My two year old son suddenly started vomiting blood
I didn’t know why
Sometimes he would eat for a whole day and he wouldn’t vomit
At other times he would vomit throughout the day and faint
I rushed him to the hospital over and over again
The devil is cunning
Once we got to the hospital, the symptoms would cease
The doctors would examine him and assure me he would be just fine
My heart was always in my throat
I knew a day would come….
He was my only living child
I had been engaged once before
We did the traditional wedding engagement before I got pregnant
I had been sleeping with my intended long before then
After I got married, all sorts of complications arose
First the pregnancy was diagnosed as ectopic
The doctors recommended an evacuation
Later they said it wasn’t really ectopic
Eventually I had a still birth
It signaled the end of the marriage
I was in the north at the time,
I returned to my parent’s house in the south
When I got home I narrated my ordeal to her mother
My mother wept bitterly
My mother was bent on defying history
I was my mother’s only child
My mother had been pregnant eight times
Yet I was the only surviving child
My mother had a series of still births and miscarriages
That was the pattern in my Father’s family
My father was the only child of his parent
My grandfather was also the only child of his own parent
The cycle had continued for generations
My father at some point impregnated a lady
The lady delivered a baby boy
The boy lived
My Father thought the cycle had been broken
How wrong he was!
The boy died on his tenth birthday
When I was born
My mother thought the cycle had been broken
Because I was a girl
How wrong my mother was
Yet my mother was determined, that in her lifetime her daughter would have more than one child
For two years after that episode
I couldn’t get a suitor
Eventually a man found me
He had great potential but he was short in stature
I said No!
The young man was persistent
He got his parents involved
My mother begged me
“In this world there are two kinds of people: Those who pick and choose and those who are picked and chosen! You are in the second category. If you say no this man, when do you think another man will come knocking?
After much persuasion, I agreed
My mother called for a meeting with his family
They discussed at length
I agreed to marry him
His parents prayed
My parents prayed
Then my mother threw a spanner in the wheel
“We will not go ahead with this wedding unless my daughter gets pregnant”
I was a worker in church!
That was absolutely against the rules
Her mother wouldn’t be persuaded
We went to our church pastor
Pastor said it was not allowed
My mother wouldn’t relent
I begged my man
"Do it for me
Prove to me you love me more than I could ever imagine"
He yielded
I got pregnant
We got married
We got suspended for six months in church
He was a good husband
He bore the embarrassment with pride
Not once did he blame me for pressurizing him into disobedience
We had the child
Two years later, this mysterious ailment came over him
As I feared, it worsened
One day the child vomited blood morning
By the afternoon he was unconscious
By that evening he was in a coma
Doctors told me the child’s esophagus had cut halfway and he had only fifty percent chance of survival
By the second day it had reduced to five percent
I didn’t know who to call
The child was seen as a product of sin by many
Like David and Bathsheba’s first child
I sat in the hospital
Crying hopelessly
I called her pastor, the church started a prayer chain
Brethren rose up in one accord
I called the brother in Jeans and T-Shirt
He was neither a friend nor an acquaintance
I saw him ministering once and knew he had the spirit of God
I was desperate!
“Sir, my son must not die! My son must not die!!!”
He didn’t know who was at the end of the line
It didn’t matter
He fell on his face
“Father, this child must not die!”
He: Are you with your child?
“Yes but he is in a coma” I responded
He: Lay your right hand on his left leg and say Father, I command so and so to catch the breath of God right now and come back to life. I command the total healing of his esophagus right now. Let my son be made whole now in the name of Jesus. I glorify you Father for you have healed my son. For we pray in Jesus name
I did it
My son moved his left leg
I screamed for joy
One hour later my son was awake
That evening, we were discharged!
I called the brother in Jeans and T-shirt and shared the testimony
We rejoiced in the Holy Spirit
Three months later
I got pregnant!
Before the month ended
I had miscarried!
I miscarried four times before the end of that year
The following year, I didn’t even get pregnant at all
My mother got worried
This was the “pattern” she suffered through as a young woman
She didn’t have a mother to help her but she was determined to help her own daughter
My mother went to the custodian of the deities
“Help my daughter”
The custodians gave my mother seven powdery substances
One to be taken with maize pudding (Ogi)
One to be taken with palm oil
One to bathe with
One to use before she had sex with her husband
Another to use after she had sex with her husband
One to bathe with
And the last one to blow into the air while I was stark naked in the middle of the night after making love to my husband
I would practically be opening the door to demons in my home because my mother was desperate
I said I wouldn’t use them
My mother moved in with me and my husband
“You will do as I say or I will kill myself in this house!”
I knew my mother was acting out of love but I had found a better way, though I had used many fertility drugs and so had my husband, I hadn’t been pregnant for a whole year after the last miscarriage
I went on my knees!
I knew I was at fault
I had been taught how to pray!
I was just too lazy to be consistent and I had been robbed over and over for my complacency!
Not anymore
“Lord Jesus! I am in the middle of a storm! Help me!”
Then I remembered what the brother in Jeans and T-Shirt taught me during my son’s health crisis
“Speak to the mountain!
Stop begging and pleading
Just speak to that mountain the name of Jesus
Command a desert to be overrun with water
There shall be a deluge!
Life and death are in the power of the tongue
The tree of life is in the power of the tongue
Stop complaining
Call the victories forth and you shall have them”
I laid my hands on my womb and commanded life
“My womb, receive life in the name of Jesus. Conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit. The word of God becomes life and healing to you in Jesus name”
As I prayed, the dam broke in my spirit
I turned to my mother
“Mummy, can you give us three months? If I am not pregnant by the end of three months, you can give me whatever substance you think could be of help for my conception. I will use it.”
My mother left
I continued to speak life into womb at every opportunity! I started walking like a pregnant woman. I would watch videos of pregnant women over and over again. My hormones sprang to life, my womb heard the word of God and responded!
Three months later I got pregnant!
I knew this time it was for keeps
It turned out exactly so
Nine months later I delivered a set of twin girls
PS: This event happened between 2015 and 2017
She delivered her set of twin on the 9th of November 2018
Family curses and history are of no consequence when you are in Christ
Jesus became curse
Jesus became sin
Jesus became a man of sorrow
So that you can walk in the light of your new identity
You are a child of God
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