The Steps of The Righteous

The Steps of The Righteous

We got to her orphanage at about
I didn't know what to expect
I was informed she is a woman of
God who left the main stream church
to start a home for young widows and
As a ministry, we have a lot of money
committed to such socially befitting
and uplifting projects
The GSWMI Christian Social Responsibility
ministry, the GSWMI Widow's ministry,
the GSWMI Hospital Ministry, The GSWMI
Welfare Ministry and the GSWMI 
Scholarship ministry spend a lot of money
every month taking care of the needy
in the society
I had been invited to minister at Agbowa,
a community located after Ikorodu in Lagos
The man who invited me had heard and
witnessed our commitment to people and
he wanted me to meet this blessed woman
and perhaps do some kingdom projects
that will be of great benefit to the community
with her
I noticed the school as soon as we drove
into the street and then I saw the black gate
on which the word Orphanage was boldly
Mama came into the sitting room dripping
of Grace
The atmosphere around her testified of her
intimacy with God
She started by saying "I battled Kidney 
complications for twelve years as a spinster.
I was told i can never have children and
that I will never live to see forty. I went to
God in prayer, I told him of my love for
Him and little children
I was a tailor at the time and I like to
gather the childen in my neighbourhood
and teach them scriptures
God heard my prayers and my kidneys 
got healed
I got married and God blessed me with
five children!
A few years after my fifth child, i lost my
I had to sit up and work hard
There was a man who gives me a contract
to sew uniforms for his factory workers
every year
He pays me in bulk every January
I settle my annual  rent and other bills
from that money
The church i was attending used to come
to Agbowa at that time for evangelism
I was naturally drawn to the plight of the
widows and orphans and often made
a case for their welfare and provision
in our outreach budgets
I visit Agbowa with the church at least
four times a year at that time and I was
diligent in service
One morning, i woke up in the morning
and discovered pain in my left leg
I couldn't move the leg
I went to the hospital immediately
Scans were done and I was given
some drugs
The following day, i discovered that
the leg had swollen up
The test results confused the doctors
They didn't know what was wrong
I was immediately referred to Igbobi
Orthopedic hospital
Another series of tests were carried
out and I was given the result to
take back to my doctor
The doctor told me the leg would have
to be amputated
He gave me a date for the amputation
and asked me to go home and 
prepare myself for it
I said okay
When i got to church that day, i asked
the church to pray for me
I was convinced that my leg will not
be amputated
One of the sisters in the church got
very concerned after hearing my prayer
request that she went home to inform
her husband about my predicament
They began to pray for me
One day, the sister's husband met
someone at his place of work
A minister of the gospel and asked if
this man of God can pray for me
The man gave me an appointment 
and i went to see him
When I got to the man's office, he
told me i needed to talk to God
I needed to make a vow that will be
between me and God
I made the vow
Then he told me to get Christian friends
together and hold a prayer chain for
three days
I was told to fast for those three days
I got in touch with my friends and
We did the prayer chain immediately
and i fasted as i was told
By the third day the pain in the leg was
Two weeks later the swelling was 
totally gone
I went to the young minister of the gospel
to say Thank you
He said I have a calling
A ministry where I was supposed to
cater to orphans and widows
I told him it is true but I dont know
how to go about it
I didn't have any fund to set up an
orphanage or a home for young
I was a tailor who was barely making
ends meet
He asked me what vow i made to the
I told him i had told the Lord that 
I will serve him with the rest of my life
He laughed and said I should stop
arguing and just obey
I said "Yes sir"
I got home and began to think of how
these things could be
I had a leading to move to Agbowa and
so the work there but how about my
commitments in Lagos?
By this time i had started gathering
children and teenagers in my street
We would cook, share the word and
pray together
The teenagers kept bringing their
friends and we were growing 
I went to a pastor and told him that
i intend to move to Agbowa in obedience
but i wouldn't want the man whose
contract has placed food on my table
for many years to know so that he
wouldn't give the contract to someone
The pastor told me to do the right 
