There is nothing as disheartening as
being accused of something you
didn't do
It is so crushing
I saw a video once as an undergraduate
In the video, a lady was standing
stark naked
She was surrounded by ten other ladies
and two guys
They accused her of stealing undies and
The ladies were all holding belts, canes,
and sticks it was obvious they had been
beating her before they tore off her clothes
They were singing for her and they kept
telling her to dance
Out of the blue, a guy walked in and started
slapping her on the waist and even her pubic
The video traumatized me seriously
I don't know the pleasure people derive
from stripping others of dignity
Has it proven to be psychologically effective
that we shame a "thief" so that such
can change?
Three weeks later, i went to see a lady I
was dating at the time in OAU
We had agreed to attend a BSF conference
at a town in Osun State together
So I went to her school to link up with her
When we got to the motor park in Ile-Ife
I saw this lady
The lady in the video
She sat at the passenger seat beside
the driver at the front of the vehicle
I couldn't say how i recognized her
(I am usually very terrible with faces
and names)
It was just this knowing, a strong
knowing inside of me
It felt like a locator or a homing device
I simply knew she was the one
I didn't say anything to the lady with me
When we got to our destination, we
parted ways
We took motorcycles to the venue of
our meeting while the lady also took a
motorcycle to another destination
I forgot all about the incident
We had the BSF conference on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday morning
We left from the venue at 11AM on Sunday
I followed the lady with me to the bus
going to Ile-Ife
(She was returning to school)
As soon as her bus left the park, i went
to sit in the bus going my way
(I was returning to school too)
I was seated right behind the driver
A few minutes later, this same lady
(The one in the video) boarded the
bus and sat right next to me
I knew at that moment that it was
not a coincidence
I had to engage her
There was no way the person inside
that skin was still normal, not after
what i saw in that video
My usual practice those days was to
pray as soon as the bus took off
and preach a spontaneous message
of salvation
I didn't do that this time
I prayed silently
As soon as i finished praying, she turned
to me and said "You are a student of
Bowen University right?"
(My ID card was around my neck)
I said yes
She told me her school and we began to talk
She told me she had some cousins in
my school
After a few minutes she told me her
boyfriend used to be in my school
I asked her for his name
She declined to give it to me
She told me they broke up recently
I asked her why
She said I shouldn't worry
She was so sad but I had added it
I knew it had to do with that video
It was before Whatsapp share was
reduced to 5 people and the video
was shared by almost everyone
So I told her about myself
In a relaxed mood
I was very funny and made quite a
joke out of my past
I told her i used to be a kleptomaniac
Just like that she didn't believe I said it
without any air of self-consciousness
She laughed at the tale of some of my
daring exploits and how i was eventually
caught while in the boarding house and
at home
She laughed deep and hard it was a
good day in the market
Then she told me what she went to do
in Ejigbo
She said a guy in 300 Level in their school
asked her out
She said she was not really considering
the guy but he was very keen on being
around her and spending some money for her
She said she went with the flow and got
to like him
They started seeing each other but she
told him she was in a relationship and
they can only be friends
She said he still came around often and
took her out
She knew he wanted to press home his
intention but she was in a relationship
and she was not going to change her mind
because her boyfriend was in another school
According to her, she got a Whatsapp
message from him to come to a certain
address one Saturday
She said she chatted with him for about
ten minutes before he asked her to come
She said she dressed up and went to the
place at about 4pm
Before she could say GSW, some people
pounded on her and started beating her
it was the guy's girlfriend
The guy's girlfriend had been away on
Industrial Training while the guy was
chasing her
She had no idea the guy was in a relationship
She was not even allowed to say a word
they beat her up and stripped her naked
They claimed she was a thief
They said they were going to kill her
She said she really feared for her life and
did everything they demanded
She danced and sang all the denigrating
song they sang for her
At the end of it all she was glad she was
still alive but her relief turned to sorrow
when she saw that the video had gone
The video was tagged "How XXX students
dealt with a thief"
She was accused of stealing undies
She said she almost committed suicide
The shame was too much
Eventually she went home and told her
mother what happened
Her mother told her to go to their hometown
and talk to an uncle
The uncle heard her story and gave her
certain things to do when she got back
to school
She said she was determined to destroy
the lives of everyone who took part in
framing her and destroying her life
I heard her with my mouth wide open
She was going to use a charm to bathe
The charm was supposed to make all
those who molested her get mental
It was to be her revenge
I didn't argue with her
I listened with rapt attention and then
i told her how by the power of the Holy Spirit
I was able to overcome my issues and
gain victory over the spiritual forces that
dictated the affairs of my life until i met
the Lord
It was her turn to open her mouth
She said she had never seen the
Holy Spirit work so swiftly before I told
her she only needed to meet the Lord Jesus
and get filled with the Holy Spirit
I rode with her all the way to Ibadan
When we alighted from the bus, i asked
her if she would like to meet my mother
(My Mum is a Christian and I didn't think
i did a good job of convincing her to drop
the path she was determined to pursue)
She said okay
So i took her home
My mother met her
She told my mother the whole story and
asked for counsel
My mother prayed for her and told her
to throw away the charm
She agreed She returned to her school
that same day
Three weeks after we met, the lady
that set her up came to her to beg for her
The lady also made a video confessing
her sin and begging for forgiveness
(The video didn't go viral)
God took away her reproach
She graduated and was posted for NYSC
in Ilorin She got married to a brother she
met in Ilorin
I often wonder what would have become
of her and her accusers if she had gone
through with her plan
It is wrong to blackmail people by saying
you will commit suicide so that you can
gain sympathy for a false accusation
Desperate people turn to all sorts for help
Remember this!
