The Vulture
Three hundred applicants dropped their CV'S and applications within a week of the vacancy announcements
They had only ten openings in all their outlets nationwide
They needed four food technologists, three accountants and three outlet managers
They had people on the waiting list
He Knows!
He had been managing the eatery business of his parents for five years
They had built the business from a "hire to cater" hobby of his mother's into a nationwide company with over three hundred branches
He was their only child
He was sent abroad and trained specifically to take the reins
There was nothing more empowering for him than to see the crowd flock to their headquarters practically begging to be employed.
It also brought him his greatest past time: watching the female applicants write tests for a job they will only get by sleeping with him
The male applicants stood no chance unless of course, his parents intervened by recommending someone they know personally. But the ladies have only one Red sea to cross after all the formalities.
Once you are shortlisted, you will have to sleep with him or walk away!
All the ladies they had employed since he took over had to cross that final step. Whenever he walked into any of their establishments the body language of the ladies made him smile. They had all shared his bed and therefore none of them could claim moral superiority over another.
These set of applicants were especially juicy. He had already identified ten of the most beautiful ones. He told his personnel manager to send him their names. Once they were done with the tests, they should come up to his office. His manager had also gone through the ritual.
They came up
He congratulated them
Gave each of them an envelope and dismissed them.
Inside the envelopes were invitations and instruction for each of them to prepare to attend a dinner event with the group MD.
Each lady got different dates
It was to test their social skills
That had always been his tactics
The lady would do everything to look good and impress him. A driver would bring her to a good hotel. They would eat and chat for a while, break the ice. He would invite her to his room afterwards. If his invitation was refused? No problem, No job
He would have the driver return her home and that would be that.
The process continued with the ladies, one after the other. It was rare to see a lady say no. Some would feign ignorance and follow him into the room only to beg and plea instead of closing the deal.
He hated those!
The practical ones would have gotten the message. Once they are in the room, they would remove their earrings and other stuff and make themselves comfortable.
They would close the deal
He would give them #50,000 cash, their letter of employment and the driver would return them home
One of the ladies had a friend who was already employed by their outlet. She called her friend, "this is the development"
Her friend told her the truth
Get a condom, he almost always never bothered to wear one unless you insist.
Close your eyes
Do it
Welcome to our establishment
She thought it through
She had been searching for a job for four years
She needed the break badly
But to do this?
She went on her knees
"O God, I will have to go through with this because I cannot see any option at the moment. I am sorry"
She started preparing for the dinner
On the day of the dinner, she dressed well. She had decided to enjoy herself before the ordeal
The driver didn't show up
The next day, he was reported to have suffered a heart attack and died
A week later she got her letter of employment, they found it in his hotel room
The end