The Anchor that holds
It matters where you anchor your faith in Christ. If you were taught that God is only good to you when you impress him or if you live a “holy” life, you have only been taught religion.
Your faith must be in Jesus. Regardless of where you find yourself, you are safe in His grace!
A pastor friend who was very anointed suddenly discovered his son couldn’t walk.
He took the child to the hospital and the doctors said the boy would never walk again.
This is a man who conducts healing crusades with signs and wonders following.
He began to speak to the leg, day and night.
It didn’t stop him from preaching.
It didn’t stop him from laying hands on the sick and healing the sick.
He didn’t become self conscious.
He didn’t say “How can I pray for others when my own child is sick?”
He didn’t shift his gaze from Jesus.
It was a very emotional season for the family and it didn’t happen overnight but that child walked. The child was completely healed
There was another pastor. His child was born healthy. The child fell from the stairs and broke his leg. Child was wrongly diagnosed at the hospital and pumped with all sorts of chemicals while they were trying to cure him.
By the time the real issue was discovered, the child had become a mess.
From the moment the child got sick, the pastor lost his faith. He kept asking for forgiveness of sin. He kept saying God was punishing him for something.
He kept thinking nobody would listen to him because he had a child in the hospital.
He didn’t act upon his faith in Jesus, he acted upon his faith in himself and his performance or acceptability before God. He kept thinking God allowed the devil to afflict him like job (God does not do this to the church of Jesus Christ).
I met with some family friends recently and we started talking about this second pastor.
I was told he took this child to a religious camp two years ago and deliberately abandoned him there. He did this with the knowledge of his wife.
Three days later, the wife started crying that she wanted her son back. They went to that same camp ground, searched every inch of it and couldn’t locate the boy again till today.
My heart broke when I heard what he did.
I understand the pain and frustration he felt and the pressure he was under but his faith was wrongly placed.
I say this because I had been under that same pressure before.
I gave birth to a child who from birth refused to thrive, walk, eat, act normal etcetera.
I spent millions trying to diagnose the problem. It was terrible!
I carried her on my laps every night and prayed in tongues from 9-10PM.
I did this daily for almost two years while we were still trying to find a medical cure.
One night, she roused and started walking.
Till today her transformation baffled every known medical indices.
I didn’t refrain from ministering because of it.
I didn’t see myself as unworthy of my calling because my daughter had an issue.
I didn’t blame God for it.
I knew the devil did that and I have a God who could turn it around
Her testimony has been shared all over the world.
I put my faith in Jesus, my anchor to the ground, my hope and firm foundation.
He will never let me down.
Where have you placed your hope sir?
Where have you placed your hope ma?
In yourself?
In your performance?
Are you one of those who when something negative happens you begin to “check yourself” to see if you are still in right standing with God? Because if you do anything wrong God can strike you with affliction and disease?
Were you taught that things will work for you only if you live a “Holy Life” and you believe this?
Have you forgotten you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus?
Where is your anchor?
Will your anchor hold?
A lot of Christians don’t understand the basic difference between faith and faithfulness
Some are faithful in service and church attendance but they cannot demonstrate faith when it comes to issues of life.
You will hear them say, “I pay my tithe”, “I don’t miss church service.” “I clean the church seats, I always roll on the floor seven times every Sunday.”
Such believers are quick to cave at the sight of trouble.
My mother was such for many years until my older sister was involved in an accident in March 1993 and we had to spend several months in the hospital.
It shook her faith but she learnt her lesson.
She came out of that experience a brand new Christian who understood the difference between exercising faith and being faithful in service.
If you put your anchor in your holiness, you will lose out!
Will your anchor hold?
Are you one lf those Christians sowing seeds out of fear of the future, like Job?!
God does not accept gifts born of fear, any pastor using fear to coerce you to give is a thief taking advantage of you emotionally.
Such a seed has no spiritual value or protection for you
Job experienced what he feared the most despite giving offerings every night.
If this is how you have come to anchor your faith, hoist that anchor now!
It is time to put your anchor in Jesus, it is time to set your faith in the One who has called you with a Holy calling
It Is time!
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