His parents waited fifteen years to have him
His Father was a teacher in the local primary school
His mother was a petty trader
Her mother sold local starch and food items
They lived in a one bedroom apartment
It was all his Father could afford
Since they didn't have many mouths to feed
They had more than enough in terms of food
and they were also able to save
The house rent was barely ten percent of their annual income
They saved almost fifty percent of their annual income
He was a very frugal man
He lived only on the needs
He had almost no wants
He didnt move into a bigger apartment even
when his salary had been increased several times
He rarely changed his clothings
He made sure his wife was well catered for
one of their relatives sent one of his children to stay with
his family as was the practice in their Family compound
and community
Relatives help raise each other's children all the time
it was a symbiotic arrangement
The child helps out with household chores and
they train the child academically and in every other way
The child slept in the sitting room while they slept in the bedroom
As far as he was concerned having children was a secondary issue
He had an injury as a young man while riding a bicycle
His testicles were badly affected
He was told he had a very slim chance of fathering a child
For this reason, he was determined not to get married
Upon completion of his National Certificate in Education programme
He got a job with the State civil service commission
He taught Mathematics
His mother arrived one evening with another woman in tow
His mother told him she had brought him a wife
He panicked immediately
It wasn't as if his mother did not know his condition
Why would she bring him a wife and expose his shame
He called his mother aside
Do you know what you are doing Ma? He asked her
His mother said "What are you afraid of?
You said the thing gets hard in the morning, you said
it can burrow into the hole and dig quite well,
so what are you afraid of?
Mama, the doctor said it can do all that but it doesn't guarantee
that I will have a child
So what? If you don't try how would you know if you passed or failed
I brought you a good girl from a fertile family
I have made consultations about it and i was told you will have children
Let's trust God!
That was how he got a wife
He loved and cherished her
Especially because of his condition
he wanted her to be so well taken care of that she
wouldn't be swayed by anybody to leave him
or to sleep with other men outside of their marriage and dump
bastards on him
That was how they coped for fifteen years
When their marriage was five and they were yet to have a child
The little girl, then seven years old came to live with them
He had just been promoted to the post of the headmaster
in a community primary school when his wife conceived
at the age of forty-five
Many who didn't know them right from the beginning
didn't even know his wife was not the mother of the
girl that had been living with them for over ten years
A testament to how well they treated the girl
She called them Daddy and Mummy and they call her "daughter"
The girl was very brilliant and had already gained admission
into the university
The entire money he had in his savings for over fifteen years
was two million naira
He started calculating how he would be able to sponsor
his child through school and at the same time sponsor
hi adopted daughter through school
He was already staring at retirement and all he had
was a small bungalow he built in the village for
his retirement!
It gave him a lot of sleepless nights!
Eventually, he decided to be true to his promise
His wife delivered a baby boy on the 16th of June 1990
It was a glorious day
The naming ceremony was the only party he ever did in his life
He hated parties because of its short term social benefit
and long term negative economic implications
His mother was alive to witness the joyous occasion
As much as he tried to manage his resources, he ended up
spending quite a lump sum on the occasion
His wife insisted the young boy would attend private schools
While he agreed that the education standard had fallen over the years
The free education thing was not a terrible as many believed it to be
He gave in to her and began shelling money on the child's education
from the very day his son got enrolled in school at the age of six
His son was ten years old when he retired
His son was Junior secondary school 1 at the time
They had to enrol him in a boarding school as they relocated to the village
His daughter studied medicine, graduated and relocated to Ireland
She got married in Ireland when their son was eight years old
She explained to them that she was dealing with some issues
That was the last they heard from her
The little money he had left in his savings was spent to assist
his adopted daughter to travel abroad
He knew it was a gamble but it was a case of present need
verses future need!
He didn't say a word to his wife about his decision to
mortgage their son's future
He knew she would be totally against it
What mother would willingly leave her biological child exposed
He hoped his adopted daughter would assume the care of his son as he
grew older but she fell off the radar in Ireland
She just went dark!
When their son graduated from secondary school, they didn't
have a penny to their name
They could barely pay for his University Matriculation Examinations
His Father told him what was on ground
The only option was for him to get a job and save
He understood
He got a job with a marketing company
The company markets portable electronics from China
Earnings were based on sales
Eight marketers were attached to a supervisor
Whenever they were on a marketing campaign
They would pack their products on a bus, travel to a densely
populated area and market their products all day
On the evening of December 23, 2017
They arrived in Lagos for marketing
They had an agreement to converge at a particular bus stop for their
marketing bus to pick them up
They go back to the designated bus stop on time and were turning in their
earnings for the day when armed robbers struck
They were robbed of their phones, everything of value and left
stranded on the road
The robbers also went away with their bus and products
They didn't have any money on them
They didn't know anybody
He started praying, Father, please send help!
Almost at the same moment, his mother told her father
she has a horrible premonition that all was not well with their son
They started praying
She said she felt a sudden disturbance in her spirit
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was at home that evening
The time was about 7:30 PM
He felt uneasy and told his wife that he wanted to take a walk
He had barely walked for five minutes when he met them
The eight of them, they were stranded and begging for help
"We need somewhere to sleep tonight, we need to be able to get
home tomorrow but we desperately need help!"
He didn't know why they approached him
But he felt in his spirit they were the reason he took the walk
He took them to his house
As soon as he got them home
He felt he had gone bonkers!
He asked himself many questions
How could you bring strangers home, in these perilous times?
Do you understand the risk?
Did you weigh the consequences?
He knew what the Holy Spirit told him! It was enough!
He silenced the voice of doubt and fear
Later that evening, after they had freshened up and eaten
He engaged them in discussions and witnessed Jesus to them
They all prayed together
The next morning he drove them to the motor park and
paid for their fare home
2019 June, the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt received a phone call
It was the young man, he was on his way to Ireland
His sister had finally settled down and processed his admission
His Parents felt they needed to meet the man who led him to Christ
and prayed with him
They met at the office of the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
They shared wonderful testimonies
God sent a miraculous hand to help his sister in Ireland
The sister, in turn, kept her promise of helping her brother
At almost 70 years of age, his father said
"I have never seen the hand of God move
so quickly in my life, when he got home and told us
you came out of nowhere to rescue them, I told my wife
you were either an angel or a great man of God!
But when I saw you, I was shocked! You are so young!"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed with them
And sent them on their way with joy
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some
people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
- Hebrews 13:2
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