

It is not everyone that copes well 
with living in a foreign country 
I know people who traveled abroad 
and promptly fell into depression 
They had a good job and it was 
their heart desire to travel 
And yet, they found the foreignness 
of their surroundings too much of a 
barrier to function properly in 
I have seen people travel with wide 
smiles on their faces only to return 
home broken almost beyond repair 
Everybody wonders what was wrong 
with them You hear friends and
 relatives say "He or she was offered 
the job on a platter of Gold and the 
job came with an opportunity for him 
or her to become a citizen. 
How could such throw away the 
opportunity to make so much money 
in the name of loneliness? 
Some people can live anywhere while 
others simply cannot thrive far away 
from home 
I know people who live in the USA and 
are making good money who cry 
themselves to sleep every night due to
the loneliness and 
I remember having a discussion with 
Firecracker Toyeen (The lady who recently 
started sharing her experiences on about California 
She said she sometimes had to drive 
12 miles to see another Nigerian! 
That for
her was tough! I remember some 
brothers of mine who traveled to Dubai 
in search of greener pastures 
They returned home after several months 
because things didn't go as they were 
told before they left home 
A lady sent me an SOS from Qatar, 
she was a maid and she had been 
promised heaven and earth before 
she traveled 
When she got to her place of employment, 
she realized the way some Nigerians 
treat housemaids was the way she was 
expected to be treated Plus, the 
husband of her employer had her 
international passport and was sleeping 
with her at will with the threat that he 
would throw the passport away if she 
didn't open her legs willingly I have 
seen so much that goes on on the other 
side of the "Greener pasture" 
A woman once wrote to me from Jos 
Her husband had three houses, a bakery 
and some choice plots of land 
She was running a supermarket and 
they were well off 
They had five cars, their three children 
were in good schools 
Suddenly she got bitten by the "abroad 
bug" She told her husband they must 
relocate Her husband bought her 
suggestion and they sold everything 
they had for 18000 dollars 
They moved to the USA as a family 
But things didn't turn out as planned 
at all Their children fell ill as soon as 
they got to the country 
They had to hospitalize the children 
They didn't have health care insurance 
and had to pay cash 
By the time they sorted out the hospital 
bills and rented an apartment 
They were broke her husband kept 
blaming her for their circumstances 
She regretted her decision to push him 
in that direction too 
They had become ordinary people 
who have to struggle and check listings 
and go searching for employment in 
They were not used to that lifestyle 
He was a civil engineer at home and 
he did a lot of contacts with the 
He made his first millions in his twenties 
and never looked back 
He was forty-three by the time they 
got to America and the whole American 
dream died within a year! 
He eventually left
He returned home to start over again 
His wife refused to leave (She was 
studying to be a nurse by this time) 
She believed once she became a 
nurse, she would make enough money 
to buy Nigeria It was not to be 
Within a year of returning home, 
he was back on his feet His engineering
company had a good reputation and he 
was awarded some contracts 
He kept calling his wife to return home 
His wife kept saying No Eventually, he 
built a house and married another wife 
His wife heard and suddenly realized 
he was far richer than her even 
though she was in America
She returned home and ended up as 
the man's second wife (Senior) 
She told me how much she regretted 
trying to fix what was not broken 
Her children were another issue 
The first daughter got into the drug 
habit at the age of 17 
Before she knew what was going on, 
she ran away with a Jamaican boy 
By the time she was eventually found, 
she was pregnant with a crack baby 
that died at birth 
She knew she could have spared her 
children that trauma if she didn't 
tempt fate 
It is not all stories of woe and sorrow 
Many moved abroad and adapted 
like a fish to water
Without the power of the Holy Spirit 
and his direction, we will make the 
wrong moves and such a move could 
be too costly to bear 
We shouldn't be living our lives 
Making money is not a purpose and 
after making it, many of us have come 
to see that it does not satisfy!
If financial security was the ultimate 
achievement, many a wealthy man 
who committed suicide wouldn't do so 
We were made for loftier goals 
The earlier we discover our purpose 
and start working towards fulfilling it, 
the better for us Does it not strike 
you as odd that someone in his late 
60s and 70s would be unprepared 
to die? 
Regardless of how wealthy and 
accomplished, it almost always seems 
as if they knew there was something 
they were meant to do that they had 
failed to do. 
A man who has fulfilled purpose will 
say "I have run my course, I have won the
Are you even in the race? 
Do you know your purpose? 
It is important to walk with the Holy Spirit 
and begin to journey on our preordained 
paths in Christ. Jesus is not a religion 
Jesus is the life, that eternal life that 
pleases God through us by the power 
of the Holy Spirit

