Still Speaking

Still Speaking

A few minutes ago I concluded a transaction 
at a bank
The polite lady that attended to me asked me
if i needed a photocopy of the teller. 
She wanted to make one for me. 
I shook my head. 
I needed the photocopy but I don't like
taking advantage of people that way. 
I know she was doing it for me based on 
an issue she had recently which the 
Holy Spirit helped her resolve. 
I left the bank and started driving around 
I needed to get those copies done 
Eventually, i found a place 
I parked and walked in 
The photocopy was done 
I paid and turned to leave 
To my shock my legs were reluctant to move 
They weren't stuck or heavy 
I just suddenly didn't feel like leaving 
So i started chatting up the guy attending 
to me 
We had a general brother to brother talk 
about his goods and their prices and 
how he was coping with electricity issues 
Suddenly the door opened and a woman 
I was very familiar with and her two children 
aged 13 and 9 walked in
I was working in the same office with her 
husband until November last year 
The Holy Spirit said "Bless them" 
So I laid my hands on the two children and 
blessed them 
As I said my goodbyes and turned to leave
The Holy Spirit said "She came to beg for 
some money to buy food from the shop 
attendant, don't let her beg" 
Now, today is June 26! 
Salary week! 
Salary earners don't beg by this time of 
the month but I also know His voice 
I turned around and made a joke about 
the children having grown so big that 
one cannot give them a gift of 
One thousand Naira anymore 
So I emptied my pocket and shared all 
the money i had on me between the 
two children 
(Another woman was there, one of 
those women who must capitalize to "beg", 
I had to give her two thousand Naira) 
Then i left as soon as I drove out of the 
parking lot, my phone rang. 
It was the lady whose children I blessed 
She said "Brother Gbenga, we woke up 
this morning with nothing to eat. 
We didn't eat anything throughout yesterday 
hoping my husband would come home 
with some money! 
He didn't!
So today i told the children to have their bath 
I told them we would stroll around the 
shopping complex 
I used to have a shop here so i know 
almost everybody. 
I am sure somebody will offer them some 
Coke and biscuit and if nobody does, I was 
resolved to beg for some help! 
I had told God this morning to please not 
let me beg! 
I don't know how to do it, I have never 
done it and I don't desire to do it, but i told 
myself it is better to beg than starve my 
God came through for me brother Gbenga 
I didn't have to beg 
The people in the shop looked at me with 
envy after you left and they called my 
children blessed. 
The woman you gave some money said my 
children attracted blessings to her and 
blessed them! 
I don't know what to say to this God! 
He answers prayers o! 
Thank you Jesus! 

Ps: The testimony moved me to tears! 
It affirms the fact that God hears all his 
children and makes provision for all of 
us but many of us don't bother to ask or 
listen to him about who to give to! 
We give but at our own discretion and not 
as led by the Holy Spirit 
If we all give as led, no believer will be hungry
or be in lack 
It is critical that we have a relationship with 
the Holy Spirit, that way we wouldn't go 
about sowing "Battle Seed" to bloated 
pretenders in the name of seeking 
breakthroughs when all God desired of us 
was to offer a helping hand to one of his 
children in need!

Harry Daniyan

This reminds me of a similar experience 
I had on campus.
 I was sent N100 from home (MONTHLY 
stipend in those days! ). 
I religiously removed N10 to go pay as 
tithe in church. 
On my way, I ran into a friend, Deji. 
We got talking and the Holy Spirit told 
me to give him the money!
My tithe! I argued within me! But He 
was persistent. 
My religious mind couldn't comprehend 
why I should give my tithe to Deji! 
Is he Melchizedek? 
I wanted to leave, my legs refused to move. 
I reluctantly removed the envelope from 
my pocket and gave him. 
"Deji, the Holy Spirit says to give you".
He took the envelope, counted the 
money: N10. 
He pocketed it, stared at me for a while. 
Then he hugged me and broke down in 
Deji's last meal was yesterday morning. 
He said, he had prayed, "Lord, I need money 
and I don't want to beg. I know you have 
children on this campus aside me...
Please talk to one of them to give me money 
without me asking!"
He had prayed that yesterday, went to bed 
hungry, woke up prayed again 
Then he started walking aimlessly around 
the campus until we met. 
It was 5pm, I was going to church for 
midweek service. 
I just went back to my room to process this. 
I was shocked the Holy Spirit could ask 
me to give my tithe to a man! 
And I knew it was NOT wrong to do so. 
That was 30 years ago, thereabouts. 
That was the day I got delivered from 
the spirit of "My Tithe Must Be Paid To 
My Church" doctrine...

Acts 13: 
2 While they were worshiping the Lord 
and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set 
apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for 
the work to which I have called them.” 
3And after they had fasted and prayed, 
they laid their hands on them and 
sent them off.…

Acts 10
19 As Peter continued to reflect on the 
vision, the Spirit told him, “Three men 
are here looking for you. 20Get up! 
Go downstairs and accompany them 
without hesitation, because I have 
sent them.”…

Acts 8
29 The Spirit said to Philip, “Go over to 
that chariot and stay by it.” 
30 So Philip ran up and heard the man 
reading Isaiah the prophet. 
“Do you understand what you are 
reading?” Philip asked.…

GSW's Notes: The Holy Spirit still
His voice is loud and clear
His sheep hear his voice daily
and they can never hear the voice
of a stranger
Stop running about looking for
people to hear for you
If you are a born again Christian,
it is your right to hear Him clearly!

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