Taming the Warlock

Taming the Warlock

Growing up in that particular village 
and family exposed them to diabolical 
realities quite early 
Their father was a herbalist, not one of 
those fake ones who perform tricks and 
play Russian roulette with people's lives 
He was the real deal 
The type that inherited powers and yet
travel often to many villages and towns 
to learn from other herbalists and sorcerers 
and collect their books and/or knowledge 
quickening charms in order to grow in the 
For their father, knowledge was power and 
power was money 
Their father was determined to pay any price
to gain knowledge so that he could prosper 
There was a rumour that their father's first 
child who has a condition that made her 
unable to sit by herself, talk or function 
as a human being was not born that way, 
according to their father's first wife, their 
father was a bricklayer as at when she 
married him and they were very poor 
One day, their father told her he was 
traveling to Ekiti to see some people who 
could show him the way out of poverty 
According to the woman, the day their 
father returned from Ekiti, their child 
developed a strange ailment and
within a week became twisted inside out 
The woman was so sure their father had 
used their daughter for some form of ritual 
that she moved out of the house and 
divorced their father immediately 
Their father does not talk about the episode
 at all 
He does not allow the woman to do
anything with the family even though she 
had one other child for him who was supposed 
to be his firstborn son 
They were all forbidden to have anything to 
do with the woman and her son 
Although the woman had remarried and had 
other children for another man, she didn't
keep away from their father and family for 
reasons best known to her 
She would come for family functions involving 
their extended families and play her duty as 
part of the household wives 
They later realized that she was doing 
this because their father had become 
wealthy and she wanted to secure her 
children's inheritance from their father 
Their father was known among the initiates 
and his customers as Ekun (The Tiger), 
this was due to his spiritual exploits which 
were obvious for all to see 
Their father considered his work as 
legitimate and something to be proud of 
right from childhood, all the children and 
his father's wives were exposed to their 
father's works 
Their father as their teacher and coach 
They were his production line 
He taught them how to differentiate one 
leaf or plant from the other, one animal 
or insect from the other and how to 
prepare all the materials for "medicine", 
concoction, sacrifice and protection 
As they grew older, their father 
systematically exposed them to more 
When he was nine years old, he was 
exposed to his first serious bout of seeing 
beyond the physical realm. 
He had overheard somewhere that the 
rheum in the eye of a dog could make 
one see beyond the physical realm 
It was a case of curiosity and trying to 
be like his father 
His father's mouth was never silent 
He was always chanting something or 
saying something under his breath 
They all believe it was an extramundane 
communication of sorts between his father 
and some extra-terrestrial powers 
He knew his father was always seeing things 
He had heard things moving of their own 
accord in his father's power room before 
and felt a sudden chill in the house 
sometimes for no reason 
He got some rheum off his dog's eyes and 
put it on his eyes in the evening, he had 
nightmares all night 
When he woke up in the morning, the 
nightmares didn't go away 
He kept seeing things everywhere 
Strange things... Like walking flowers 
and flying snails 
It was horrible
He had almost run mad before he confessed 
what he did 
His father washed his eyes with some 
secret water and chanted some incantations 
upon him He slept off and when he woke up 
things were restored to normal 
His father wasn't mad with him 
In fact, the next day, his father took him
into the power room, sat him down and 
asked him to describe the things he saw 
His father said "The demons work in 
mysterious ways and can sometimes 
show to children what adults have been 
praying and working hard to see for years" 
The rheum thing didn't work for the other 
children they all saw how his father treated 
him like some royalty and tried it to get 
some attention too 
It didn't work It made some of them accuse 
him of lying 
His father told him they were just being 
His father said he had tried it too and didn't 
see anything but he knows the demons 
favour some people more than others 
He was the only one allowed to enter his 
father's power room to sweep, clean and 
prepare the place before his father begins 
his daily consultations from that day 
He was the warlock, the one the demons 
favoured far above the rest!
His father's clients came from all over 
The lazy poor aiming to get rich quick 
The hardworking poor praying for favor 
The average hoping to breakout of obscurity 
Parents with troubled children 
The afflicted, the ambitious, politicians, 
policemen and soldiers seeking protection 
from untimely death in the line of duty 
Women looking for children, husbands, 
jobs, enchanted substance to hypnotize 
and fleece men of their hard-earned 
money and so on 
They came from all walks of life 
His father told him specialization was a 
The crowd was a testament to
the potency of his depth as a sorcerer 
He started learning the chants and 
When he turned 15 he was awakened 
one night (This wasn't 
strange as his father usually did one 
concoction or the other for the family 
as prescribed during his consultations) 
but it was different
Curiously, the only other person 
awakened to partake of the ritual was 
his 12 years old sister 
The first daughter of his father's third wife 
The woman was known to be a witch and 
given that she had not done any 
extra-mundane feat like him, he wondered 
why she was chosen until their father 
began to say some incantations on the 
eggs they were being fed 
They were told to swallow the eggs whole 
(It must not touch their teeth) 
They both did When they were done, 
his father told the two of them that they 
had been chosen to work as partners 
