The Elder

The Elder


Everything from him was gone, it has been 
taken, he has been disarmed. 

His passion burning like eternal green fire 
fueled on his lust for worship and hatred 
for the sons of the elder has been tamed.

He thought on for days. His legion of fallen 
armies were startled and looking at him for 
further instructions, they knew they could 
never recover from what they witnessed 
many days back. 
No, it wasn't an equal fight not even up to 
a thousandth of a fraction!

Now that he's powerless, he still has to 
create an illusion of power. 
He began scheming and strategizing. 
He knew what to do!

A man in the dark room who refuses to 
flip the switch for the light to come on 
is not different from the man who does 
not have power at all.

He will capitalize on their lack of knowledge, 
illusion of knowledge, and fraught in doctrines.

The sons have been imbued with all authorities 
and powers, they are above angels in hierarchy 
in the kingdom. 
They are like the elder himself! 

Yet, they wallow in the stinking mud of 
oppression and hopelessness. 
Their lives do not show a difference to that 
of the fallen first Adam. 
They lack knowledge, because they refuse 
to learn to read the written manuals given 
to them by the elder with their spirits. 
The letter kills but the Spirit gives life.

Only if the sons could truly learn to know 
who they are from the manual.

With their words, they would roll away the 
sky and unveil the snowy hidden mountains 
bearing its roots from the world beyond.
They could create just like the elder and 
speak things into being.
They could command the sons of the fallen 
and cast him away. Yet, irony is laid bare in 
the cloud with rainy fumes choking them: 
the smallest of what they could do -- 
casting away the sons of the fallen -- 
seems to be their greatest fear.

Words are meant to be honey in their mouths 
to minister peace, liberation, and salvation. 
Yet, the schemer has replaced honey for mara-- 
bitter waters overflowing endlessly and 
wrecking havoc through their paths in 

Yet, I see the sparkle of recent, the red 
embers of fire is glowing. 
A bit reminiscent of what the elder's 
disciples had, but there's something 
different here. 
There's an awakening like never before 
right in this generation.

I see the new generations that have the 
eternal life of the elder doing what exactly 
the elder can do- raising the dead, 
speaking words of life, asserting their 
They have fire in their bellies like dragons! 

You can see them too!

They are young displaying the true knowledge 
of the manual on all platforms. 
They are unafraid and bold because they 
know who they are!

Ah, the sons of the elder above are excited. 
If only you could perceive, you would notice 
a surge in their numbers here on earth like 
never before, as they are preparing for the end.

Surely, it's closer than ever, and we will be 

Gen 22:7
"I see the wood and the fire, but where is 
the lamb...?"

The word is available, the Spirit is available but 
are you available?

John 1:12-13 NIV
12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who 
believed in his name, he gave the right to 
become children of God — [13] children born 
not of natural descent, nor of human decision 
or a husband’s will, but born of God.

The elder -- Jesus -- waits longingly for you. 
He won't judge you because he loves you very 
Just come as you are.

Tai Falodun