(1st Samuel 18, 25)
I was a young, 15-year-old girl from
an average family. I loved music -
my dream was to be the Beyoncé of
my generation!
I composed songs easily, I was popular
in my town and among my peers.
They usually invite me to come sing at
birthday parties and I got paid a token.
It was fun!
Then I decided to enter a National Completion.
Who knows, it just may take my singing
career a notch higher!
Now, my Country had just defeated our
neighbors in war, thanks to one young
fine boy who took out their champion:
David. David was FINE!
He was like the Brad Pitt of our time.
All the girls of my age were crushing on
him as I was.
We all had his posters on our bedroom
walls, his pictures as our phone wallpapers.
Any girl our age that was not crushing
on David must have a problem-
or planned to be a nun.
After the victory, I wrote a song for him:
“Saul has killed his thousands,
David his ten thousands”- and I sent it
in for the National Competition.
And to my surprise, I won! The song
became the 2nd most popular song
in the country just behind the National
I became popular!
For a 15 year old, it was fun!
I went round the country to sing,
my face was splashed on magazines
and the social media.
I was invited for interviews on Television,
met with several media personalities and
I really wanted to meet David!
But I knew his life had also taken a
dramatic turn after he killed Goliath.
The King has recruited him into his army
and he was busy. He wasn’t on social media,
so I could not send him a message.
For a teenager, he was discreet and
shunned publicity, especially after killing
that giant.
Our lives were like 2 parallel lines that
could never meet- he the young soldier
working for the king, me the young
musician just starting her career,
though it was the song I composed for
him that shot me into limelight.
As I grew older and developed my career,
I started getting more than a few
glances from guys.
By the time I clocked 21, I was getting
marriage proposals!
I really wanted to develop my career,
but my family was more interested in
me getting married and “settling down”.
“I want to carry my grandchildren”,
my mother said.
“Don’t let this singing stop you from
having a family of your own, Abigail!”
A few months later, I met Nabal, one of
the most eligible bachelors in the Country.
He was a rich young man who loved
flaunting his wealth.
We met at a party I was invited to sing
and he came after me with everything
in his arsenal! My friends were excited!
My mother was over the moon!
The blogs were in overdrive!
Social media went into a meltdown!
Nabal & Abigail- we were like the royal couple!
I was caught up in the euphoria that followed,
I did not really take time to know Nabal.
I was so young and naïve.
We got married a year later.
It was the wedding of the century!
But deep down in my heart, I was troubled.
I did not feel that zing thing inside,
but I went with the flow.
My parents and siblings were happy.
My friends were happy.
I was popular when I sang that song a
few years ago.
I became twice as popular when I married Nabal.
But by my 25th birthday, I was frustrated!
I realized I married a fool.
I married a man who had nothing to offer
but money.
Indeed, you don’t judge a book by its cover.
Nabal had money, nothing else.
He had serious self-esteem issues,
he practically killed my career.
He married me to dominate me-
he wanted to be the ONLY star in the sky!
Even in business, he was ruthless.
He took out all his competitors.
I practically married a monster!
A few weeks later, one of my husband’s
operatives came in.
“I need to speak to you urgently, ma’am!”
What happened? I was a bit apprehensive!
I asked him to sit and talk.
My heart was beating rapidly- is it Nabal?
Is he dead?
I was shocked at my own thoughts!
“Ma’am, do you David- that guy that killed
Goliath years ago? (Are you kidding me-
do I know David?)
The one on the run from King Saul?
Well, we were with him and his men
in the wilderness.
They protected us against cattle rustlers.
They were like a wall around us and
the cattle and entire flock.
They didn’t ask for anything, they just
stood by us and waded off any aggression
against us.
Now, this David sent 3 guys to see Boss.
They simply asked he gives them something
for the help and protection they had rendered
to us and he spoke rudely to them and sent
them away!
You know your husband is very daft and…”
I was shocked! Did this guy just tell me
my husband IS daft?
In that moment, it dawned on me that
Nabal commanded no respect even among
his own workers!
I dismissed him and quickly got to work.
I knew David had fallen out with the King.
I felt a bit responsible for that-
it was my song that seemed to cause the fallout.
And to think this same David is so close by!
He had been off the media for a few years,
I had no idea what he looked like now.
I quickly arranged food, loaded the truck
and drove off to meet him.
I got to his camp and offloaded the stuff
I brought. He looked at me queerly.
I’m a woman- I KNEW that look!
David was still as handsome as he was
10 years ago when he came into national
He was more matured, taller and
had a very strong aura around him.
This man standing before me was
destined for greatness.
I just knew it.
I pleaded with him to forget my husband’s
It is said that there is a King and a
Fool in every man, the one you speak
to is the one that will respond.
I spoke to the King in David and he
I think I made an impression on him
because he asked for my number!
I happily gave it to him.
I got back home, Nabal returned from
work and threw a party.
I was not even aware he planned to
throw a party that day- showed how
far we were independent of each other,
how uninvolved we were with each
other’s lives.
Next morning, I told him what transpired
between David and I.
Nabal had a heart attack!
10 days later, he died.
I did not even know whether I should
be happy or sad!
I was shocked at my own reaction to
my husband’s death.
I started making burial arrangements
A few days later, my phone rang: it
was David.
“Sorry for your loss, ma’am. How are you
When is the burial?
Please if you need any help, call me, ok?
I really would love to see you again!”
I was practically blushing!
“Please, call me Abigail.
Are you busy right now?
I’d love to see you again too!”
We got married a few months later.
After 10 years, the man I had always
crushed on became my husband.
God is good!
@harrydaniyan on Twitter
- Haruna Daniels
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