Thrones and Scaffolds

Thrones and Scaffolds

To know the root of a lie, you have to 
ask the liar 
For though you might have caught him 
or her lying and you might have fallen 
for the lie 
The true motive behind a lie is always 
in the heart of a liar 
Why did you lie? 
What do you hope to profit?
Why all the disinformation?
Was it a deliberate act of sabotage? 
A Trojan horse leading in malicious realities 
A matter of pride and ego 
Was it to get into her pants or to get him 
to assume you are what you are not 
Lies have a way of distorting the flow 
of trust and faith 
When you have seen so many lies,
you tend to start believing the most 
likely of them to be true 
Like Politics! 
Politics is a big fat lie 
A lot of people still believe in it all 
the same 
If only they can vote for A or allow 
the Bill X raised to be passed 
If only they can allow a technocrat 
do the job 
Why is the nation not
working? Another lie is religion 
It is a mind and behavioural control tool 
It has nothing to do with The real God 
and his plans for the world 
Like politics, Religion is an institutionalized 
Vox populi, vox dei (The voice of the people
is the voice of god)
The God of politics and religion is a few 
ruling the many
Isn't the true religion doing the will of
the people?
Sickness is a lie 
No matter the diagnosis or how professional 
the doctor is 
The lies were told by symptoms and feelings 
Not all lies have mouths and words 
But lies are a killer 
Doctors will help you give that lie a name, 
sometimes they will give a date of death 
If you believe the doctor 
That lie becomes your own truth 
Do you notice how many people are 
using the term "My truth" nowadays 
As if truth has many versions and can 
be customized 
That's what a lie does 
It messes with your mind 
You are dark within but you pretend 
and defend your "Truth" to the world
Moses brought the law 
The law was a lie 
A lie cannot perfect anybody, rather
 is spreads confusion 
Jesus came with grace and truth 
The truth is constant and consistent 
It sets free once you get to know it 
Nobody who came to know the truth 
remains the same 
There is only one truth!
The evening news is a lie 
Even if you are the journalist reporting it 
If a liar tells a lie to a sincere person and 
the sincere person reports it as news 
Does that mean the lie has been 
laundered into the truth 
The democrats committed several crimes 
We all know this and yet...
Truth is the enemy 
Everytime the truth was being revealed, 
a major distraction will be thrown into 
the wheel 
They keep buying time until November, 
hoping another liar will win and the truth 
will forever be silent 
That's what a lie does 
It does not allow the truth a voice 
because it always pretends to be the 
When you impersonate a person, your 
worst nightmare is for that same person 
to come into the room while you were 
The truth forever on the scaffold 
Lies forever on the throne...
That is the relationship of humanity 
with the truth it must DIE
Didn't we kill Jesus? 
The world hates the truth and every 
symbol of the truth makes people 
Male can no longer be only male and 
female can no longer be only female 
Females are claiming to be Fathers on 
father's day 
A ruthless determination to abolish 
the truth in our realities 
There is a truth that cannot be distorted 
It lies in who i became after I came to 
know the Lord 
I walk in power I am a Christkind 
I cannot be Covided into silence or 
face masked into anonymity 
I reign over the flood in Christ 
I am as He is in Spirit and in Truth Glory!

PS: Two people stood before King
They were prostitutes
Each of them told her Truth
There was no witness to corroborate
the story of either
Both had little babies
One smouldered her baby mistakenly
while sleeping
She sneaked into the room of the
other and exchanged her dead baby
with the living baby of the other one
The other one woke up, saw a dead 
baby but knew it wasn't her baby
An argument broke forth
Both of them had a truth
And their truth couldn't be refuted
Solomon decided to give the TRUTH
a voice
And it spoke loud and clear
If the truth becomes subjective
Justice is dead!
There is nothing like "my truth"
What you really meant to say was
"My side of the story" or 
"My version of the story"