as they learn the work from him 
Their father made them swear never to 
deny each other anything or allow 
anything come in-between them 
They swore an oath to it 
From that day, their father started giving 
them tasks to accomplish 
Training them to see the beyond and 
open portals for divination and medium 
Their father told them he paid a lot of 
money and trades a lot of influence daily 
with other spiritual power brokers because 
he started alone without any support 
It was one of the reasons he married a witch, 
so that his negotiations with other power 
brokers can be easier 
His step-sister was supposed to be his 
He was supposed to be the heir apparent 
to the throne of his father 
Everything was going smoothly 
He was respected, even feared by many 
Until his sister met the Brother in Jeans and 
T-shirt on a trip to Lagos in May 2018
Their father had told the two of them
that the deities would always demand
something for something from them
They couldn't get anything free
They both had also experienced this
When his sister turned seventeen she
started having a strange dream
In the dream, she saw herself and her
brother having sex in a pool of blood
She had the dream several times
She asked her mother what it meant
Her mother said it might be the deities
preparing her for what was to come
She and her brother might have to have
sex to be empowered fully for their 
journey in the occult
The thought didn't sit well with her
but she never told anybody her
misgivings on the issue
She was just hoping it wouldn't come
to that even though she was convinced
it would most likely be required
That year she gained admission to
one of the polytechnics and went
to shop for clothes, beddings and
other things that she would take to 
One of their cousins living in Arepo
offered to go shopping with her
They went shopping on a Friday morning
Their house was located three buildings
away from a church in Arepo
The church was holding a vigil
That night, his sister could not sleep
She said something was just stirring
in her spirit and she was very restless
So she got out of bed and dressed up
The next thing she remembered was
walking into the church
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was
That was all!
Her sister gave her life to Christ and
was delivered from witchcraft
It felt like being robbed in the dream
and waking up to find the said property
had disappeared
When his sister returned home, everything
had changed
She was singing and jumping everywhere
like a bozo
It was as if she had been infected
with a strange atmosphere
Everything she touched got contaminated
Their father was almost 70 years old at
the time and afflicted with stroke
It was finally time for him to take the 
reins and his wing-woman was clipped
by one pastor
His father had always told him witchcraft
was unreliable because it was not built on
knowledge but on sheer wickedness
It is a realm that one can be invited into
or taken out of by a superior power's whim
A sorcerer is no witch
He is a harnesser of power from several
sources through knowledge and its 
He had seen Christians before, several
Many of them, even pastors, consulted 
his father but he had never seen anybody
who could do what was done to his sister
Take away her powers and leave her sane
and bubbling about as if she had no care
in the world?
He felt he needed to meet the pastor,
know what he was really about
Find out how deep he was spiritually
Everything his father had was fast
turning to dust 
The stroke killed his father's business
The conversion of his sister truncated
his father's handover plans
He called his cousin in Arepo and made
some inquiries
He got the phone number of the brother
in Jeans and T-shirt
He called and got an appointment
He prepared deliberately
He did many protective charms and
He also took along deadly rings and 
charmed belts
They met on a Wednesday at the office
of the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
in Magodo, Lagos
As soon as he got into the Teen's church
where they met
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt walked
up to him and hugged him like an old
He said "The Holy Spirit told me you need
a hug badly"
He couldn't explain it
He started to cry like a baby
The incantations faded, his malicious 
intention faded, he just cried
Afterward, he fell on his knees and
asked the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
to pray for him
He became a born again Christian and
was filled with the Holy Spirit
Perhaps he lost his courage or was
overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit
He couldn't say
He didn't mention what happened
to the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
until a week later via Whatsapp chat
He was shocked that neither of them
was affected by the charms on him
especially because they hugged for
a while before praying
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
told him idols are nothing in the Kingdom
of God's own son, Jesus Christ and the
same goes for charms, incantations,
spells and so on
The Bible says "Nothing shall by any
means hurt you"

PS: I was told there was a cake maker
who follows my stories and believes she
can use diabolical powers to see the 
I saw this discussion yesterday on a 
Whatsapp page and it made me laugh
There is a booby trap in this story for
I said it over the piece as i wrote it
She will lose that ability from today
and so will any other who deliberately
court demonic pathways as an access
into the extra-mundane
Nothing of such works for you again
It shall remain forever as i have decreed
Jesus loves you and wants to empower
Come to Him today

GSW's notes: Christians should only
discuss one power
That is the power of the Holy Spirit
Acknowledging even faintly the claims
of another to "power" is buying the 
person's lies
The brother and sister whose story
I wrote are part of the PSSBC family
and are growing daily in the Lord
These were vessels deliberately
prepared for darkness and yet 
hijacked by the Holy Spirit without
as much as a whimper from hell!
Don't be quick to believe people's
claims to any power or repeat it
even in casual talks
There is no other power in heaven
and on earth and underneath the
earth apart from the Name of JESUS!


Announcement: Night of Glory holds on July 31