

16 years ago I put up my newborn 
baby girl for adoption. 
The circumstances surrounding this 
decision were grim. 
I was in my eighth year of heroin addiction. 
I was living on the streets.
I was 35 years old and had nothing to 
show for it. 
The devil lied to me and told me I would 
always use drugs, that I needed them 
to survive. 
And I believed him for many years.
I partnered up with this older man and
 started using with him. 
I got pregnant. 
I was not trying to bring a baby into 
this world—-the birth control we used
I knew I would have this baby. 
I knew abortion was murder so it 
wasn’t an option. 
I kept using to numb myself. 
I didn’t want to live anymore. 
The guy that got me pregnant soon 
moved on with other druggies. 
One day this woman came and found 
me in the park. 
It was his wife! 
She said get in my car, I’m taking you 
to get an abortion and I’m paying for it!
—I had no idea he was married-
he never mentioned her. 
I told her no way-leave me alone. 
I never saw her again. 
The months passed. 
I never went to the doctor or anything. 
I used up until my water broke. 
I was very depressed knowing I could 
not keep her. 
I didn’t want her to come-knowing I 
had to give her up. 
It was the saddest time of my life. 
My heart was broken.
She was born! 
She looked just like me. 
Tears flooded my face holding her 
knowing I wouldn’t see her again.
Then a strange thing happened. 
Now I know this was God’s intervention.
A nurse came to my bed and understood 
my circumstances. 
She said “I know you probably don’t want 
to let the state take your baby into CPS 
(child protective services) because many 
babies get stuck in the system and never 
find homes...
I have the number of a lawyer who has 
good parents waiting for a baby to adopt. 
You should call him.”
I called him. 
He came to my room that very day. 
He showed me the parents he had in mind, 
assured me this was a good choice. 
And I felt such peace and comfort about
 this whole thing—I signed the papers. 
The next day before I discharged out of
 the hospital the parents had flown in 
from the east coast and met with me. 
Lots of tears were shed. 
I knew this was the best thing I could 
do for my daughter—I let her go.
So for the next twelve years I had no 
contact with her parents. 
We lost touch. 
I continued in drugs a few more years...
went to prison a cleaned up 
awhile then got hooked on 
methamphetamines until 2012.
In 2012 I gave my life to Jesus and he 
started helping me clean up my life. 
He transformed me and softened my heart. 
He brought me out of drugs and false 
He helped me decide I was never going 
back to that life ever again!
In 2015 I started ministering in Facebook. 
This is when I got back in touch with 
my daughters parents through Facebook. 
I could also see how she was growing up. 
It was such a blessing to see I made 
the right decision, that she was cared 
for and loved by Christian people. 
I would just pray for them and trust 
the Lord was in control. 
I knew that possibly one day she might 
get in touch with me.
I’m going through my friend requests and 
I see her name! 
She sent me a friend request!
I quickly messaged her parents to let 
them know that she reached out to me...
They said we encouraged her to if that’s 
ok with you!?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YES ITS OK WITH ME

Her name is REBEKAH. 
Her pics she sent me tonight are below. 
Isn’t she beautiful?
I can’t stop crying happy tears because 
of God’s goodness. 
I am so blessed to have a mighty God that 
is faithful and trustworthy—who always has
 our best interests at heart.


culled from,

-Leilani Masaniai on Facebook