Rightly Dividing
In Genesis God breathed into Adam after creating him.
John 20:22 And when he had said this,
he breathed on them, and saith unto them,
Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
When he had said this, he breathed on
them, and said to them, "Receive the
Holy Spirit!"
What is the significance of the second
Why did they need to go to Jerusalem to
wait to receive the Holy Spirit again,
after Jesus had breathed into them?
The two scenarios are similar but not
the same; in Genesis God created Adam
first as a spirit being Genesis 1:27 before
giving him a material body Genesis 2:7.
After forming man and placing His spirit
in the formed body God breathed into
his nostril to fuse the spirit and the
material body into one.
This was what enabled Adam to be
able to live normally in the material
world as enabled him to be the first
hybrid creation that has a material
body and is governed by his spirit.
He was a novel idea.
These include the angels and other
supernatural beings that predated man.
After the fall in Genesis 3. Man lost the
essence of his spirituality.
The Genesis 1:27 being died
( So God created human beings in
his own image.
In the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.")
What remained was the Genesis 2:7
being. ( And the LORD God formed
man of the dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the breath
of life, and man became a living soul.)
The man was spiritually dead but
materially alive.
When Jesus came we saw a change
in Dynamics.
Jesus and John the Baptist were born
full of the Holy Spirit.
This means Jesus was spiritually alive,
unlike most men. He didn't have the
seed of Adam in him.
He was the son of God through and
through. The role of the woman was
to give him the flesh that God gave
Adam in Genesis.
So Jesus was born full of the
Holy Spirit and yet after His baptism,
he received the Holy Spirit from above
Can you see the order here?
First, he had the Holy Spirit, and then
He received the Holy Spirit.
This is the pattern for the disciples too.
After Jesus' resurrection, he breathed
upon the disciples.
They received the Holy Spirit at
that time.
And then on the day of Pentecost,
there was the enduement.
The final aspect of the teaching
is how it relates to us believers.
Unlike Jesus who was born full
of the Holy Spirit and later received
the Holy Spirit after Baptism.
The moment we receive the word
of salvation into our hearts by
believing in the Lord Jesus, the
moment we confess our salvation
in Him we get filled with the
Holy Spirit too. But for most people,
they don't speak in tongues or
demonstrate the power of the
Holy Spirit that same day.
They get to receive the enduement
Following the same pattern that
Jesus Christ had in the Bible.
The difference between the Genesis
experience and our present
experience is that the experience
was in the reverse.
Adam was a spirit before he received
flesh. We were flesh before we
received the spirit
The only place in scripture we see
someone was prayed for for healing and
it didn't work was in Matthew 17
... and it wasn't Jesus.
Jesus Himself gave only one reason why
it didn't happen in that scenario.
Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them, BECAUSE
He wasn't referring to the afflicted
person's unbelief but to His disciples'
This already destroys the belief that
the lack of active faith in the sick
should render the faith of the minister
ineffective to heal.
Jesus didn't say...
"because the healing anointing has lifted"
"because he's suffering for his sins"
"because he or his dad didn't have
enough faith to receive his healing"
"because he has an evil covenant
with his village people"
"because it is his time to die"
No, none of that mattered.
Just the disciples' faith.
The believer has a command and authority
to heal and cast out demons that
surpasses anything else that might
stand against it.
Mark 16:17-18
And these signs shall follow them that
believe; In my name shall they cast out
devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
[18] They shall take up serpents; and if
they drink any deadly thing, it shall not
Observe the absoluteness of that
No ifs, no buts, no maybes.
To give any other reason why the sick
can't be healed is to say that thing is
stronger than the word of Jesus.
If the healing failed to happen, please
don't ever put the blame on the sick.
Gear yourself up in faith and minister
It's not God's fault. His power is
available in you.
It's not the sick person's fault, even
if he brought the sickness on himself,
the forgiving power of Christ in us
should wipe it all out.
James 5:15
And the prayer of faith shall save
the sick, and the Lord shall raise
him up; and if he have committed sins,
they shall be forgiven him.
And while at it, ensure you get the
person rejoicing in the gospel of his
eternal salvation inspite of sickness.
That is greater than bodily healing.
And keep growing in your ability to
minister the healing power of Christ.
Knowing that in the fullness of the
stature of Christ, every sickness and
disease bows to our authority in Him
just like they did to Jesus 100% of the time!
I have seen many victories in healing,
I believe and affirm that every virus,
bacteria, all kinds of infections,
deformities and maladies are subject
to me in the name of Jesus.
The power of Jesus to heal is real
even today.
Only believe!
And do your part.
Sam Chiaka
1 Corinthians 15:25 For he must reign, till
he hath put all enemies under his feet.
1 Corinthians 15:26 The last enemy that
shall be destroyed is death.
Very unlikely!!
The epistle is clear, GOD WILL DESTROY
He gives saints ability to RAISE THE
St. Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse
the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:
freely ye have received, freely give.
The first mention of 'DIE' in the Bible was
used as a warning, a warning against the
aftermath of rejecting life, not an action
from God to those who reject life.
The warning was the day you eat of this
Now some facts.
God never created death! God is life!
All He created in Genesis was life!!
No death!
All His angels minister for men, they
don't destroy men!
Simple facts!
However, death came in because
Satan rebelled against God!
Like Jude said, some angels left
their first estate!
Like Jesus said, HE ABODE NOT IN
So that departure from the light,
created DARKNESS!
God didn't create death, death is a
It is when life leaves, that death
comes in.
This is so simple even physically!
What you have fundamentally is life,
what happens when the life leaves
So death is a creature of aftermath,
not a creature of the beginning.
Now before you quote, I am God who
created light and darkness, life and death.
I kill and make alive etc
Just calm down and read the epistles,
they are the accurate revelation of God.
Many things can be said about God
from the Bible but if you can answer
two questions, you will begin to have
1. When God came as a man, how
many of His enemies did He kill?
How many of his enemies did
He forgive?
2. What does the epistles say about
God's reaction to death.
What ability does the HolySpirit give
us in the case of death?
If you can begin your study that way,
you will get clarity, but if you are
bent to show how God kills, you have
won the argument already.
Revd Harrison
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