if I didn't run like the woman at the well to shout about the great things he has done He has done great things, bless his Holy name.
PS When I was in Bowen University, 200 Level, I was reading alone in Brothers Hall when my phone rang one evening I picked up the call and the person on the other end of the line said “You must not drop the call, you must do as I say, for what we tell the land to do is what the land does and what we tell the taker to take is what the taker takes, I have taken your consciousness from this moment, you lose your ability to reason and to be human” I remember that day like yesterday, my body was overridden with goose pimples that day, I cannot explain how but I was dumbfounded for a few seconds and suddenly my spirit roared and I began to speak in tongues and then I began to reply the person in the Yoruba language just as he spoke to me “I am Christ, I cannot be bound, I cannot lose my consciousness, Christ is in me, I am full of light and my light can never dim, no man can order the course of my life! I live and respond only to the instructions of my Lord and Saviour!” The person cut the call I shared the experience with my younger brother, family, and fellowship members afterward. When I read this testimony today I became sober Oh my God! This could have been me! It is imperative that you know Jesus and get filled with the Holy Spirit so that you don’t become a victim of the wards of darkness A lot of husbands and wives are being remote controlled as well as a lot of people who don’t have the Holy Spirit. This is my two cents to you, please accept Jesus Christ and your Lord and Savior and get filled with the Holy Spirit so that you won’t fall victim to the evil one. Please send me a message in my DM and also through WhatsApp on 08072744871. It is very important I promise you that you can’t live a victorious life without the Holy Spirit. Please treat this as urgent .
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