When I was in the university, I had 11 roommates in 200 level, every one of us had been abused by either a female relative or a house girl before the age of 11. I mean, every one of us.

One day we were in the hostel talking about ladies and one of us- Yinka started talking about how he desired to date a lady but couldn't because he was sure she would want marriage and he would never ever get married. I asked him why he wouldn't get married and he said he loses interest in any lady he has an emotional connection with as soon as they have sex. I asked him why, and he explained that sex brings to his mind the image of the lady that started with him when he was 9 years old.

He was saying it as if it was a good thing, as if he had known all about sex since age nine and matured faster or better than others. Then another roommate Bayo said his cousin started sleeping with him when he was 11.

One thing led to another and the room became like an Oprah Winfrey show.
It was crazy how boys were freely talking about their sexual abuse at an early age and how the perpetrators walked away from their evil unpunished and unnamed.

All the boys had various issues they were dealing with because of the trauma they suffered from ladies, and these are future husband to other ladies who would have to deal with the baggage these guys will bring into their unions.

Some years later, I was having a discussion with a friend and she told me their house girl almost made her a lesbian.

She shared details and went on to say it was for that reason that she had kept away from emotional entanglement.

We all should do better at protecting our children from a repeat of such.

Too many damaged and “unmended” folks are suffering from the consequences of their parent's negligence today.

We must do more to protect our children