One of the fundamental truths I held on 
to all through my times in faith and otherwise 
was to always maintain a stubborn desire 
to form independent views of faith and God. 
I consciously rejected anything that doesn't 
validate my fundamental beliefs and would 
learn to disagree quietly in my spirit when 
thoughts outside of my basic framework 
were taught or espoused. 
It is the reason why I was able to stay in 
my old church for as long as I did. 
So why am I writing this? You see, I 
always had this weakness... 
I vacillate a lot and can be indecisive 
when it comes to speaking my mind and 
holding my thoughts accountable at the 
same time. 
Yes, I was outspoken and held no prisoners 
at work and was a firebrand that my clients 
wanted on their side during a negotiation... 
but when in Church, my tongue seemed to 
take on a new mind... 
It would just hang and I will be shaking 
my head agama lizard. 
I watched silently, seething inside of 
me whilst holding my tongue in silence... 
yet my heart ached for release... 
I wanted to unleash!
Then I attended last year's Supernatural 
Conference... it was like a bomb was 
deposited in my mouth... 
I suddenly couldn't keep quiet again.. 
I started to gather enemies and shoot 
them down like world war 2 veteran...
You see, my toungue had been liberated... 
but then I had also learnt another vital 
The filter between my brain and my 
tongue was my mind... 
If my mind wasn't essentially flooding with 
thoughts of God and controlled by the 
Holy Spirit, the hidden Femi will find 
voice ... of that I had to learn. 
Being humble enough to acknowledge 
that God could fix that mind, I left Him 
to do His thing...
So, you see, I have found my voice 
and the Holy Spirit gave me utterance... 
It has been a period of discovery and 
blessings... then He gave fire to the 
vision of Theikos Doxa. 
In my life, I have made some very 
difficult decisions... from telling God 
to stay on his lane when I first got 
married despite His express instructions, 
to making the choice to give my life 
in form 2 in 1987 to walking away 
from a Bank CEO job and all... 
None however was as challenging as 
the decision to yield to God's call 
on my life... 
You see, my career isn't suited to ministry... 
Work demands mean I travel almost as 
frequently as the British Airways pilot.. 
yet God was asking me to build him a platform... 
ko make sense now... abi how you check am? 
Yet, build a platform he did... 
Anyways, the rest they say is History... 
So why all this English? 
I don't know too ... I just dey write wetin 
Pupsie say make I write... 
The Lord says that October 1 Supernatural 
Conference will be a life changing experience 
for a multitude of people... it will mark the 
beginning of the manifestation of several
 years of prophecies over the lives of 
his children. 
New realities will be birthed and many will 
come into the realization of their purpose 
both for the gospel and for their lives. 
I am excited about what God is about to do...
Are you???

Prophet Femi Oladehin 
Head of Mission Theikos Doxa Evangelical

Announcement: Night of Glory will
hold this Friday from 11 pm
It will be a Night of Praise, worship and
If you have ever been to our Night
of Glory services, you will understand
we do nothing in the flesh but all
things by the spirit

See you on Friday snd yes, prepare
for our October 1, Homo Christus:
The conference of Supernatural 
advantage too!
It is our season of revealed Glory!