The Prostitute
(Joshua chapters 2&6)
I hear a knock on the door.
My daughter opens and two men appear.
She hugs them both.
At other times, I would have assumed
these men were her customers.
But this time was different.
I look out of the house.
The entire city is levelled to the ground.
Rubles everywhere.
Corpses litter the streets.
Shouts of victory and wails of
agony rent the air.
I look around the house.
Everybody seem happy, glad to
be alive, glad to have been spared
the fate of those outside.
And the reason is simple:
Rahab my promiscuous daughter decided
to bring us into her house to save us
from the destruction and death coming
to those on the outside.
The last few days have been crazy.
The last few years have been embarrassing.
I stand there, looking at my daughter
talking with these two men and I wonder,
“God, why are your ways so different
from the ways of men?
Why do you seem to delight in taking
the small stuff to confound the great?”
Let me backtrack a bit…
You see, I live in a city called Jericho.
I have been living here for over
sixty years. I was born in this city.
I got married in this city,
I had all my children- seven of them-
in this city.
Six of them turned out well.
They are a source of pride to me
and my wife.
One is a Medical Doctor.
Another an Accountant.
There is an Architect among them,
an Engineer also.
My daughters studied Law and
Business Administration.
Rahab, my third daughter chose
another path in life: PROSTITUTION.
She stuck out like a sore thumb.
We all were embarrassed by her
career choice.
We talked to her, we threatened,
we prayed and fasted, we did all
we knew to do to change her from
this path of destruction to no avail.
She was already decisive on her career
path. And she seemed very proud of it!
How could anybody be proud of being a
I just could not understand it.
It was against our culture, tradition
and religion. It was IMMORAL!
Yet, Rahab couldn’t care less.
Just five years into her prostitution
career, she seemed to have slept with
half of the men in the city, the other
half on a queue waiting for their turn…
Several of my friends had had
their turn with her.
Several of her brothers’ friends too.
We once had a meeting to discuss how
to handle this embarrassment and one
of her brothers suggested “mercy killing”.
He felt it would be better she were dead
and gone. Better to have a dead sister
than a prostitute, he submitted.
I did not agree with him because
I believed Rahab could still change her ways.
And a few months ago, we started
hearing stories about a tribe of people
conquering territories and heading towards
our city.
It got everybody panicking.
The news we got suggested these guys
could never be stopped.
They seem to have secured the support
of God in their quest, and we all knew
nobody could fight against God and win.
Then a few days ago, my daughter Rahab
called me.
Honestly, I did not want to pick her call.
I was too disappointed in her- we had not
spoken in almost a year. I eventually picked.
She was very excited on the phone.
“Hello, dad! Guess what?”
Ah! What is she up to now?
Has she managed to get the King in her
bed now? “I have some news for you!
I think you’re going to be proud of me…”
Then she went on to tell me how she
accommodated two men who were spies
for the all-conquering tribe.
They had defeated our two neighbouring cities
and killed their kings, Og and Sihon.
And they are heading to Jericho next.
And as fate would have it,
the spies met the popular prostitute who
accommodated them and shielded them from
the king of Jericho. As they were leaving,
they asked her to get into her home everybody
she wanted to save from the coming destruction
and death. And she called me.
She wanted to save her family, her parents,
siblings and all…
I dropped the phone, dazed.
Immediately, we drove over to her
house to escape the looming carnage,
Rahab looks around the house.
She makes eye contact with us all,
with a wry smile on her face.
In that moment, my son, her brother
hugged her and said, “Thank you, sis!
I just imagined my corpse being out
there with the others.
I feel a very strong sense of gratitude…”
I laughed, thinking, “Just a few months ago,
you recommended mercy killing for her!”
I cannot help but wonder: of all
people to save, God picked my daughter-
the Black Sheep.
He did not pick the Lawyer.
He did not pick the Economist.
He picked the Prostitute!
God is just amazing…
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