The Smokescreen
Every evening, he would sit in under a shade and blow his trumpet
His choice songs often melancholic and harrowing
Sometimes people sing along
Sometimes they just walk by
Sometimes he was just by himself
Drowning his horrors in the music
But always he will play
For one hour
A church close by noticed him
Can we help him?
What can we do to help?
He seemed like a Christian
His choice songs were hymns and choruses
Where does he live
Who is he?
Somebody volunteered to talk to him
It would be a pity for such a gift to waste
Every soul is our mandate
Can we get to meet you sir?
Oh! I am Mr. So and So
We can see you are a very talented musician, can we get to know you more?
He opened up
He had grown up in a particular denomination
He studied music in Church and Computer Science in School
He slept under the bridge
The interviewer spoke to the church
The church decided to help
We will give you a job
You will help train our choir
We will pay you so so amount every month
It was a very charitable offer
They even gave him a room in the church building
His dignity was rekindled
He was happy
His story was a curved ball
He was 42 years old
Married with two children
Things went downhill for him
His wife and children were with her parents
He was living off the street
Waiting for a breakthrough
The church got involved
The church went to meet his wife's parents
We have done so and so
We want this family reconciled
Her parents opened the book of remembrance
The story was only half right
He was adulterous, vulgar, ungodly
They described a devil
But this brother was a saint!
Angels sing with him!
Church leaders vouched for him
He has changed!
The family was reconciled
Glory be to God!
Weeks later, a sister came
'He tried to sleep with me'
Church leaders, 'What!'
He denied it
What sort of crime is 'Attempted sleeping with'
This is the devil
Trying to make you hate me!
Weeks later, A lady came to the church building
They had a fight
She stabbed him in the arm
Police got involved!
What happened?
He: When I was under the bridge I used to share space with her
Church: Were you sleeping with her?
He: We were intimate
So why did she stab you?
He: I went to her shop and asked one of her apprentices to help me buy some things from the market, the apprentice took too long
Lady: My apprentice went with him from 11.30am and returned to the shop by 4:30pm in a different gown
He slept with her!
Weeks later he was caught sleeping with one of the teenagers
The church said ENOUGH!
His wife cried and begged
People: 'The church is the house of God, why would the church be so wicked'
He was returned to the street
From the dust you came, to the dust you shall return
The End
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