Walking with the Holy Spirit
You can be guided by the Holy Spirit 24/7.
Here are five steps to help you learn how
to walk in the spirit.
What’s the first thing you think of when
you wake up in the morning? A cup of coffee?
How comfortable your bed is?
Your list of things to do?
Every decision and step we take each day is
driven by something—a growling stomach,
a sense of responsibility, a desire for success.
Your day is determined by one of two
driving forces—your flesh or your spirit.
What’s the default setting and the natural
thing to do? To let theflesh control you.
The flesh is loud and demanding.
It likes to have its own way, and it sure doesn’t
give up easily. It may not seem like it, but you
have control over what controls you. You aren’t
meant to let your flesh rule your life—you’re meant
to walk in the spirit and live on a higher level,
where victory reigns and righteousness rules.
You can walk in the spirit and be guided
by the Holy Spirit 24/7.
Do you want to know how to walk in the spirit?
You can do it! The Spirit of God is in you right now.
You may not feel like it, but
He is there—speaking to you, directing you to
freedom and blessing. God wants you to
operate in the realm of the spirit—not in
this natural world—because that’s how
you live the life you’ve always dreamed of.
That’s how you claim victory—by walking in the spirit.
If you’re feeling discouraged and defeated
—there is a better quality of life available
to you when you walk in the spirit, but it won’t
happen overnight. It is a transformation from
one degree of glory to another and one move
of obedience to another. To begin enjoying the
blessings of a Spirit-led life, here are five steps
to help you learn how to walk in the spirit.
Step No. 1: Walk in the Spirit by Throwing
Off Hindrances
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such
a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so
easily entangles. And let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us.”
–Hebrews 12:1, NIV
Notice this verse doesn’t say anything
about gently removing things one at a time.
No! It says to throw them off. If you’ve ever
seen someone who has come in contact
with fire ants or bees, you know they don’t
stop and consider whether they should
remove them, and they certainly don’t do
so slowly. They make a vigorous and
determined effort to get those pests away from
them. Why? Because they know the damage
and pain that could be inflicted if left
So, don’t sit around wondering if you should
stop sinning or cast the devil out of your life
—get rid of it! You weren’t created to be a
slave to anything.
What is a hindrance?
Anything that is out of line with the Word of
God is a hindrance. That’s why Satan is so
determined to strap hindrances onto your
spirit. He wants to slow you down and keep
you from reaching THE BLESSING.
Hindrances can include any of the following:
Sexual vice, impurity, unholy desires, greed
Anger, rage, bad feelings toward others,
cursing, slander, foul-mouth abuse and
shameful utterances
Adultery, fornication, idolatry, witchcraft,
hatred, strife, envy, murders, drunkenness
and anything like them (Colossians 3:5-6;
Galatians 5:19).
How can you throw off hindrances?
“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus.”
–Hebrews 12:2
To get rid of those things that are slowing
you down, and to walin the spirit, the natural
world has to become small in your heart and
mind, while the things of God become bigger
and bigger. If you have a sin habit in your life
—something you know isn’t pleasing to God
—now is the time to rid your life of it as fast
as you would get away from fire ants and bees.
Maybe there are some things you watch
on television you shouldn’t be watching.
Things that deplete your spirit.
There are times when you just need to say “no”
out loud when something is displeasing to the Father.
Even shout it out if you need to.
Say, “No, I do not receive that.
I cast down every high imagination that tries
to exalt itself against God.”
Allow the Holy Spirit to correct and guide you
as you work toward walking in the spirit every day.
He will help you not only to separate yourself from
the world, but to desire the things of God more
than anything else.
Step No. 2: Walk in the Spirit by Sowing to the Spirit
“He who sows to the Spirit will of the
Spirit reap everlasting life.” –Galatians 6:8, NKJV
The New Testament in Modern English by
J. B. Phillips says, “A man’s harvest in life will
depend entirely on what he sows.” This means,
if you want to walk in the spirit, you can’t sow
your time to the world. You’ve got to sow to the
spirit to reap the harvest of a blessed and fulfilled
life—lacking nothing.
How do you sow to the spirit?
With your time. Many Christians don’t grow
because they don’t get the Word into themselves.
If you don’t give God time, natural voices will
overwhelm His Spirit in your life.
Sure, you have things you need to do in the
natural—but they shouldn’t take up all your time.
Give your spirit the opportunity to feed on the
Word of God, fellowship with Him, and build yourself
up in faith. It doesn’t take a lot of time.
Kenneth E. Hagin once prophesied the importance
of giving the Lord a tithe of your time—just an hour
or two each day. You might say, I don’t have an hour!
But the truth is—you’ll make time for anything if
it’s important enough. There are no shortcuts to
the good life.
When you sow to the spirit, it will take you
into a realm where you’ve never been before.
In fact, when you get to a place where the truth
of God’s Word is so real, the Spirit of God will
rise up on the inside of you and you’ll do things
you never would have done before.
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There was a Christian woman who was on a bus
in Washington, D.C. At one point during her trip,
some men got on the bus and started robbing people
one at a time—taking money, jewelry and possessions.
