She stepped into her father's house for the
first time at the age of twenty-two
Her mother had raised her in poverty
She never knew who her father was
Her mother didn't even mention that
she ever had a father
She bore her mother's surname and
lived the life that was presented to her
She went to the community primary
and secondary school
Her mother was a very proud woman
She never ever asks for help
Even when it was so obvious that she
needed help, her mother would rather
die or lose good opportunities than
seek help from anybody
Her mother tried to teach her this
principle but it didnt make sense to her
She was the one suffering the most
because her mother was proud
They barely had enough to eat once
a day
Her mother had relatives and friends
They even have neighbours who would
willingly and joyfully help them out
There was a church close to their house
Her mother allowed her to go to the
church as a child because it kept her
busy but the moment the church members
began bringing welfare stuffs to their
house to help them out
Her mother grew cold
Her mother insisted she was not a charity
That was exactly what they were
They lived off her mother's salary as a cleaner
in a primary school
The money was nothing
Her mother got pregnant in secondary school
She left home before her parents found
out she was pregnant
She didn't want the drama it will generate
She didn't tell any relative where she was
She didn't tell the person who got her
She just isolated herself and her situation
She went off to the city and started working
as a kitchen assistant at a local canteen
She was able to save some money and
had food to eat everyday
That was how she was until she delivered
her baby
After she had the baby, she couldn't
cope with the job anymore
She started cleaning church and school
compounds every day to make a living
She could have gone back home
She could have informed the person
responsible for her pregnancy
She could have reached out
She didn't because she was too proud
to be helped!
This was the mother she grew up to know
A mother that snapped at her every time
someone gave her something edible or
useful as a child
A mother that considered it a cardinal sin
to collect handouts even when it was obvious
they could die without help
It was her mother's pride that led
to her mother's early demise
Her mother died at the age of forty
Her mother had lived a hard life and
somehow gotten sick
Her mother refused to ask for help
On the night before her mother died
Her mother gave her a bag containing
the contact address of their relatives
and her father
After burying her mother, she went
off to search first for her father
Her father was living in a city located
just an hour away from them
She got to her father's office
She was already working as a cleaner
too at the time
She had joined her mother in the work
after her secondary school education
They serviced four schools and seven
churches a month
They were too poor to be human
Her father knew she was his daughter
as soon as she stepped into his office
Her father said "You are my child"
Just like that!
She told her father her story
Her father just nodded and nodded
Her father seemed to know all that she
and her mother had been through
Her father told her he met her mother
while they were in secondary school
He was from a rich family and happened
to have fallen in love with her mother
They started sleeping with each
other in the most unusual places
because neither of them could bring
their relationship into the open
Suddenly her mother vanished
Everybody went searching
Nobody was able to find her because
she was determined not to be found
Her father said he couldn't really do
anything at the time but cry in secret
He went off to the University and
made something of his life
He waited for a very long time before
he got married
He had always hoped her mother would
surface somehow and find him faithful
and waiting
It didn't happen
He got married when he clocked thirty-five
He became a born again Christian and
started walking with the Holy Spirit
His wife was also a very fervent believer
At about 4am on the day she went looking
for her father
Her father said his wife woke him up and
said "Your daughter is coming home today"
That was the first time he heard he had
a daughter and the revelation came from the
most unlikely source
That was why he knew as soon as he saw
her that she was his daughter!
Her father called her step-mother immediately
and gave her the good news
He took her home
Her stepmother took her in and treated
her like royalty
She had her own room and clothes
and life
Her father had two younger children
Aged four and two
They were both boys
Her father started processing her
admission into the University
She had her results but hadn't written
Jamb because she saw no need
wasting the money to buy the form when
she had no sponsor for her university
Her father placed her in a private University
She was placed in a driving school and
given her own car
Her father opened a bank account for her
and placed her on a monthly allowance
Her father even got her fitness and diction
He spent heavily to make up for lost time
But something was wrong with her
It was psychological and disturbing
She simply couldn't see herself as the
daughter of a rich man who had all the
good things
She didn't touch her allowance
She didn't wear the clothes
She didn't drive her car
She did the schooling and diction classes
and driving lessons just to please her
But she saw it as an imposition to take
advantage of all the wealth placed at
her disposal!
Whenever she had a need, she would
fall on her knees and cry and pray
God, please raise helpers for me
I want to have my own money and do
for myself my own things
I dont want any man to glory over me
and say he or she made me great in
I don't want to be seen as a gold digger
who came to someone's house as an
interloper and is now acting as a bonafide
She prayed and prayed
God kept quiet
She reached out to the Brother in Jeans
and a T-shirt
She wrote an epistle
Why wouldn't God arise for my help
I can't buy my own toiletries, I had to use
rags during my period
Please help me pray, help me tell God
to help me! Help me cry unto this God
Teach me what to do, I will do anything
you tell me to do sir!
She begged and pleaded
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt kept
When the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
got to Abuja
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt went
to see her in her Father's mansion
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt said
"Your mother has instilled into you a
dangerous mindset!
This mindset had narrowed your mind
dangerously and kept you in bondage
How can you have a car, know how to drive
and yet refuse to drive because you
didn't buy the car with your money!
How do you think your father will feel?
Having welcomed you into this family
with all his heart and with the support of
your step mother only to have you throw
their goodness in their faces because
of pride and a poverty mentality!
How can God who took you out of a thrash
hill and placed you in this mansion be the
one to blame for your refusal to spend the
allowance given to you by your father to
buy toiletries and live a good life!
She started crying!
She leaned against the wall of her father's
mansion and cried her eyes out
Then she said "These things are really mine?
I didn't know! I thought my father and step
mother were testing me and hoping I will
fail so that they can throw me into the street!
All I was trying to do was show them I don't
need anything from them so that they will not
think i came here for the money
I wanted them to see I am independent
and that I don't need anything!
I am confused...
Why was I doing all these?
She started crying afresh!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed
with her
He told her many believers are like her
They have all things and are living in abundance
Yet they cry to God for every little thing
while refusing to take advantage of the goodies
he has given them!
What else do they expect of God?
She got the message!
She drove the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
to his next point of call
It was her first time driving the blazing red
y benz her father bought her for her 23rd
Later that night, her stepmother and Father
called the Brother in jeans and T-shirt
and thanked him
They said they knew she would adjust
eventually, they just didn't want it to
seem as if they were forcing her to do
PS: I hate to see Believers begging and crying
acting as if God had abandoned them
or God does not answer prayers or worse
acting as if their miracles depend on an
outside source!
It's in YOU!
You have all things for life and godliness
It is God's good pleasure to give you all
Your mentality or mindset could keep
you begging in the midst of plenty
Change it now!
Become more assertive and exercise
your dominion over your own
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