thing and not try to be wise in my own
I went to meet the man and i explained
to him that i would be moving to Agbowa
to cater to the need of young widows
and orphans
I wanted to plead with him to keep the
contract for me as it was my main
source of income
The man looked at me and asked me
if i knew he had a strong interest in
caring for widows too
He said he reaches out to the old
widows without children and blesses
as many of them as he could afford to
bless as often as possible
He said he will support my ministry
He asked me to go to Agbowa and
look for a place to rent
This was 1997
I got a four bedroom apartment for
25,000 Naira per annum, the agreement
fee was 1000
I told him and he sent me 25,000
He said he wanted me to add my own
1000 Naira so that we can share the
When i was to leave, he sent me another
25,000 Naira for my feeding and upkeep
The man i was trying to hide my calling
from became my number one supporter
I moved to Agbowa and the work started
Young widows and orphans were soon
trooping to my doorstep
God is faithful
On several occasion he had come through
with miracles that were beyond human
The orphanage started and none of our
children fell ill for the first ten years
I had been concerned about that but
God allayed my fears
The other testimonies had to do with
supernatural provisions
There was a day we didnt have bread
to eat and we eat bread only one day
in a week
I prayed with the staff and children
and a woman showed up with some
money for us to buy bread
She said she heard of this orphanage
and decided to stop by
Just like that
I had children who had doctor's 
appointment in Lagos 
We needed fuel in the car
We prayed
A man showed up at 6AM with
the funds that took care of that 
We once prayed for beans
The children asked for beans and
we had none at home
We prayed. the children prayed
The next morning, people showed
up with all manner of foodstuff
There was a day we didnt have 
palm oil
We were draining the containers 
at home to cook 
Some people showed up with
supplies and palm oil was the first thing
they brought in
When the state government said they
wouldn't register us unless we have
a bus, i prayed
Someone brought a bus to us overnight
so that when the government officials
arrived for inspection the following day 
they met our bus on ground and we
got the approval
I remember getting letters from the school
where i enrolled the children about
nonpayment of fees
The letter stated that the children should
not come to school the following day
without their school fees
Some ladies in my local church came
visiting, they asked me for my prayer
I told them about the school fees 
They asked me how much it was
I told them and they started laughing
It was the exact amount they had
contributed to support the orphanage
with earlier that day
Glory be to God
During the covid pandemic, the Lord
laid it on my heart to feed 1000 widows
I wondered where the resources would
come from but God came through
We were able to cater for 1000 widows
and we had more than enough
The orphanage was in the heart of Agbowa 
town for fourteen years
God moved us to our permanent site
and even gave us a school here
eleven years ago
The school also came about by divine 
We have faced some challenges
There was a case of a baby that was
brought to us
The baby's mother died at childbirth
and i accepted the baby immediately
We started feeding and catering for the
baby only to discover that the baby
was always coughing and vomitting
We went to the hospital several times
Eventually, a youth corp member
serving in the hospital told us to take 
the baby for tests
It was discovered that the baby was 
HIV positive
The mother was dead and the father
could not be located
We were advised to take the baby
to a government hospital immediately
We did as advised and the baby was
taken from us for treatment but he
didn't make it
The day the baby died we were told
to produce his father
We explained the circumstances and
we were told the baby cannot be buried
without his father's consent
We turned to God in prayer
That same night, the father of this baby
turned up in the church the mother
attended until she died
He walked into the church at 2 AM
He said he just couldn't sleep and
he felt an urgency to go to the church
We were able to produce him and
take care of everything
God has been too gracious

PS: We celebrate the grace of God
on Mrs Boluwajoko former (Bogunjoko)
the Head, Home of God's Grace Orphanage
Agbowa, Lagos, Nigeria.
Her testimony strengthened my faith
and I hope it blessed you too
GSWMI will be working with Home of 
God's Grace to meet the need of widows
through medical outreach, food distribution
and financial support very soon
Kindly support us as much as you
God bless you