Santching the Prey
The question she kept asking herself
was "What went wrong with her marriage?"
"Where exactly did things fall apart"
She married a good man, a faithful man
How come he suddenly didn't want
anything to do with her
How come he found her irritable and
started to withdraw from her? For
many days she couldn't find an answer
to her question
She considered everything
From her dressing to her cooking
From her attitude to his relatives to her
conduct towards his friends
She had tried everything possible to
keep herself in shape
She had put him first, above all else,
and had never compromised in any way
She used to be the light of his heart,
the sun his planet revolved around until
everything turned suddenly
She tried everything in her power since
the moment she sensed the rift to get
him to open up, to get him to talk to her
and express his displeasure or the
cause of his worries
But the more she tried, the more he
shrank away from her
it was as if she had become an object of
derision and an object of shame and
She thought it was a phase he would
shake off at first
The lack of intimacy was the first blow
He practically closed his eyes or looked
everywhere but at her when they make love,
until he eventually gave one excuse or
the other and shut down all forms of
intimacy between them
He moved out of the room and started
sleeping in the sitting room
The day she complained that he
was creating a bad impression in the
heart of their three children by sleeping
in the sitting room, he suddenly started
keeping late nights
His reaction to her love was repulsion
She tried everything she could do in
her power
Nothing worked
Eventually, she started throwing
Hiding his car keys
crying all night
Locking his shirt
holding on to him when he was leaving
for work and begging
Her marriage was dying and he was
not giving her a chance to rectify
whatever was wrong
The torture eventually came to an
end when he had a motor accident on
his way home one night
It was six months into the cold war
She received a call that her husband
had been involved in an accident and
was being rushed to the hospital
The driver of her husband's truck died
By the time she got to the hospital, her
husband was unconscious
She sat by him and nursed him with
tears and prayers
The next day, her husband's relatives
A lot of friends and colleagues also
came around
Her mother-in-law also came three
days later
The doctor assured them her husband
would come out of it
There was no internal injury
the head injury is healing as expected
Four days after her husband got
admitted in the hospital
She remembered that his phone had
been off since he had the accident
She decided to charge it so that she
can assure his business associates
and clients that he will be fine
Many had
called her claiming they feared he was
dead since his phone was turned off
and they heard he had an accident
As soon as she turned the phone on
She saw the messages
"Where are you? Why are you not picking
your call? Today is day two of the
process and you have refused to pick
your calls
The message was from a woman
The message was from a prophetess
A prophetess she introduced her husband
to when his business was not doing well
The prophetess that she runs to for
spiritual covering
But the tone of the message was personal
Not a prophet to client thing
it felt intimate
She had always had his passwords
She checked through his phone and
realized the source of her tears and
sorrow of many months was the prophetess
She saw pictures and messages that
indicated that her husband was sleeping
with the prophetess
She saw more than
her heart could bear
The prophetess had told her husband
that she was the reason his business
was not doing well and because it
was the trap of a woman that sabotaged
him economically, only the sacrifice of
another woman can set him free from
The prophetess made her
husband to swear that if she made the
sacrifice for him and restored his fortune,
he would marry her because she would
have sacrificed her supernatural aura (glory)
for his redemption
Her husband believed it and swore an oath
with the prophetess
Soon after he started winning contracts
and making money again
The prophetess was responsible and he
had to keep his end of the bargain
Her mother-in-law told her the whole
story the day after she discovered the
messages and reported to her
Her mother-in-law said she knew what
was going on and had been praying
that God
will set her son free from the clutches
of the prophetess
Her mother-in-law told her she was
the one who allowed the enemy a
foothold in her marriage by not knowing
God for herself and depending on a
prophetess to be her covering
She cried her eyes out that day
The problem was
she didn't know what to do
The prophetess she always ran to had
stabbed her in the back and she had
no other form of response
Her mother-in-law told her about an
online fellowship where believers are
filled with the Holy ghost and taught
to grow in the things of the spirit!
was desperate enough to take any
solution as long as it will set her
husband free from the clutches of
the prophetess
Her mother called the brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
They prayed
He led her to Christ and her
mother-in-law laid hands on her to
be filled with the Holy Spirit
She had never been spiritual in
that way all her life
She always felt those who head in
that direction were fanatics
She got filled with the Holy Ghost
with the evidence of praying in the spirit
She prayed all night, with groaning,
sighs and tears
The next morning, her husband
opened his eyes for the first time
A few hours later, the prophetess
arrived at the hospital
The prophetess came into the hospital
room acting concerned
She said she heard about the accident
just the previous evening and decided
to come and pay them a visit
Her mother in law was
in the room and so was her immediate
younger sister
She greeted the prophetess as nicely
as she could and thanked her for coming
Then the prophetess said "I saw a vision
overnight and i will need some hair from
your husband's head for an urgent
spiritual work!
This is to preserve his life and protect
him from the enemies that were plotting
against his life
She couldn't believe what she was hearing
The prophetess wanted her husband's hair...
She kept quiet
Then the prophetess reached into her bag
and brought out a pair of scissors
She was going to the hair
it was way too much
She rushed towards the prophetess and
slapped her
(She wanted to slap the scissors away
but somehow her hand ended up on the
prophetess' face
"Prostitute, husband snatcher, fetish devil..."
She couldn't control the words
She raved and cursed and screamed
She had to be restrained by nurses and
security personnel in the hospital
Her husband saw everything
(He wasn't talking yet but he was moving
his head and blinking)
The prophetess was taken away from
the room
She calmed down and cried bitterly
She had never been that angry or
violent like that before in her life
The prophetess was a snake and she
had to kill it
After she calmed down, her mother-in-law
held her hands and blessed her
She called the brother in jeans and T-shirt
and explained everything that happened
The brother in jeans and T-shirt told
her the prophetess cannot do anything
to harm her
Three weeks later, her husband was
He apologised to her
He said he was told he would die and
so would she if he betrayed the prophetess
after the prophetess had made such a huge
sacrifice to rescue his destiny
She forgave him and led him to Christ
She got him filled with the Holy Spirit and
invited the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
to admonish her husband in the things
of the spirit
That was how the Lord preserved her
home and gave her victory over the
manipulation of the evil one
PS: Running to prophets for spiritual
help is always going to end in tears
A prophet is a human being with needs
A prophet has to eat, a prophet or
prophetess has sexual needs too
A prophet or prophetess will take
advantage when he or she sees it
These are facts
I have seen a prophet instruct a man
that God said he should buy the suit
he would wear for his ordination
(This wasn't God speaking, this was
a need)
I have seen a prophetess instruct a
man that God said the man should be
paying her house rent if he was to
So many cases...
You do not need an intermediary to
relate with god anymore
Jesus has broken down the wall of
partition once and for all time
You can walk with the Holy Spirit as
much as you desire and prosper
Don't be like Esau who exchanged his
birthright for a plate of pottage
You can walk with God yourself,
don't exchange that for walking with
a "man" of God
GSW's notes: I deal with fake prophets
I do so with joy
Nobody has the right to put other
people (no matter how foolish or gullible)
in bondage and destroy their lives as
a result
If desperate people will turn to God
rather than men, fake prophets will
find a more productive venture to
engage in
The gospel has made God accessible to
all men, this is why is is called news too
good to be true.
May the eyes of your understanding be
opened today in Jesus name.
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