Rivers of living waters
When I look at my timeline on social media, I know I am a blessing.
The words I have spoken to my
life over the years have come to
pass over and over again.
Mind you, it was in 2018 I learned
that nothing is evil unless I
agree in my spirit that it is.
I was a moaner and groaner
before then. Looking at the promising future I thought I had when I left the university in 2008 ebbing away
like the tide of the sea.
I was deep in despair, lost in
depression. A minstrel started to
sing on YouTube. I was watching
her in my small office. Then this pastor's message interrupted the song
He said "Nothing happens to you by mistake, you're a product of your words.
Either it is spoken or written, the reality you live today is a product of your words of yesterday. Don't blame anybody for
your failures. Your words are the blocks
with which you build your future.
I will never forget that day
September 18, 2018
I snapped out of misery and told myself good words and poverty is better than
evil words and poverty. I have tried the latter and it led me deeper into the miry clay. It was time to try the former.
I used to be constantly angry.
I and my colleagues at the
office will speak ill of everything
in sight. Our bosses, life, the government, Nigeria, America, the world, God, and his penchant for favoritism. I had lost
my faith and was barely holding on.
The river of creativity had
long dried up in my belly.
All I had left was Mara.
The bitterness of a failed destiny.
The words I spoke led me there.
I changed my thought pattern, I became grateful and cheerful.
It was as if a bulb was switched on
in my head
I got it.
"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance, and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection and to mutual affection, love.
For if these things be in you in increasing measure they will keep you from
being ineffective and unproductive
(in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ) but whoever does not have
them is nearsighted (lacks vision,
creativity and foresight) and blind forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins (inadequacies, mistakes,ills)
2 Peter 1:5-9.
The scripture that changed my reality
I was a pastor for many years and these scriptures didn't make any difference to me until that day. I suddenly realized I was nearsighted and couldn't see the
future the Holy Spirit showed me
anymore because of my stage of mind
I changed.
I started consciously speaking to my
life and destiny.
I was deliberate and consistent.
Daily I call myself blessed
I declare that I have become a blessing.
I declared that everyone who comes across me shall call me blessed
I declared that I am full of joy and gladness!
I disregarded my salary of 60000 naira
as my source. With joy, I began
to draw from the well of salvation.
Joy is indeed a fetcher of glorious
It's been four years.
Every day when Facebook brings me memories from the past year,
I scroll all the way down and
I see the how huge the difference was between my far past until 2018 and
how it changed till date.
I used to post about governments
failings and current affairs (I was a journalist and all I saw and attended
were events and news conferences
that I took on as my reality)
I wrote editorials, opinions
and lived a life that saw only the
evil things in the world as news.
I couldn't remember any sermon I preached that didn't result in tears
and mourning and sorrow.
I wanted people to feel sorry for
their sins and I will bring the "sins"
of our leaders to the consciousness
of the church so that they can cry
and plead for mercy.
My favorite scripture was "If my
people who are called by my name
shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked
ways, then I will hear from heaven
and will heal their land"
I had forgotten that I belong
to a nation that Jesus purchased
by his blood and all I had to do
was live like it. I had forgotten that
I dwell in Zion and can bring the
reality of Zion to bear in my life.
My land became Hepzibah.
I became Beulah by the words of my mouth and my convictions.
I changed my mindset.
Like Samson at Beit Lahi, just as
I was about to die of thirst, the land
gave way and a gusher gushed forth.
Things turned around for me quickly
I realized angels are attracted to joy.
Their domain is righteousness, peace
and joy in the Holy Ghost.
I found the key to the spring of
fulfillment and I have never looked back.
No politicians or policy can affect my rise in Christ. My life is heading in only one direction Only.
Upward and forward only.
There is no hindrance in my way.
There is no obstacle.
I am the blessed of the Lord.
Nations opened their doors unto me.
Every currency in the world finds its way to me. By free course, the river of goodness and abundance flows to me
I struggle for nothing.
As soon as I desire a thing, it is mine.
My once dried river of hope began to overflow. I became a bearer of good tidings.
When I get to any venue
people present there know for sure
that their tears must dry up
For I am the harbinger of the glory of God
The presence of God abides with me.
I am a custodian of divine verities.
The helped of the Lord.
When the dollar was exchanged for 100 Naira, I was blessed
The rates didn't affect my rising
when it became 632 to 1 dollar
I go out in peace and I return in safety.
My coast is perpetually enlarged.
Favour is mine.
Joy is mine.
Peace is mine.
Love abounds in me.
I am a lifter of destinies from
Obscurity to greatness.
I am the one in whom Christ dwells!
This is the life you should be living.
You have been called into a reality of blessings and glory in Jesus Christ
You can have it all and more.
You can drink of a river that never
runs dry. You can be a channel of blessing.
Again check your timelines over the years and reflect on it's content.
What does it say to you?
Then you will know why my path is
ever shining and my life is rising from
glory to glory perpetually.
I write to believers on that will
come across this regardless of denomination, language and tribe
Turn to the Light.
Leave behind the reality of
griping and complaining behind.
Come into your rest
If these things be in you...
Try this and see that the Lord is good
I bless you in Jesus name
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