

On the day she got married
Her mother told her a deep secret
“My daughter, I am happy you have 
gotten a home
To settle down in! I pray that the gods 
will make the
Home an abode of peace, love and joy 
for you!
As you know, our family’s profession is 
And the god of our family is the god of 
the smiths!
When I got married and didn’t conceive 
on time,
I turned to the gods for a child!
Upon investigation, I was told by the 
spiritual guides
That I didn’t come to the world with the 
destiny of being a mother! They said all
I chose was a long life and good health!
The only solution I was offered by the 
herbalist was to visit the fertility groove of 
the deities
When I got to the groove of the deities, I was given
seven kola nuts!
I was bathed by the mothers of the groove and
coloured in white chalk from head to toe
I was painted with camwood on my feet, my
Vagina, my navel, my waist, my lips and 
my eyebrows
It was a proper fertility rite
This was the only thing I wore like clothes 
for seven days
At night I slept on a special bed made of 
huge Plantain tree leaves
It was right there on that leaves, on the 
third day that the deities visited me!
Just as the sun was going down, I felt a strong pull 
around my waist!
After the first two days without any supernatural 
The high priest of the groove
A blind man whose eyes was said to have been 
turned inwards
By the gods wore some specially made anklets and 
waist beads for me
He told me they would guide the spirit of fruitfulness
to me and he gave me a special concoction to drink
to aid my spirit to receive the visitation
They worked like a charm
I had been told that if I felt a pull around my waist 
or on my breast
I should quickly run to the banana leaf bed and 
lie down with my legs wide open
That was what I did
I felt a very warm sensation all over my body and
Inside my vagina
I knew I had been visited!
I was visited three times like this! 
Almost at the same time
For the next three days
At the completion of my seven days 
fertility rite
I returned home to my husband
I knew I was pregnant
And it was confirmed a few months later
I went on to become a mother of three 
beautiful girls
Out of everybody who had gone to the fertility 
god for a child
I was the most fortunate
The other barren women before and after me 
only had one or at most
Two children
But I had three!
The only condition attached for all of us 
who were
Visited by the fertility god was that we 
should dedicate
Our children at the groove so that they 
can live long
We all did it happily!
After the dedication, we were told that when
You are getting married, you should be 
brought to the groove
for your own fertility rites so that you can 
have children!
So, whenever you are ready, let me know 
so that I can
Take you to the elders and the arrangement 
would be
made for you to visit the grove and do the rites”
She didn’t say a word!
Her elder sisters had hinted her on what her 
mother would say
The two of them had been married for years 
without a child
They went to the groove as instructed by 
their mother
But the blind priest was dead and the 
younger priests
Seemed not to have any idea what to do!
Her eldest sister, the one that had been married 
for seven years
Without a child, told her she had been to 
the groove
Three times and on the third occasion she
 was given a substance to drink!
She said the substance made her hallucinate badly
She said she was raped repeatedly while in this state
She was sure of it
And she was sure it was not a spirit doing 
the raping
The priests were just having a field day
By the time she left, she was hopeful of 
being pregnant
Even if the child belonged to one of the priests 
who violated her
It would still be a child and she would have 
banished bareness 
But it was not so in any way
She found herself suffering from strange ailments
Sometimes she would just black out, at other 
times she would
suddenly be overcome by fear and dread
She had to be committed to a psychiatric hospital 
for almost six months
The treatment helped but she learnt a bitter lesson 
about desperation
She swore never to visit the groove again
Her sister's horror story was a fable to their mother
Her mother kept saying "It worked for 
Her mother kept saying "It worked for her and 
it is the only avenue through which they will have children!
Her immediate elder sister had also been married for four 
years without a child!
She had done everything scientifically and medically 
possible to have a child
But she couldn't conceive 
Their mother begged her to visit the groove, 
"Don't let me die a miserable woman! 
People will be asking if you don't have a mother! 
Daughters who obey their mothers reap great benefits, 
you suckle at my breast and cannot say my mouth 
is smelling now
Her sister refused! 
She insisted the priests were taking advantage of 
women by giving them "Gegemu" to drink in the name of fertility.