But when they got to this little woman, the power of
God came upon her and she said, “In the Name of
Jesus, take your hands off me!” It just leapt out of
her without her even thinking about it. Well, those
men didn’t bother her—in fact, they got off the bus
as fast as they could!
She was walking in the spirit that day, and
that’s the kind of power available to you when
you walk in the spirit.
Step No. 3: Walk in the Spirit by Presenting Your
Body as a Living Sacrifice
“Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you
may prove what is that good and acceptable and
perfect will of God.”—Romans 12:1-2, NKJV
At first, that sounds like a big commitment. It is!
But that’s what Jesus did for us—He presented
His body a living sacrifice. But what does this really
mean for us? How do we present our body as a
living sacrifice to God?
Lay aside the things of the world.
This means being willing to give up activities,
friends or habits that don’t match God’s best for
our lives—walking away from anything that is not
pleasing to the Lord.
Obey righteousness, not the flesh. The reason people
get so good at sin is because they practice it.
For example, a person doesn’t become an alcoholic
the first time he takes a drink. He had to practice
drinking until the flesh was trained to demand it.
To become good at obeying the Holy Spirit,
we must practice.
Make a daily decision. You make a decision to
put on the Spirit each day the same way you
would put on a coat. Pastor George Pearsons
presents himself to the Lord as a living sacrifice,
according to Romans 12:1, by speaking the
following declaration first thing every morning:
Father, I present my body to You as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to You, for this is my reasonable
service—my divine worship for You.
I command my body to submit to my spirit.
Father, according to Hebrews 12:1-2, I lay aside
every weight and the sin that so easily entangles
me so that I may run with patience the race that
is set before me, looking unto Jesus, who is the
Author and Finisher of my faith.
In Jesus’ Name, I am taking command of my body.
Body, mind, you can’t tell me what to do or think.
Spirit man, you’re in charge. Body and mind,
you submit to the spirit.
As you continue to present yourself to the Lord,
it may take some time for things to straighten out,
but if you’re willing to be obedient, it won’t take long.
It would be backward for us to say we’ll get things
right in our lives first, and then walk in the spirit.
As we obey the Holy Spirit’s leading first, the other
things in our life will straighten out.
Step No. 4: Walk in the Spirit by Praying in
the Spirit Daily
“For we do not know what prayer to offer nor
how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the
Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication
and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable
yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.”
–Romans 8:26, AMPC
The most powerful way to begin walking in the
spirit is to start praying in the spirit—it is the
gateway to living life above what you have ever
known. Praying in the spirit accomplishes so
much all at once.
It charges and strengthens your spirit.
It enables you to overcome the weakness of the flesh
—any bad habits.
It makes it easier to receive from God and keep
what you have received.
It strengthens your ability to resist the devil.
It causes your inner man to rise up in adversity.
It reveals things to your spirit you could never know
by your own ability.
If you want to go higher with God and grow
spiritually, start praying in the spirit an hour
every day. As a result, you will see so much power
in your life, you’ll never want to make a decision
without praying in the spirit again. It is the secret
to revelation in our lives. In fact, the Bible tells us
God will reveal mysteries to us when we pray in the
spirit (1 Corinthians 14:2).
There was a church in Russia that was holding
underground meetings. But, every time they met,
the KGB would come and break it up because they
had an informant in their meetings. So, the pastor
finally told his congregation that he was not going
to announce the time and location of the next meeting.
Instead, they would have to pray in the spirit to find
out. At the next meeting, every person but one showed
up in the right place. That’s the power of walking in the
Step No. 5: Walk in the Spirit by Obeying the Promptings
of the Holy Spirit
“The sheep follow him, for they know his voice.”
–John 10:4, ESV
The Holy Spirit is ALWAYS speaking to you.
There’s an answer to every problem you’re facing
today—whether financial, health or family related.
The worst problem in your marriage, health or
finances is only one word from the Lord away from
a complete turnaround. How can you access these
answers? Through heeding the voice of the Holy Spirit.
The question is: How far do you want to go in
your walk with God?
So many times, people will say I’d go to Africa
or China if God asked me to, yet they won’t obey
Him in the small things. They won’t forgive someone;
they won’t stop watching ungodly television programming;
they won’t spend time with Him daily.
That’s what happened to Peter. He told Jesus,
“I’d die for You,” yet when Jesus simply asked him
to watch and pray with Him one hour, he fell asleep
Everything God tells you to do is important.
So, tune in to the Spirit of the Lord in all things,
even when He’s telling you something that seems
small, or something you don’t want to hear.
Confess this every day: “I hear the voice of the Good
Shepherd, and a stranger’s voice I will not follow”
(John 10:5).
When you obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit,
you will be in the right place at the right time,
doing the right thing with the right people.
And you will have success and victory in
everything you do.
When you take these five steps toward walking
in the spirit, there will be no limit to what you
can achieve. You will stop letting your flesh
control you and begin living a Spirit-led life
of peace, joy and blessing beyond anything you’ve
ever hoped or imagined. You will live the God kind
of life right here on earth!
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