The Shift
He cried as he walked into the hospital
How come God had deemed it fit to allow affliction to repeat itself in his life
As he walked through the wards, he saw mothers and their babies
He saw teenagers, girls barely old enough to know their left hand from the right nursing perfectly healthy infants without stress
He looked up and shook his head
He waited until he was very ready before he got married
He married a virgin, a beautiful damsel
He didn’t defile the marital bed
He kept himself with maturity and decorum
His wife was the daughter of a Bishop
The Bishop begged him specially to please exercise patience
The Bishop understood the stirrings of the body
The Bishop could see the body language of his daughter
Love had found a place in his daughter’s heart
He knew telling his daughter to resist her suitor’s overtures was futile
The Bishop invited him for a meeting
Please, honour me and her mother by keeping her a virgin till the wedding
He promised to honour the Bishop and he did
It took his wife six months to get pregnant after the wedding
He had just completed his M.Sc Theology when he got the news
It was a very good time
He immediately applied for his annual leave from the office
The leave allowance was used to purchased baby items
During the leave period he made sure his wife did as little as possible
He cooked, washed, ironed, swept the house and did most of the house chores
He didn’t want his wife to have a miscarriage
The doctors have warned that she needed a lot of rest
Once he concluded the leave, he got his wife a maid
His wife had a 9-5 job as an administrative officer in an organization
He ensured that apart from her office work, she didn’t do anything else in the house
He was at the Post graduate school of the National University when he received a call
His wife was in the hospital
He dropped everything and rushed to the hospital
The doctors gave him the bad news
Your wife couldn’t carry the baby to term
She delivered the baby at 6 months old
He couldn’t believe it
Here he was a tongue talking, Holy Ghost filled minister of God
He would spend his savings and even tuition fee for his Ph.D in the hospital
His wife would practically become a permanent resident of the Hospital while his daughter was placed in the incubator for months!
The news broke him
But he was very grateful
His wife’s parents came to their aid
They helped with the hospital bill
He was able to start his doctorate degree programme
The baby lived, his wife lived, he concluded his Ph.D
Four years later, his wife got pregnant again
And Déjà vu! He was back in the hospital under the same circumstances
He didn’t know why his heart sank so hopelessly
Perhaps it was because he was a pastor and he had preached to many about faith and changing your circumstances
Perhaps it was because he had prayed, fasted and confessed his faith a million times
Perhaps because he was weary of being a victim rather than a victor
He trudged towards his wife’s ward
She had delivered a baby boy this time
The boy was 6 moths and a week old!
He had lost his father in law the previous year
There was nobody to help alleviate the strain of the hospital bill
He braced up and started thinking of what assets he would have to sell off to meet up
God showed up
His church members
The ones that he thought would mock him, laugh at him and lose faith in him came together
They offered support in every way
They were always in the hospital with his wife
They brought all sorts of provisions and fruits
They helped clear the hospital bill
Once the mother and baby were discharged
He drove them home
But unlike their first child
The boy was extremely disabled
One doctor told them it could be down syndrome or Parkinson’s disease
Another one said it could be cerebral palsy
All sorts of names were thrown at them
One thing he agreed with the doctors on was obvious
The boy was not normal
He didn’t crawl when he ought to, he slithered like a snake
He walked at the age of five
He was always behind all his age mates in everything
If the other children were running right, he would run left
He found it difficult to understand and process simple instructions
Everyday he would lay his hands on the boy’s head and speak into his body
‘You are the inheritance of the Lord, you are the best, you know more than your teachers, you have wisdom, knowledge and understanding, you have full control of all your reflexes, everything in this body responds to the word of God! You are the best in Jesus name!”
He persisted in doing this even though he never saw any result
He did it for many years
His son gained admission into secondary school at the age of 13
One day his son asked him
“Daddy, I am 13, why am I in JSS 1?”
He looked at his son and said, “You are in JSS 1 because you want to be in JSS 1”
“All the people in JSS 1 are 10 or 11 years old, I am the oldest” his son explained
“Do you want to be in the right class for your age?” he asked his son
“Yes Daddy”
“Read your books and pass all your papers with excellent results”
His son nodded
And took it as gospel
He was the overall best student in JSS 1 that year!
He was given double promotion to JSS 3
He was the overall best student also in JSS 3
He had All A’s in his JSCE
He couldn’t explain it
His son had become a genius overnight
By the age of fifteen, his son wrote SSCE and cleared all his papers
By the age of 16 he was studying to become a pilot
He wondered what happened to his son in just three years to transform his son’s life
He had to conclude that the word of God works
Prayer works!
Persistent declaration of the reality we have in Jesus works
Indeed, the three of life is in the mouth of every believer
He was invited to minister in a church one Sunday
He shared his son’s testimony
He didn’t know when he started crying
How could God bring out such sweetness out of bitterness
The pastor of the church that invited him
Heard the testimony and told his own wife to bring out their own daughter
He was also retarded
Pastor, please pray for our daughter! The pastor asked
He told the pastor to lay hands on his own daughter
And bless her before the whole church
And continue to bless her every day of his life
The pastor did it faithfully
Three years later, the seven-year-old girl who was diagnosed of polio
suddenly stood up and started walking by herself
Prayer changes everything!
PS: This series of events happened in Jos, Nigeria (2001-2017)
Do you have any child or ward that is physically challenged?
Please don’t give up
It costs you nothing to pray
It costs you nothing to speak forth the word of life in your mouth
It costs you nothing to lay your hand on such a child daily and change the course of their lives from obscurity into greatness
Rather than give in, please, pray!
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