Pottage Mentality
Those days were terrible
He had a disagreement with his pastor
over the issue of marriage
He found a lady he wanted to marry
His pastor said he didn’t pray well enough
because she was seeing something else
He didn’t get the message clearly
How could he and his pastor be seeing two
separate things regarding his own marriage?
He asked her what she saw
She took him for a drive
She told him, she saw a vision of him
marrying her daughter!
She said she was sure the Holy Spirit
told her so and if he refused to align
it means he was disobeying the Holy Spirit
And she cannot work with anybody
who would blatantly disobey the Holy Spirit!
It was outright manipulation
She was the founder of the church
He was her assistant (Youth Pastor)
She was just trying to tie him down
for her daughter who was then studying
and living abroad!
He said No!
Things went sour!
She turned on the heat
He left the church!
Another pastor heard about the issue
The pastor told him there was a parish
Located somewhere rural
The pastor asked him if he wouldn’t mind
pastoring that parish!
He needed some time to clear his head
He took the position!
It was a small church
The area was prone to flooding and pastors
find the place very uncomfortable
Even those living there do so because
they had no option
The membership of the parish was less
than twenty
It was as if he was planting the parish afresh
He took it on, it was for the gospel
of Jesus Christ!
They didn’t have any equipment!
No microphone, no amplifier,
no generator, no lighting, no nothing!
His voice and his bible were all he had!
The church didn’t have a bank account
The pastor told him the church had a
trustworthy treasurer who kept
whatever the church contributed!
The contribution would be put
together after some time to buy
instruments and meet other needs
of the church!
He embraced the challenge
Through the rain and sunshine
Following members up
Naming babies
Healing the sick,
Converting souls
Counselling singles
Nurturing marriages
He even brought a television crew
to the area to cover the plight of the
He worked hard!
But not for money, but for the love of
Sometimes he would be the only one
in the weekly services
His tithe, the tithe of his fiancee
and the tithe of his younger brother
were the heaviest paid to the church
The community was a very poor one
He joined the church in February
The Holy Spirit worked wonders
New members joined
Members got new jobs
The oldest member, a 62-year-old man
even got a wonderful job with a cargo
The news spread abroad of the wonders
of the works of the Holy Spirit!
The church grew
A year sped by!
It was time to buy the microphone and so on
The church treasurer said she would come
to the church with the money for the
instruments the following week!
The following week came
She had disappeared!
Neighbours said she and her family
had travelled to the village
For the Christmas holidays!
He called th pastor that recommended
the woman
The pastor told him to be patient
He continued his work
The woman’s husband does not attend
the church
He was a drunk for whom the church is
believing God for a miracle of salvation
He made excuses for her in his head!
February came!
He had clocked a year
Somebody told him the lady was back
from the village
The lady didn’t come to church
He waited patiently
In the first week of March, he waited in
the church until 3 pm
He had been informed that
the lady usually left home very early on
Sunday to return late in the afternoon
So as to avoid meeting church members!
He went to her house with four members
of the church
They met her!
She was shocked to see them
She immediately became aggressive!
"What is it?
Must you come to my husband’s
House to disgrace us!
I have spent the money
Have I not tried?
I leave the house at 5 am to return
at noon on Sundays
Just to avoid the shame
Do you think it is convenient for me
And yet you came here
You came to shame me and drag me
through the mud
And you call yourself a pastor!
Was it your money?
Are you God?
Are you God's tax collector?
He hadn't even said a word!
All he wanted was to know how much
the total money with her was!
And the financial record book!
She said she had thrown the book away
and she didn’t know how much it was!
She acted as if they were hounding her
for the money!
She made a lot of noise!
It was very embarrassing
He knew how much was with her
They both kept a record book each and
reconciled the figures after every service!
When he got to the church that day he
decided enough was enough
He had worked hard for over a year and
had hoped that year would be easier
with all the equipment they planned to buy
He just couldn’t cope with the stress and
the shattered hope!
That same week, his former senior pastor
retired and the church approached him
to take over that church
He resigned!
He forgot the chapter!
Ten years later, the treasuer’s son,
(he was 14 years old when the drama
Happened) strolled into his office!
The treasurer’s son had just gained
admission into the university and needed
help with his school fees!
The treasurer’s son said “I am so and so,
my mum used to be your Treasurer when
you were in (such an such) parish!
Please help me, sir! Please!
He went on to recount his missed chances
and lost opportunities and how much he
needed a break!
The treasurer’s son was really in a dire
He told the treasurer’s son he didn’t have
any money to give him at that moment!
This was the truth!
The young man left!
The next day he came back with his
mother, the Treasuer!
The mother felt it was because of her action
of the past, that help was denied her son!
She said she was sorry and her misbehavior
should not be visited on her son and his future!
But a thousand sorries cannot a Naira make!
Thus, the story ended!
PS: Some of us invite struggle and hardship
into our own lives by our actions
Sometimes we do so blatantly
like Esau, we trade our birthright for
a plate of pottage and we wonder why
we go through life as a believer without
anything of note to show for it
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