The Escape

The Escape

She boarded the bus at 6AM
She wanted to make it to her uncle's 
house very early
Things have been tough for her family 
for a while
Her uncle's kind gesture of giving her 
some money to start a business was an 
answered prayer
She didn't want to risk missing the opportunity
She had barely slept all night
Tossing and turning on her bed as she 
counted down from 10pm till 4am
She was living in Sagamu and her uncle's 
house was located in the heart of Lagos
She had a journey of at least two hours 
before her
Her husband prayed with her and saw 
her off
Immediately she dropped from the 
interstate bus, she boarded another bus 
that was supposed to take her to her 
uncle's house!
That was where the drama started!
The passenger seated next to her opened 
a black polythene bag
A smoky dark substance with a 
putrid smell oozed out
Her uncle waited for her all morning
When it was around noon, her uncle 
called her husband
The journey was supposed to take her 
at most three hours
It's been almost seven hours
Her phones were switched off
She had vanished into thin air
Her husband panicked
Her uncle panicked
They went to the police station
Officers told them they needed to wait 
24 hours before lodging a missing 
person's report
Her husband knew something had 
gone wrong
Her uncle was scared
He was a rich man and he didn't want 
his riches stigmatized as fetish in the 
After 24 hours of nail-biting suspense
Her uncle suggested that they visit a 
local witch doctor for consultation
Her husband grudgingly agreed
He was a Christian but he was treading 
on dangerous ground
He could be equally accused of having a 
hand in the disappearance of his wife
The witch doctor made his consultations
He asked for her toothbrush and comb
It seemed the deities wanted to-do 
DNA mapping
The witch doctor told them his wife had 
been used for a diabolic ritual
But she would be found even though she 
wouldn't be herself when they find her
He went home
A week later, somebody found his wife
She was seated at a bus stop about 30 
kilometres from home
Somebody from their community 
recognized her
She was brought home
She was as silent as the grave
She was just staring into space
The witch doctor said it was too late
Her husband was told to take her 
home and manage her
He was given soap and concoctions 
to cook for her
He was told to man up
It is a wicked world!
Her husband took her home
She didnt recognize any of her 
three children
She couldn't sleep
All she did was sit or lie down 
and stare
Her husband managed her for twenty 
They were poor before the incident but 
her situation made them poorer
He couldn't work like before
The little he made was shared between 
her and the family
One Wednesday morning he reached out 
to the brother in Jeans and T-shirt
"Help me"
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt invited 
him to their vigil for the month
It was June 2019
They were having a special worship service
He attended
Sometime during the service, while he 
was praying, he saw his wife in the 
service, seated a few rows ahead of him 
also worshipping
After the service he told the Brother in 
Jeans and T-shirt
"Sir, don't think I am crazy but I saw my 
wife in this service briefly, she was dressed 
in the same clothes she wore that day and 
she was in this service! Maybe all I saw 
was a vision or perhaps I imagined it"
He stated
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told him 
he was not shocked
"I have seen and heard too many things 
about the Holy Spirit to doubt what you 
claimed you saw! One thing I can guarantee 
you is that your wife will recover very quickly! 
The Holy spirit has rescued her from the pit"
When he got home his wife was asleep
For the first time in twenty months!
He wanted to sit and watch her but due to 
the fatigue of the vigil and the journey to 
and fro he slept off right beside her in 
the sitting room
Four hours later, one of his children 
roused him from sleep
"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Mummy is cooking 
and talking again"
He rushed to their kitchen at the back 
of the house
Sure enough, his wife had been fully 
restored to her senses
It was the most beautiful sight he ever saw
He hugged her and cried
"Baby, my baby, thank you Jesus'
The following Monday, they were the first 
set of people at the office of the Brother in 
Jeans and T-shirt
"Sir, My wife has been completely restored"
The brother in Jeans and t-shirt told them 
to do away with all the fetish things at 
their house
He prayed with them, blessed them
They were both filled with the Holy Spirit
Three days later
Her uncle visited them
When he saw the full restoration of his 
niece he was glad
He helped them to set up a small scale 
cement business
The business thrived
Today, by the power of the Holy Spirit 
they are out of poverty
Ps: Do not underestimate the Holy Spirit
Let him take the lead in your affairs
Don't take the posture of "we don't need 
the Holy Spirit for everything"
He should be the air you breathe
A Christian who treats the Holy Spirit with 
disdain is like Esau
Who despised his birthright!