{*Gegemu is a plant common to west Africa (Datura Stramonium
or JImsonweed also known as Devil's snare, a powerful hallucinogen
and delirant used entheogenically for inducing visions}
Her mother''s last hope of carrying a grandchild rested 
on her shoulders! 
And her mother got to work as soon as she brought home 
her husband!
Unlike her elder ones, she got a husband who hailed 
from the North! 
A man who was willing to respect the norms and traditions 
of her culture. Her mother wanted to take advantage of 
this to smuggle in the groove rite as part of her wedding 
rites so that she will get pregnant on the eve of her wedding! 
She refused!
She had heard enough from her two elder sisters to 
convince herself that the groove was not the way! 
She had become born again while she was an undergraduate 
and she was sure she will have her own children!
Wedding night came! She prayed before, during and after 
the wedding night consumation! She was so sure she would 
be pregnant that very night, but it was not so!
Then the days started rushing in and out! 
Before she knew it, she had been married for six years 
without a child! Her mother continued to sing the "go to 
the groove chorus like a broken record"
Her husband was patient, loving and committed to her
Once in a while he would ask her when she was ovulating 
or when she had her last period! At other times he would 
bring home something for her to eat or drink in a bid to be 
of assistance 
But most of the time, he was so relaxed about the issue 
at hand that she sometimes thought he had a child 
somewhere outside their marriage 
One Sunday, she didn't go to church! 
One of her colleagues in the office was having a 
special Thanksgiving service and she had promised 
her friend she would come to her church to support her!
She got to the church just in time for members to share 
the testimonies of God''s goodness
Among the testifies was a woman who came out to testify 
about an affliction that kept her bound for seven years until
 a brother in Jeans and T-shirt came to her house and prayed 
for her!
After the service, she told her friend to introduce her to the 
Brother in Jeans and T- shirt! 
Her friend did and she told the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
her story! 
She wanted him to lay hands on her and speak the word 
like other poastors, deliverance ministers and prophets
have done for her in the past
But to her surprise, he berated her for believing her mother's
cock and bull story!
"Where was it written in the Bible that the devil or demons
 can create or give people babies? Human beings are the 
exclusive creation of God! Why would you believe this lie? 
As long as you believe your source is a groove, a groove will 
always be where you will find the solution to your woes!
He that is from above is above all!
How can you be born again and still talk this way?
You are not really born again, you are only mentally born again!
You are one of the "mixed multitude" who claim to be born 
again but live their realities as sons or daughters of 
the first Adam!
If you are born again, you will know where you come from 
and you will really come from there!"
She got what he was saying but her mother's story was 
real and all she wanted was a prayer to break all the evil 
altars in the groove and remove her name from the shrines 
of evil!
He led her in the sinners' prayer as if she was just becoming
 born all over again and he said "From today, tell whoever cares
 to know that you are from above, you are a citizen of Zion 
and no matter what your eyes or mundane reality is saying,
do not flinch or change your confession!"
She got pregnant that same month!
Just like that!
She didn't tell anybody! She kept away from all her friends 
and relatives, pretending to be out of town even for her mother!
She delivered a bouncing baby boy!
She named him Oluwashina! (The Lord opened the way)
Her sisters couldn't believe it, by this time the eldest had 
gone 16 years without a child and had adopted two children 
while her immediate elder sister had gone 12 years without 
a child!
During the naming ceremony the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
told her to explain to her sisters what he told her
She did and gave them the same instruction 
The wombs were also opened and they had their first 
biological children two months apart!
Through knowledge (Not prayer and fasting and deliverance)
shall the righteous be delivered!
Christians who pray without knowledge are the ones who
experience spirituality in the negative (Demonic attacks,
evil dreams, evil pattern and all sorts) because their eyes
are on the wrong thing!
Looking unto Jesus! 
Nothing else is worth your attention, no matter how
compelling it is!
No other story is allowed to take hold in your reality
Be from above!

Ps: Subject your experiences to the scripture
If your reality is not in tandem with the gospel and
you are a born again Christian!
Change it now!
Grow in the new life by studying Christ
He is the target of who we must become like
The more of the knowledge of you live out in your reality, 
the more your life will conform to the gospel!