The Pneuma
The three of them decided against
joining the MMM scheme that year.
It was like the Covid-19 virus.
It started with a few people and
spread like wildfire all over the country.
People kept testifying of how much
they made and how it has helped them
His elder sister called him and said her
boss in the office had collected her
account number and joined the scheme
on her behalf!
Her boss saw that she was skeptical and
was bold enough to use his own money
to register her for the scheme and even
invested some money for her!
He was not so easily moved.
Some years before then, when a ponzi
scheme termed “wonder banks” took
over the nation, he was one of those
who didn’t join despite being broke
and needy at the time.
He just wasn’t convinced God would
choose to bless him that way.
Many laughed at him at the time.
His babe at the time did the scheme
called “pennywise” and made some
money with which she paid her school
(They were both undergraduates at the
time but in different schools)
He refused!
He was mocked for not being smart
enough to make hay while the sun
was shinning!
His brother eventually went into the
scheme after praying and fasting.
The scheme busted as soon as his
brother paid 10k to join.
The prayer and fasting didn’t stop the
money from going down the drain!
He learned a big lesson from the
Wonder banks era!
He knew the MMM scheme would
bust too!
He was working with a church when
the MMM madness came in like a flood.
Pastors bought into it.
They shamelessly printed posters, banners
and flyers
They even made it a sermon topic on Sundays!
Their church members bought into it.
They were convinced it would never fail!
When he saw all the respected pastors
doing it, he decided he would join too.
They must have seen something or heard
something from the Holy Spirit.
All the pastors cannot be wrong!
When he got to the office the next day,
the other two came to him!
They had both registered.
One, a woman said she had already
been paid her first cash out which was
The other, a brother said he was convinced
to join when he saw the cash out of the lady.
He shouldn’t be the slacker!
He told himself he had to join.
He took some money and his account number!
The Holy Spirit said No!
He returned the money and kept quiet.
Later that afternoon, another colleague
came to his office and introduced the
scheme to him.
The colleague said ‘just give me your
account number, I will deposit my money
on your behalf!”
The colleague was very sure of the outcome
He gave the colleague his account number,
as the colleague walked away from his office!
He lost his peace.
He suddenly couldn’t breathe.
It was as if the air in his lungs was being
reduced and he was choking.
He ran after the colleague and collected
the paper on which he wrote
The account number immediately.
No amount of money was worth his
relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit required one to be
simple and yielded.
The moment you start struggling with him,
he will just let you be.
He couldn’t afford the long silence.
No amount of money was worth losing
his peace.
The colleague was disappointed.
The other two colleagues laughed and
said “You are too straight jacketed, relax!”
He smiled.
From the moment he collected the
sheet of paper back from his colleague,
his breathing had normalized and his
peace restored.
He knew they wouldn’t understand...
That was how he pulled out of the MMM
Nobody could convince him to be a part
of it after that day
He killed that temptation forever
A month later, he got to the office on a
Monday morning, he met the front desk
officer in tears.
The colleague that wanted to register
him had done the same for the front desk
The front desk officer had seen the first
cash out and invested her 500k life savings
in the next batch!
He paid the money in on her behalf but
they didn’t get any returns.
The whole scheme had crashed!
The front desk officer had played it safe
by giving the money to him.
Now she was insisting that the crash was
not her business, he must refund her 500k.
He had lost almost two million Naira too
and so had all the other who invested in
the scheme.
Everybody took the loss with gritted teeth
except the Front Desk officer
She insisted it wasn’t her loss despite all
the attempt to explain to her that if the
expected cash out had come she would
have insisted on keeping it all.
They brought the case to him!
He was the only one who was not involved
in the scheme, he told the front desk
officer she had to bear the loss.
That day was the quietest day at the office
Pastors walked into their offices with
droopy heads
Phones kept ringing
“Investors, brokers and agents” kept
trying to explain what had happened
and how it happened and all!
The bottom line was simple
Nobody knew when to walk away
and they were all caught in the mousetrap!
Money was lost and so was reputation
Many pastors continued to pay debts
for several months in order to clear
their names
Elijah had closed the heavens just before
the rain and nobody could find him!
All the senior pastors were shocked
that he didn’t participate!
During the prayer meeting the next day,
they mentioned it
“How were you able to cope with all the
pressure from friends and loved ones?
It was the pressure that made us join!
How did you do it?”
He just smiled!
The Holy Spirit was not an idea or
a voice to Him
The Holy Spirit was so real that there
was no way he could go contrary to the
Holy Spirit and have any peace.
He would just be restless and unsettled.
He had come to discover that the
Holy Spirit was not like that with
most people
His sister also lost some money,
practically everybody did.
It was not because they were foolish
or greedy It was an opportunity to
make some quick cash, but they were
all carried away by sight at the expense
of the Spirit!
Even if they cashed out in time,
it wouldn’t be worth it overall!
The Holy Spirit tests our sensitivity and
obedience in many ways.
The more we yield to him the louder
his voice gets and the more sensitive
we are to his leading.
The more we do our will despite his leading,
the more insensitive we become to him
and more his voice fades away from our heart.
The Holy Spirit does not do logic or
right or wrong!
He does Christ!
He would only guide you in the
direction of the Kingdom of Christ in
all your endeavors
His job was to keep you from falling
and to present you faultless before
the presence of his glory with
exceeding joy!
He is not someone you consult only
when you want to make major decisions
or when you are at a crossroad
He is your eternal companion,
The landlord of your spirit and
The one to whom you committed the
rulership of your life when you gave
your life to Christ
He lives in you Stir Him up today
Fellowship with him
Listen to him
Yield to him
Do not lean on your own understanding
Communicate with him
Be intentional about your relationship with Him
He is the seal of Christ on you as a believer
He is the best thing that ever happened to me!
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