I remember the first time i heard the song
"Kerewa" It was such a beautiful song and
the video was creative
I didn't know what Kerewa meant I didn't
bother to find out I didn't even process it
through my thought even though the lyrics
of the song and the storyline of the song
was plain enough
I was an undergraduate at the time
I was also a Sunday School teacher in
the Student Fellowship
I was teaching Sunday School some
weeks after I had heard the song
I turned to one of the students in my class
and said "Let us assume you and Jesus
are dancing Kerewa right now and the
Pharisees see you!
They will have an issue with it.
They had an issue with everything
Jesus did.
It wasn't a matter of good deeds and
evil deeds, they disliked what Jesus
Liberty of worship, anti-law, anti-religious
merchandising, and so on
When he healed the sick, they complained
When he minded his business, they came
to test him When he declared who he was,
they wanted to stone him When he kept
quiet, they fabricated lies against him and
slapped him so as to provoke him
They saw the good works but it wasn't
What they wanted was conformance
Jesus was a deviant and they had to
whip him in line or tear him apart
Jesus questioned their reality and they
found that very offensive
Jesus questioned their worldview and
They, in turn, saw Jesus as a disruptor,
a trouble maker
That was why they felt
He had to die...."
After the class, one of the lecturers who
was my Sunday School teacher called
me aside to say good things about how
I taught
Then she said, "Do you think it was
appropriate that you used an example of
Jesus dancing Kerewa with a female
Oh my those days I was very idealistic
I thought it didn't matter what I said,
what really mattered was what I
intended to say or do (Please note that
I wasn't born again at this time.
I was a student in a Christian school
who came from a Christian background
and was playing religion)
I tried to explain to the lecturer that
"It was just an example"
One shouldn't be so priggish
Look at the context of my discussion
Did I denigrate the person of Christ?
Was I irreverent in any way?
(I hated criticism at that time of my life!
I was in my twenties, and I thought
I knew it all
The lecturer realized i was getting
worked up and said "I should forget
about it"
We went for Sunday Service
After the service, I walked into the
Cafeteria One of the students in my
Sunday School class approached me
She said "Thank you for your teaching
today, I was a convert from another
religion into Christianity and i had often
wondered at how authentic the person
of Jesus that was presented in the
Bible was.
He was a man
A Jewish man
Do you know the Jews and the Arabs
have a lot in common?
The main character of my former religion
married four wives
He was biologically accurate because
he followed the nature and custom of
his people but Jesus!
How can a grown man not have sex or
marry at that age?
It was odd to me but when i heard
you saying Jesus danced Kerewa earlier
today, I came to the conclusion that there
are many details of the life of Jesus that
had either been edited or cleaned up to
give him this strange and odd holy image
Alarm bells started ringing in my head I
had done a bad job in my teaching and
someone had been misled
I asked if I could buy her lunch
She said yes
The money i had could only buy my own
lunch but i had to sacrifice it
We sat down to talk I said, "Please can
you explain to me what Kerewa is?"
She got flustered and lowered her gaze
I didn't let her speak further
I apologized I also apologized to her
about the class and my goof
I told her the lecturer's observation
I was very patient I made sure she got it
The following Sunday, I apologized to
my class
I told them i didn't know what Kerewa
meant and using it as an example was
The students laughed at my naivety
I suffered through it
It was terrible but I learned to look before
I leap from that day
After i met the Lord on the 17th of
September 2007
I became very of doing anything out of
good intentions rather than out of
being led
It was a deliberate cultivation of Spiritual
In Genesis 11, men decided to build a tower
They had all the ingredients bricks and mortar
A common language, a mutual understanding
and a purpose
They have also united God saw it but
God didn't approve of it
Ideas that do not originate from God
through the Holy Spirit will not get
sanctioned by God
He does not endorse change that
looks good to men
He knows the end of every plan from
the beginning
He sees the thoughts and intents of
the heart
He knows our frame
In Genesis 12, we see God deliberately
calling Abraham and making a
covenant with him
God left the mob to call one man
That is God's way
He is God all by Himself
Moses sent 12 spies into Canaan God
had promised Canaan to Abraham and it
was time to possess the land 10 of the
spies returned with tales of woe
The people heard their report and cried
and grumbled
God said "They are not ready"
Moses talked to the people
He stirred their hearts
He reminded them of how powerful
their God is
He asked them how small they think
God was compared to the giants
They got it but they got it too late
God had determined that they will
not be given Canaan at that time
They woke up and went off to battle
without God
They had a promise, they had the men
What they lacked was the presence
of God
Moses cautioned them against being
led by sentiment and feelings
They didn't listen
They went off to war early the next
They were soundly defeated
Years later, Joshua and Caleb led a
new generation into the promise land
God led Joshua
The leading must originate from God
God does not do a collaboration with
other ideologies
He is God alone
He does not share His glory
He does not camouflage his agenda
He is God!
I welcome Nigeria to a new dawn
We are all beginning to learn that
good is not always God
For those who have not learned this yet
It is fine God is very patient but
He is also never late
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